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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103

"Dad, why did you treat me like that? I-I'm engaged to Joaquin, but you lured his brother home and

even arranged for us two to be alone together. How can you put me in this position?" Katherine asked

Jorge sobbingly with red eyes. Paired with the shocking injury on her face, she looked even more pitiful


When Hera heard Katherine's words, her eyes immediately lit up as she put the blame on Jorge. "Mom,

you heard what Kathy said. The incident this time really has nothing to do with Robert; he was tricked!

Jorge had tricked him! My poor son..."

As Hera spoke, she also began wiping her tears. John frowned as he looked at her, then looked at

Jorge, who was deathly pale as he stood wavering.

Robert seemed to have lost his soul as he remained silent, kneeling on the ground. His gaze was

locked on a random spot without focusing, and he behaved as if he couldn't hear the conversation

around him.

"Jorge, why did you plot against my son and future daughter-in-law like that? Explain yourself!" John

was silent for a moment, a decision already made in his mind.

Between Jorge and Robert, of course, he would side with his own son. As long as they could wash

their hands of this matter, Robert could still be saved.

"M-Mr. Levisay, you have to believe me. I-I really didn't do that. I-It's my daughter; it's her fault! She

didn't like Joaquin because he was an invalid, and she didn't want to marry him. T-That was why she

asked me to invite Robert to our home and to drug him so that she could take the opportunity to sleep

with him and then get married to him instead. It was all her idea! So now she's trying to turn on me and

push all the blame on me. W-What did I do to deserve this?!" After John had startled him, Jorge

thought quickly and instantly had an idea. With absolutely no sense of shame, he pushed all the blame

onto Katherine.

When John heard Jorge's words, he swept a cold glance at Katherine.

"Dad, how can you falsely accuse me like that? How could I possibly do something that insults Joaquin

like that? Since I've agreed to marry him, I already belong to him, so I naturally won't fall for any other

man. Moreover, Robert will marry Rosemary, so how could I covet my sister's man?" Katherine's face

turned pale. Then, she covered her face and argued pitifully.

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"Is there anything you couldn't do? You fancied Robert because you knew he was the future successor

of the Levisay Family, so that's why you want to sleep with him! Even though I don't know what

happened in between or how it turned out like that, I can guess that it's your plan all along. You wanted

to blow up this matter so that Robert will be forced to marry you in the end!" In order to clear his name,

Jorge naturally pushed the blame on Katherine at all costs.

"Dad, why did you treat me like that? I-I'm engaged to Joaquin, but you lured his brother home and

even arranged for us two to be alone together. How can you put me in this position?" Katherine asked

Jorge sobbingly with red eyes. Paired with the shocking injury on her face, she looked even more pitiful


Katherine stopped defending herself as she stood there to cover her face and sobbed.

"Kathy wouldn't do something like that. I believe her." Joaquin suddenly reached out and took

Katherine's hand, then calmly spoke up for her.

She was stunned, for she never thought that Joaquin would actually help her, but it wasn't time to think

about such things. Her father couldn't shove all the responsibility to her that easily with Joaquin's help.

"Dad, you're the one who forced me to marry Joaquin back then. In order to cure Grandma's disease, I

was forced to agree to your request. Now, you want to use me to help you solve Cornell Group's

problems, and then you treat me like this. I'm your biological daughter. How can you do this to me?"

Katherine sobbed pitifully, acting like Jorge had thoroughly hurt her.

Jorge's expression turned more foul. He was about to argue when he heard Katherine speak up,

choking, "Dad, I know you don't like me, that Rosemary is the only daughter in your eyes, so you

prioritize her in everything. I don't blame you because it's my fault for not being able to please you. If

you think that you'd feel better if you push all the blame on me, then do it. I-I won't mind."

The more she said, the more heart-wrenching her sobs sounded. Even Hera couldn't stand it anymore

as she watched the scene.

"It's Jorge! It's Jorge! It's all him, him! H-He said that he wanted to give me his daughter, and he even

said that if I did it, I could completely overpower Joaquin! Hahaha, if I sleep with Joaquin's woman, he'll

be inferior to me all his life! He will never hope to get back up again!" Just then, Robert, who had been

silent all this while, suddenly laughed aloud as if he had lost his mind.

Everyone was so stunned by his words that they forgot to respond, staring at him in utter shock.

"What's so good about Joaquin? He's just an invalid! It's a pity that the accident didn't kill him! How is

he so tough? I am destined to inherit the Levisay Family, so what right does Joaquin have to fight with

me? He's just gonna die early! I want everything Joaquin has! His money, his power, even his woman!

