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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 188
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Within days, the news spread far and wide about how the emperor sanctioned the marriage between

Harper and Matthew.

Everyone had different reactions, but the most worried would have to be the Bu Clan.

At that time, Isabella was pacing back and forth in the room. The anxiety was so apparent on her face.

Meanwhile, Franklin's

temples had started to ache, and so did Caroline's.

"Father, Prince Matthew's fiancees all died before they could get married to him. With this, I can't help

but feel afraid that Harper

might die in her boots too." Caroline openly surmised her worries.

"If that's the case, it's honestly not the worst thing that could happen to Harper," Zack responded with a

bitter smile on his face.

"Zack, what do you mean by that?" Caroline asked in confusion.

Franklin and Zack looked at each other and as if on cue, the father and son shared tacit understanding.

Charles was loyal to the

emperor. The emperor wanted Harper to marry Matthew so that she would be able to spy on him. If she

was tasked to

assassinate Matthew and failed to do so, then her life would be a living hell.

"Father, is there anything we can do to save her?" Zack expectantly asked. He just found out that he

actually liked Harper more

than as a friend. He didn't expect that the emperor would promptly set up a marriage between Harper

and Matthew.

Franklin shook his head. Matthew was a thorn in the flesh of the emperor. Harper was the only woman

who was somehow

related to him and was still alive. Everything would have been fine if the emperor hadn't thought of this

fact. However, now that

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the emperor had figured it out, she might really meet the end of her life.

"Franklin, Prince Matthew is not a good man. Harper saved our Zack and Caroline. You can't just stand

there and do nothing,"

Isabella said, holding her husband's hands. "Franklin, I am begging you. You need to do everything in

your power to save


"Isabella, you have to understand. It's not that I don't want to help her, the reality is that I am incapable

to do so. If Prince Matthew refused the marriage proposal, I could still try and find a way. However,

Prince Matthew has already given his word to His Majesty. I'm afraid there is no turning back." "Why is

this situation so dependent on Prince Matthew's decision alone?" Isabella was becoming more and

more confused with their conversation. She just couldn't understand. All she knew was that Matthew

wasn't a man whom Harper could spend the rest of her life with. He was cruel and heartless. If the girl

were to actually marry him, her life would be ruined.

"To rid Harper of Prince Matthew, it will be as difficult as ascending to heaven." Zack was also a little

desperate. "Early tomorrow, I'll go to meet Harper and find out about her thoughts on the matter," he

said. "Well, you can go and ask for her opinion in person. I am sure she has her own ideas. If she

doesn't want to marry him, then I would try my best to deal with Prince Matthew!" Franklin immediately

decided. Although it was indeed very difficult for him, he was certain in his heart that he would do his

best. Zack had asked Harper to meet him at a small tea house near the Chu Clan mansion. Although it

was just last night when he had asked her to marry him, there was no embarrassment on her face

when they met. It was as if the proposal did not happen and they were just best friends. "Hello, Zack."

"Here you are, Harper!" Zack poured a cup of tea for Harper as soon as she sat down. "Your favorite

flower tea."

"Thank you." She smiled at him while she took the cup. Without any hesitation, Harper slowly drank the

tea with a serene and

calm expression on her face.

That was a surprise for Zack because he had thought that he would see a worried Harper that day.

After all, he had seen the

resistance she showed last night when he confessed, but it seemed like she had already buried

everything that happened.

"Harper, are you okay?" he asked with so much hesitation.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." Harper put down her teacup on the table before speaking.

"I know what you're

thinking. You must be worried that I would resist to the marriage. You have nothing to worry about.

Prince Matthew is not that frightening to me." Zack shook his head. "I'm here to tell you that if you don't

want to marry him, you can tell me. My clan will do our best to help you. In return though, you will have

to endure the hardship of being married into the Bu Clan." When she heard that, Harper covered her

mouth and giggled. "Zack, you can't let anyone hear that. If others heard that marrying into the Bu Clan

would feel like enduring hardship, then people would think I'm the dumbest in the world. There are so

many girls

who want to marry you."

"But I know you're unwilling to marry me, right?" Although he said that in a low voice, Harper still heard

it. For a moment, her

smile froze. In fact, even she knew that it would be a blessing to be his wife. However, she couldn't

bring Bu Clan into the

conflicts between the emperor and Matthew.

"I am saying this with all the sincerity that I have. I am grateful that the Bu Clan could consider stepping

forward and helping me

at this time," Harper said slowly while she looked directly into Zack's eyes. "However, I think it would be

better for the Bu Clan to

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stay out of it. After all, no one would be able to survive if they were to engage in a fight between His

Majesty and Prince


"What about you?" Zack was anxious to hear her response. "I am certain that if you declare your

engagement to me, then His

Majesty would have no choice but to cancel the marriage between you and Prince Matthew."

"But Prince Matthew would certainly oppose to that," Harper explained. "Zack, you know Prince

Matthew better than me.

Although he has his disabilities right now, it doesn't mean that he will always have these—for the lack

of a better word—

disadvantages. Moreover, he is not a weak person. It's not wise for the Bu Clan to stand up and turn

against him."

Zack remained silent. He had to admit that Harper made some good points. Although the Bu Clan had

always been strong and

powerful, Matthew was undeniably a very influential person, whom the Bu Clan couldn't afford to


"But do you have an idea about His majesty's real intentions? You know why he wants you to marry

prince Matthew?" Zack

ceased to give up. In his perspective, Harper getting married to Matthew would be like a sheep being

placed into the tiger's

mouth. Clearly, the emperor and the Chu Clan only regarded her as a pawn. Once she got married to

Matthew, she could begin

counting down the days leading to her death. On top of it all, it was known that Matthew was extremely

cruel and ruthless that it

was very likely that she would end up in tragedy, one way or another.