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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 552
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"I will not get angry," Matthew said, grinding his teeth. Seeing her hesitation, he was more confirmed

that the sketches were

perfunctory. "Give them to me."

"All right," she said, handing over the sketches. After handing over the sketches, she moved a few

steps backwards, where she

felt relatively safer to stay.

When Matthew saw the first picture, his eyes almost popped out of his socket. He raised his head and

looked at her in disbelief.

Immediately, she took a few steps back again subconsciously, feeling like she had committed a grave


When he turned over the pages and saw the second picture, no one could tell the kind of expression on

his face. Harper even

couldn't feel his breath. She couldn't help but wipe the sweat from her forehead. It seemed that she

was in danger.

Matthew went through the sketches slowly and carefully. Seeing that there wasn't any expression of

anger or rage on his face,

Harper couldn't recognize what was going on in his mind.

"Matthew, darling, are you happy with my sketches?" Harper asked, as her eyes were filled with light-

hearted flirtation.

After going through all of her sketches, Matthew slowly put away them carefully. Then he looked at

Harper and said, "Yes, very

happy, especially with the postures inside."

His words were indeed a surprise for her. 'What? Why didn't things go as expected? Shouldn't he be

very angry?' Harper thought

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"Come here, dear," Matthew said, waving at her.

Harper took a few steps back out of instinct. How could he stay calm after what she had done? In her

drawings, she pictured him

as a male character in pornography. She believed that he was just playing a trick by saying that he

wasn't angry.

Thinking of this, Harper ran straight towards the door, hoping to escape. But Matthew pounced upon

her in lightning speed and held her in his arms, saying, "My darling, tonight let's try all those gestures in

your sketches. Otherwise, don't you think it would be a waste of this picture book you drew for me?"

"Matthew, I'm sorry." Harper swiftly begged for mercy. "You're right, darling. It's my entire fault. I didn't

realize that we had that many sex positions to be tried. I will certainly give it a shot tonight. Don't worry,

my darling, I swear that I'll try all those gestures."

It never occurred to Harper that things would end up like this. She just wanted to make fun of him, but

forgot that he wasn't that same cold man as he used to be. Now, she was like a lamb in the tiger's den,

and it was too late for her to run away. Harper was so tired that she fell asleep soon. Matthew was still

awake, looking at her. His thoughts were immersed in the news from the imperial capital. On the day of

the Rice Porridge Festival, someone tried to assassinate the emperor and Francis got stabbed while

trying to save him. Francis was now in his deathbed. After a while, Matthew stood up and went out.

"Guards," he called out. "Your Highness." "Ask Rufus to find out where Jason is and whether Francis

has any connection with the Scarlet Devils," Matthew ordered. His

eyes turned cold. He hoped that the truth wasn't the same as he imagined, because if it was, then

Harper would get disappointed


"Yes, Your Highness."

"Also, make sure to guard the main roads into the River City. Intercept all the news from the imperial

capital and report to me

without delays," Matthew instructed. "Don't pass any news to Harper, especially anything related to


"Yes, Your Highness."

"Besides, send Alexander back to the Clivia School and tell Pearce to be more vigilant. My gut feeling

tells me that there is going to be a disturbance from the imperial capital very soon," Matthew added. It

never occurred to him that Francis would be the man they had to deal with while they were in the River

City. He recalled each of his previous interactions with Francis. In his mind, Francis was someone who

always gave other people an impression that he was weak. Every time he saw him, he sat on a

wheelchair, but his smile was extremely pure. If Francis was really as innocent as he appeared,

everything would be fine. But, if he was disguising himself, he must be a

terrible person with a lot of dubious plots.

"Your Highness, should we be worried about Prince Francis?"

"I'm not sure yet, but it's highly possible," said Matthew. Earlier, he had never been suspicious of this

weak and sick prince.

When Sherry pleaded to him, he had even thought of supporting Francis to fight against Felix. After all,

Sherry's family was

powerful enough to fight against the empress. But now, it seemed that the real intention of Sherry and

Francis was to make use

of him.

If it turned out that Francis was the person hiding behind, then it would also mean that he was

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responsible for killing the only son

of Pearce, and then framing Alexander for it.

But there were so many other options available if he wanted to get Matthew out of the imperial capital.

He couldn't understand

why Francis used this method. Could it be that he was not the person he wanted to get out of the

imperial capital, but Harper!

The person who worried the most about Alexander was Harper as he was her only brother. If he was

framed and put in prison,

Harper would definitely go to save him. But Matthew still couldn't understand why Francis wanted to

keep Harper away from the

imperial capital. Didn't he want Harper to stay in the imperial capital? Or would her presence in the

imperial capital affect him in

any way?

Matthew was unable to figure it out. But now, Francis was seriously injured and dying. If he really died,

then it would mean that

there was someone else still hiding behind. But, if he was safe and sound, then the mastermind must

be really him. The reason

why Matthew blocked the news from the imperial capital was to prevent Harper from going back there.

Because if she came to

know about this, she would certainly try to go back and save Francis. He wanted to see what Francis

was up
