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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 714
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 714

Even though the event was about to end, the crowd only seemed to have grown larger. Everyone wanted to watch

the match between Warren and Fabian.


The entire stadium was now so filled to the brim that in a way, it resembled a busy beehive.

Warren and Fabian themselves were currently warming up.

“Both of them are equally amazing! You know, Fabian’s the first runner up in our county while Warren’s the

champion of Sunnydale! Their reputations are sky high!”

“Oh? Well this is definitely going to be interesting then! I’m still supporting Fabian though! Let’s hope he brings

honor to the Salford Province!”

“I personally support Warren! He just looks so experienced!”

Almost all of the audience members were discussing the lively event among themselves, and that included Gerald’s

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“Say Gerald, who do you think will win?” asked a few girls curiously as they surrounded him.

“I think they’re both equally great! I really can’t say!”

“Aww, come on! Don’t you know Warren too?” added one of the girls as she nudged his arm.

Gerald was definitely familiar with who he was. He was also all too clear that Warren’s fighting capability wasn’t

limited to Taekwondo.

If he was going to be honest, Warren was most definitely going to come out on top. However, he didn’t feel the

need to reveal his personal opinion.

“Why are you even asking him? As if he’d know anything about Taekwondo! You just have an extra dollar or two in

hand, stop trying to push your opinions on others!” growled Isabelle as she turned around to glare at Gerald out of

the blue.

It was as though she had a screw loose or something. Regardless of what Gerald did, she seemed to be completely

against it. Gerald himself didn’t want to escalate the situation.

While he was well aware that it was slightly cruel of him to take the spotlight away from Fabian during the earlier

donor appreciation event, constantly verbally abusing him definitely felt a bit too much.

Once the match began, Isabelle kept moving around, clearly blocking his view on purpose. She was definitely trying

her hardest to make it hard for him to enjoy the competition, and understanding her motive only served to make

Gerald’s blood boil even hotter.

It wasn’t long after before the match reached its peak moment.

Fabian had been on the attack from the very beginning of the match, striking both swiftly and relentlessly.

Warren himself focused much more on defense, barely even attacking at all.

Over time, Fabian’s attacks slowly began weakening. Though to the untrained eye his movements remained swift,

his efficiency in attacking Warren was slowly depleting.

“He’s already lost,” said Jasmine emotionlessly.

“…Huh? Who’s lost? Warren? I mean Fabian attacks have been pretty swift and amazing! Warren’s, on the other

hand, have so far been pretty simple. Is he really a champion or was it all just a bluff?” said Mindy.

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While she hadn’t talked to Fabian before, she was still his classmate. Even if they weren’t remotely close, Mindy was

still going to be more inclined to support him.

“Heh, I’ll make it simple. While Fabian’s attacks and movements may look cool, he’s already exposed all his fighting

patterns to Warren throughout their spar together. Warren’s a pretty smart guy to hold on to his moves. He’ll be

the champion, just wait and see!” explained Jasmine.

A few seconds after saying that, Warren made an incredibly rapid kick while Fabian was about to attack again. All it

took was a single skilled and cool looking kick for Fabian to be knocked right out of the fighting area!

Seeing this, the crowd went wild with cheers, the noise amplified by the echoes caused by the stadium’s walls.

While everyone was in high spirits, Isabelle was the only one who looked incredibly worried.

After all, she had been cheering for him all this time! To think that he would lose to a simple kick! It made her feel

slightly disappointed.

“What an amazing spar!” cheered Gerald, unable to hold back his own excitement.

Upon hearing that, Isabelle immediately turned around and glared daggers at Gerald.

“How is that amazing? Like you’d even know what amazing means!” shouted Isabelle in a very high pitch.

It was so loud that it immediately caught the attention of several people standing around them. They were all now

looking at Gerald.