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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47
Ava desperately wished that she could kill this fellow with her death glare. Damien pretended not to notice Ava’s expression and
he continued to scoop the chicken soup languidly to feed her. “I don’t want it,” she smiled stiffly and said it loathingly. Damien still
insisted on bringing the chicken soup to her mouth and replied warmly, “t know you are in a bad mood and you have a poor
appetite after you lost your baby. Anyway, you still have to take good care of yourself. Don’t make me worry too much.” “What the
hell are you doing?” Damien smiled but stayed silent. Thus, Ava was really befuddled and she couldn’t seem to pierce through
his thoughts at all. However, her colleagues had started a heated discussion. “Mr. Radbury is so thoughtful to Ms. Nagel.” “Oh, I
can’t bear to see their loving interactions. I didn’t expect that Mr. Radbury can be so affectionate, he is such a good man.” The
colleagues were talking about Damien. Their words of admiration towards Damien sounded so sycophantic that it made Ava
uncomfortable. She couldn’t mention that Damien and she were in the midst of getting a divorce in front of so many people.
Not to mention... But why would Damien do this? Didn’t he hate proclaiming their relationship publicly? What was wrong with
him? A colleague said abruptly, “No wonder the Radbury Group outsourced such a large advertising project to our company! It
was all because of you, Ms. Nagel!” Ava was taken aback by that colleague’s words. So, that outsourced project was not a
coincidence, but it was done intentionally? Meanwhile, Damien didn’t deny that statement. Instead, he said, “Thank you,
everyone, for taking care of Ava when she was in the company.” “Oh, it is nothing much. In fact, Ms. Nagel always treats us well.
The matters in the administration department are very trivial anyway. Furthermore, the reason why our small company can
survive in the market is all due to Ms. Nagel!” Ava couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed when her colleagues commended
her. Although she was an executive, she was just a small fry in such an insignificant company. After her colleagues left, Ava
pushed the chicken soup away immediately. Then, she questioned Damien coldly, “What have you got up your sleeves?” Then,

Damien went to close the door and a sharp glint flashed across his eyes. “The advertising project that your company received
from the Radbury Group is the most lucrative project of the year, right?”
“Damien, what do you mean?” She could see a trace of slyness in his eyes, so she was a little alarmed. “If you are not here to
sign the divorce agreement, then we don’t have much to talk about. So, please leave now.”
Her facial expression changed when she felt mild discomfort in her lower abdomen. He chuckled, “Everyone knows that I helped
your company because of you. So, what will happen to the project as well as your company if we split up now? “Damien, are you
threatening me?” He chuckled lightly without saying a word. Damien could destroy their small advertising company without much
effort if he wanted to. Worst of all, he had the power to chase her away from City A, and even from the country. He could make
sure that she wouldn’t be able to find a place to settle down. I It was undoubtedly a stark threat to announce her status as his
wife to the public. “What are your ulterior motives for doing this?” Ava became even more nervous when Damien approached
her. “Weren’t you hoping to divorce me earlier on? So, why on earth are you doing this now? He leaned over and raised her chin
frivolously, “There is no way you can leave me and live happily ever after.”

Ava was relatively healthy, so she could be discharged soon.
Her mother came to pick her up when she left the hospital.
Damien didn’t turn up on that day, but that was fine. Ava wouldn’t be so annoyed without him around.
Jessica couldn’t help but ask on the way home, “Ava, are you really planning to divorce Damien?” “Mum, I have no choice.”
Jessica was also very angry during the first few days after Ava had a miscarriage, and she even kicked Damien out of the ward
that day. However, Jessica’s attitude changed within these few days.
Ava knew pretty well that there were times where Damien entered her ward right after her mother left. So, Damien and Jessica
must have discussed something beforehand.

“Mum, what benefits have you reaped from him?” Ava asked directly.
Jessica’s expression became a little unnatural, “What nonsense is that? I... How could I simply accept gifts from the Radbury
family? You are my biological daughter and that family had hurt you terribly, so of course, I’ll have your back!” Ava looked down
at the pristine branded bag that Jessica was carrying, which was undoubtedly a gift from Damien. Jessica would never be able to
afford something like that with the living expenses given by Ava’s father.
It was so easy to bribe her mother with a single bag.
“Mum, don’t you think it’s weird?”
“What’s weird?” “He used to hate us so much. However, when I’ve finally agreed to the divorce, he is the one who refuses to let
me go.” Jessica replied without hesitation, “There isn’t anything weird about that since both of you have been together for a long
time. Perhaps he is remorseful after he spent time with another woman while you suffered from a miscarriage. Perhaps he
decided to come back to you because he had a change of heart.” Then, both Jessia and Ava got into the cab at the hospital
entrance. Then, Jessica quickly informed the driver to head towards the Radbury family’s villa. Ava stopped Jessica instantly and
asked the driver to send them to the garden community. “What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you going back to your own house,
but coming to my place instead?”
“That is the Radbury family’s house, not mine. I don’t belong in the Nagel family either. The only house that belongs to me is
yours.” Jessica couldn’t say much when she saw her daughter’s determination. Then, she decided to discuss this matter further
after they reached home.
As for whether Ava would return to the Radbury family, she would decide on that matter in the future. “Hey, do you know the
reason why I worked so hard? When you are small, i racked my brain and found a way to get your father to recognize you and let
you go back to the Nagel family. However, you moved out of the Nagel family as soon as you turned 18. Then, you finally
managed to marry Damien after enduring so many hardships, but you are asking for a divorce now.” Meanwhile, Ava leaned her
head on the car window and pretended to be asleep. When they reached home, Ava got out of the car with her mother’s help.
Then, she saw a familiar figure standing at the entrance even before she could step into the house. “You are back? Open the.

door.” He leaned on the security door and asked with his usual tone. Obviously, this was his first time here. “Damien, why are
you here?”