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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

While Aberama served the dishes, he noticed Joaquin following behind Katherine. He

couldn't help narrowing his alluring eyes, asking the young woman icily, "Why is he still


"For a meal," Katherine answered concisely as she plated the pasta for everyone, handing

a plate to Joaquin after he grabbed a seat.

Aberama, on the other hand, was rendered speechless.

At the end of the meal, Katherine volunteered to clear the table. Meanwhile, Aberama shot

a glare at Joaquin and warned, "You and Kathy aren't a good match. You know nothing

about her, and you don't know what she needs or what kind of man suits her. Let her go,


To that, Joaquin quirked a brow plainly while giving Aberama a sidelong glance. "She

probably isn't into s*ssies."

To think I'd lose to Joaquin in an argument! Aberama was so livid that he was heaving.

After chucking all the plates and cutlery into the dishwasher, Katherine came out to find a

livid Aberama and a composed Joaquin. She knew at once that the two had clearly

bickered, and Joaquin had won.

However, she didn't want to bother herself with the childish men.

She had to make a trip to Theodore's research institute later in the day as the clinical trial

results for the experimental medicine had come out, and this result concerned if the

medicine could be used practically.

Once the medicine could be launched and used widely in all the hospitals, she'd be able to

bag a fortune.

"Now that you guys have eaten, please leave. I still have to head out for something later

in the day." Katherine waved her hand and shooed the guys away unforgivingly.

"Where to? I'll give you a ride." Joaquin stood up conscientiously, then added before

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Katherine could turn him down, "It's my duty as your fiancé."

Katherine looked at her so-called fiancé with narrowed eyes, desperately wanting to give

him a solid smack in the face.

I swear I would never have agreed to this marriage if I had known this man not only has

two perfectly functioning legs, but is also trouble-filled! I've really shot myself in the foot!

"That won't be necessary. Someone's picking me up." Katherine's impassive voice traveled

to Joaquin's ears just when he thought he had won against Aberama again since the young

woman had fixed her gaze on him for some time.

Joaquin paused his steps subtly as his gaze turned inexplicable.

He was so used to having things his way that he honestly thought Katherine was

somewhat of a ty; she was the first woman that would go against his every order and


Katherine didn't bother herself with them but instead returned to her room to get

changed. Coincidentally, Theodore's call came, and she answered it while heading out the

door. "I'm heading out as we speak, Professor Muller. Have you arrived? Wait for me at the

entrance. I'll be out real quick."

Joaquin had an acute sense of hearing, and he heard the words 'Professor Muller'.

However, just as he wanted to ask Katherine, the young woman had already left.

After a split-second hesitation, he chased after her, and Aberama followed behind him, not

wanting to be outdone.

It wasn't until Katherine stood in front of the elevator that she noticed the two men had

been following behind her, one looking more unwilling to admit defeat than the other.

At that, she pursed her lips in silence until the elevator arrived and stepped in.

Needless to say, Joaquin and Aberama continued to follow Katherine, one standing on

each of her sides like Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

"Just how old are you guys?!" Katherine looked to her left and right, feeling utterly


To think the Joaquin Levisay would have such a childish side to him!

Both Joaquin and Aberama arrogantly raised their chins, but neither answered her.

Then again, Katherine didn't want to bother herself with them either, striding out as soon

as the elevator reached the first floor.

There was a luxury car, specifically a Rolls-Royce, with the license plate H.A00000 parked

by the entrance. Katherine knocked on the window, and the door opened immediately,

allowing her to get in.

Meanwhile, Joaquin fell into silence when he saw the car.

There weren't many who owned a Rolls-Royce in Hovington. In fact, there were only three:

the highest authority of Hovington, an old, retired political dignitary, and Theodore Muller.

Theodore held a magnificently high status in Hovington, and it wouldn't be an

exaggeration either to say that he held a magnificently high status in Cechirus and even

the world. He was a biological expert through and through, one that used his biology

knowledge in clinical practice, coming up with many new drugs and curing many local


The car's owner… Joaquin mused as he looked at the departing vehicle. As he stood a

distance away, he could only vaguely see a row of zeros on the license plate.

Only one person in the whole of Cechirus who would dare use such a bold license plate—

Professor Theodore Muller.

What relationship does Katherine have with the professor? To think the man would come

and pick her up himself!

Joaquin honestly thought Katherine was getting increasingly mysterious. The more he

engaged with her, the more he realized she was filled with unknowns, so much so that one

could never understand her completely.

Just when one thought they had unveiled her mask, they'd very quickly realize there was

still another one! Nonetheless, the feeling of revealing the truth was honestly addictive.

As Aberama watched the Rolls-Royce leave, his enthusiasm went along with it. "Hey,

Joaquin, want to chill at mine?" he suggested while swinging his car keys.

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Joaquin took a gander at him, then nodded in agreement after some thought.

With that, Aberama went to get his car in the car park and drove Joaquin out of Soulin

International and into an upscale residential neighborhood in less than half an hour.

One might not be able to purchase a residency by Soulin International with however much

money they offer, but anyone could buy a house in the residential area Aberama was

living in as long as they could afford it.

Meanwhile, Joaquin grew increasingly curious as he looked at the surroundings of the

residential area before shifting his gaze to the frivolous young man next to him.

"How did you two meet?" Joaquin only casually asked after they got out of the car.

"Who? Kathy?" Aberama glanced over his shoulder at Joaquin after locking his car.

"Yes." Joaquin nodded in affirmation.

"Well, it's a long story. We've been through hell together, and I saved her life once,"

Aberama answered smugly.

However, Joaquin didn't believe him entirely.

Katherine was no plain Jane. Even back when the Cornells cast her out five years ago, she

probably wasn't as simple as she looked to be.

It seemed that a bloody storm would come following her return.

"Joaquin, I was serious when I said you and Kathy aren't a good match. You wouldn't have

the slightest idea what she has been through nor what she has borne. Also, you're a

beacon for trouble. If you insist on being with her, you'll only add to her troubles. Well,

unless your purpose is to use her as a decoy to keep that woman by your side from harm's

way. But you also have to think this through; Kathy isn't one to accept betrayals,

especially when it comes to a romantic relationship. The second she finds out that you've

lied to her, you can forget about ever receiving her forgiveness," Aberama warned as he

looked gravely at Joaquin.

Meanwhile, the latter didn't make much of it—never did he imagine that Aberama's

warning would come true one day, though.