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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2434
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2434

After saying that, Marcel cleared his throat before adding, “Speaking of which, you should know that those seven

women are actually my close cousins. As for these servants, they’re my mother and aunt! As you may already have

guessed, we’ve been pretending that I abandoned my wife and child to dissuade others from causing trouble for

Phoebe and me! As for the butler’s corpse that you’ve probably found… He’s the real butler who’s been in my

family ever since I was young… Sadly, the Chibas ended up killing him!”

“I see… So you took the chance to disguise yourself as him since you knew that there were still many others looking

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for you?” replied Gerald with a nod.

“That’s about the gist of it. Truth be told I could already tell that you weren’t ordinary people when you first arrived.

What more, since the professor was with you, I had a feeling that you weren’t here to cause us any trouble. Even

so, I ended up refraining from exposing who we truly were to you for fear that I was wrong. Though we did manage

to get you to leave, my gut simply told me that you’d surely uncover the secret at my base. It’ s the reason I was

fleeing earlier…” muttered Marcel with a helpless smile.

His words made Gerald and his party exchange glances among themselves. Honestly, it was completely

understandable that a person like Marcel who had been living on the edge for decades would be overly cautious for

the sake of survival. How else would he have crafted such intricate plans that even Darkwind and Lyndon ended up

getting deceived?


Had it not been for Gerald’s suspicions, they’d have surely left Peaceton by now in search of more clues…

Whatever the case was, Gerald then replied, “Well… From all that you’ve said, I’m assuming you know where Ms.

Willow is? Naturally, I’m not asking for the information for free. Once I know where she is, I’ll use all the resources I

have to help your son!”

Gerald meant every word he said, too. That aside, Gerald was really tempted to ask Marcel who exactly had

assassinated all those Willows in cold blood. After all, he had a feeling that Daryl was the culprit. Gerald’s

assumption was that Daryl assassinated them since he didn’t want anyone who knew where the formation, to get to

Yearning Island, was to remain alive. However, since that was merely his assumption, Gerald ended up holding his


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Regardless, upon hearing Gerald’s question, Marcel replied, “The truth is, I don’t know where she is, either…

However, she does still possess the Yangblood pellets. As long as I find any Yinblood pellets, we’ll surely be able to

sense each other using them. You know, right before we parted ways ten years ago, we promised each other that if

I couldn’t find any Yinblood pellets, we’d never meet again to prevent her from bringing trouble to me… “

“Hmm… Then, after investigating for so long, have you found any clues as to where the Yinblood pellets could be?”

asked Saint Darkwind.

“Yes, actually… It’s the reason why I keep refusing to leave this place even though there are so many enemies after

my head!” replied Marcel.

Momentarily taken aback, Gerald eventually said, “Are you implying that the Yinblood pellets are in Peaceton…?”