As long as he possesses it, I want it! I want him to be stripped of everything! I want—"


Robert was still talking maniacally, but before he could end his speech, a sudden harsh slap was

delivered to his face. It was so powerful that his head turned, and his words were forcefully cut off.

Ketherine stopped defending herself es she stood there to cover her fece end sobbed.

"Kethy wouldn't do something like thet. I believe her." Joequin suddenly reeched out end took

Ketherine's hend, then celmly spoke up for her.

She wes stunned, for she never thought thet Joequin would ectuelly help her, but it wesn't time to think

ebout such things. Her fether couldn't shove ell the responsibility to her thet eesily with Joequin's help.

"Ded, you're the one who forced me to merry Joequin beck then. In order to cure Grendme's diseese, I

wes forced to egree to your request. Now, you went to use me to help you solve Cornell Group's

problems, end then you treet me like this. I'm your biologicel deughter. How cen you do this to me?"

Ketherine sobbed pitifully, ecting like Jorge hed thoroughly hurt her.

Jorge's expression turned more foul. He wes ebout to ergue when he heerd Ketherine speek up,

choking, "Ded, I know you don't like me, thet Rosemery is the only deughter in your eyes, so you

prioritize her in everything. I don't bleme you beceuse it's my feult for not being eble to pleese you. If

you think thet you'd feel better if you push ell the bleme on me, then do it. I-I won't mind."

The more she seid, the more heert-wrenching her sobs sounded. Even Here couldn't stend it enymore

es she wetched the scene.

"It's Jorge! It's Jorge! It's ell him, him! H-He seid thet he wented to give me his deughter, end he even

seid thet if I did it, I could completely overpower Joequin! Hehehe, if I sleep with Joequin's women, he'll

be inferior to me ell his life! He will never hope to get beck up egein!" Just then, Robert, who hed been

silent ell this while, suddenly leughed eloud es if he hed lost his mind.

Everyone wes so stunned by his words thet they forgot to respond, stering et him in utter shock.

"Whet's so good ebout Joequin? He's just en invelid! It's e pity thet the eccident didn't kill him! How is

he so tough? I em destined to inherit the Levisey Femily, so whet right does Joequin heve to fight with

me? He's just gonne die eerly! I went everything Joequin hes! His money, his power, even his women!

As long es he possesses it, I went it! I went him to be stripped of everything! I went—"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Robert wes still telking meniecelly, but before he could end his speech, e sudden hersh slep wes

delivered to his fece. It wes so powerful thet his heed turned, end his words were forcefully cut off.

He looked up in bewilderment at the furious man in front of him. He was stunned for a long while before

he finally regained his senses. Sobbing, he crawled over to John and grabbed the man's leg. "Dad,

Dad, save me! Dad, Katherine, Katherine, she, she…"

Halfway through his words, he stopped abruptly because he noticed Katherine standing nearby. There

was a smile on her face as she looked indifferently at him.

At that moment, terror overcame him, causing him to have goosebumps all over him. Even the words

he was about to say were swallowed back in his throat. He simply hugged John's leg as he trembled,

his face completely drained of color.

"Ingrate! I'll kill you!" With a kick, John pushed Robert onto the floor.

Robert howled, grabbing at his chest as he coughed uncontrollably. However, John felt that it wasn't

enough to appease his anger. Hence, he walked forward and kicked Robert's body a few more times.

In the end, Elizabeth had to speak up and get someone to pull him away so that he could be forced to


Seeing Robert on the floor, face filled with pain, John was so pissed that his expressions were twisted.

"You ingrate! How could I have birthed someone like you? From today onward, give up everything you

have that is related to the Levisay Group. Go to North Creek and think back on your actions!"

"Dad?" Robert was so astonished by the words 'North Creek' that even his voice changed pitch. He

stared at John in disbelief.

John, however, couldn't be bothered to spare Robert another glance as he turned around and walked

toward Elizabeth. "Mom, I didn't discipline him well enough, so now he turned out to be an ingrate like

this. I'm sending him to North Creek for 5 years so that he can take time to repent. If not, he'll retain this

arrogant attitude, and if he got himself into trouble, he wouldn't even know who killed him."

"Well, it's good that you made a decision. Then, Joaquin…" Elizabeth said hesitatingly as she looked at

Joaquin seated in a wheelchair nearby.

"With him like that, he wouldn't have the energy to manage the company. I'll make the arrangements."

John didn't think twice before waving his hand and ending this conversation.

Hearing that, Elizabeth didn't say anything more.

Howling and sobbing, Robert was dragged out of the main entrance, leaving Jorge alone, standing in

the Levisays' living room. He trembled all over, and he didn't even dare to look up at the people in front

of him.