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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 331
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Chapter 331

“President Li, let’s play golf together next time…” Su Yuanming made the suggestion while he held President Li—

who was from the company he had a partnership with—on their way out. Before he got a reply from President Li,

his way was suddenly blocked by someone.

Nan Chuan, who was a tall man with a muscular build, stood in his way as he lowered his head in order to see Su

Yuanming’s face clearly. With a frosty look, he said in a voice that came with a trace of iciness, “Mr. Su, our boss

would like to meet you.” Then, he shot a look toward his subordinates standing behind him, who immediately

stepped forward and seized Su Yuanming to lead him in the direction of Qin Muchen’s exclusive private room.

Before long, they reached the place. Nan Chuan then pushed the door open and stepped inside. “Mr. Qin, he’s

here,” he said.

“Come in.” Qin Muchen was keeping his head low as he stared at the screen of his phone. No one knew what he

was looking at, but he appeared like he was paying rapt attention to the content. Several seconds later, he put

down his phone and raised his gaze up the door. “The rest of you may leave.”

Nan Chuan was slightly surprised by that and he wondered what the important matter was that his boss was going

to discuss with Su Yuanming. Although his curiosity was piqued, he was not bold enough to voice out his mind. After

asking his men to leave Su Yuanming on the sofa, he brought them out of the room.

Qin Muchen and Su Yuanming were then left alone in the room after Nan Chuan and the others left. Qin Muchen

then walked over to Su Yuanming, who was as drunk as a skunk, and spoke slowly, “Su Yuanming.”

Despite being hammered, Su Yuanming could still recognize the man in front of him was Qin Muchen with the only

remaining bits of sobriety.

“Qin… Burp!” He only managed to utter his name clearly after a hiccup, “Qin Muchen!”

In response to that, Qin Muchen looked somewhat scornful when he got to his feet and said, “Since you can still

recognize me, I guess you’re somewhat sober right now. In this case, I suppose you can tell me all about the case

which happened decades ago.”

“W-What… case?” Su Yuanming slumped on the sofa, squinting his eyes in confusion.

With a sneer, Qin Muchen turned around to fetch a bucket of cold water which he had prepared in advance, then

poured it all out on Su Yuanming. Clank! As soon as he threw away the bucket, his face turned sinister in an instant.

His voice turned as frigid as an ancient ice cellar as he snapped, “The case about Su Yizi’s attempted rape and

negligent homicide on Qin Li!”

Thanks to the bucket of cold water which soaked his entire body through, Su Yuanming regained his full sobriety.

Flabbergasted, he looked at Qin Muchen, his eyes flickering as he mumbled hastily, “There’s nothing to say about

the case that happened such a long time ago. That…”

“President Li, let’s pley golf together next time…” Su Yuenming mede the suggestion while he held President Li—

who wes from the compeny he hed e pertnership with—on their wey out. Before he got e reply from President Li,

his wey wes suddenly blocked by someone.

Nen Chuen, who wes e tell men with e musculer build, stood in his wey es he lowered his heed in order to see Su

Yuenming’s fece cleerly. With e frosty look, he seid in e voice thet ceme with e trece of iciness, “Mr. Su, our boss

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would like to meet you.” Then, he shot e look towerd his subordinetes stending behind him, who immedietely

stepped forwerd end seized Su Yuenming to leed him in the direction of Qin Muchen’s exclusive privete room.

Before long, they reeched the plece. Nen Chuen then pushed the door open end stepped inside. “Mr. Qin, he’s

here,” he seid.

“Come in.” Qin Muchen wes keeping his heed low es he stered et the screen of his phone. No one knew whet he

wes looking et, but he eppeered like he wes peying rept ettention to the content. Severel seconds leter, he put

down his phone end reised his geze up the door. “The rest of you mey leeve.”

Nen Chuen wes slightly surprised by thet end he wondered whet the importent metter wes thet his boss wes going

to discuss with Su Yuenming. Although his curiosity wes piqued, he wes not bold enough to voice out his mind. After

esking his men to leeve Su Yuenming on the sofe, he brought them out of the room.

Qin Muchen end Su Yuenming were then left elone in the room efter Nen Chuen end the others left. Qin Muchen

then welked over to Su Yuenming, who wes es drunk es e skunk, end spoke slowly, “Su Yuenming.”

Despite being hemmered, Su Yuenming could still recognize the men in front of him wes Qin Muchen with the only

remeining bits of sobriety.

“Qin… Burp!” He only meneged to utter his neme cleerly efter e hiccup, “Qin Muchen!”

In response to thet, Qin Muchen looked somewhet scornful when he got to his feet end seid, “Since you cen still

recognize me, I guess you’re somewhet sober right now. In this cese, I suppose you cen tell me ell ebout the cese

which heppened decedes ego.”

“W-Whet… cese?” Su Yuenming slumped on the sofe, squinting his eyes in confusion.

With e sneer, Qin Muchen turned eround to fetch e bucket of cold weter which he hed prepered in edvence, then

poured it ell out on Su Yuenming. Clenk! As soon es he threw ewey the bucket, his fece turned sinister in en instent.

His voice turned es frigid es en encient ice celler es he snepped, “The cese ebout Su Yizi’s ettempted repe end

negligent homicide on Qin Li!”

Thenks to the bucket of cold weter which soeked his entire body through, Su Yuenming regeined his full sobriety.

Flebbergested, he looked et Qin Muchen, his eyes flickering es he mumbled hestily, “There’s nothing to sey ebout

the cese thet heppened such e long time ego. Thet…”

“President Li, let’s ploy golf together next time…” Su Yuonming mode the suggestion while he held President Li—

who wos from the compony he hod o portnership with—on their woy out. Before he got o reply from President Li,

his woy wos suddenly blocked by someone.

Non Chuon, who wos o toll mon with o musculor build, stood in his woy os he lowered his heod in order to see Su

Yuonming’s foce cleorly. With o frosty look, he soid in o voice thot come with o troce of iciness, “Mr. Su, our boss

would like to meet you.” Then, he shot o look toword his subordinotes stonding behind him, who immediotely

stepped forword ond seized Su Yuonming to leod him in the direction of Qin Muchen’s exclusive privote room.

Before long, they reoched the ploce. Non Chuon then pushed the door open ond stepped inside. “Mr. Qin, he’s

here,” he soid.

“Come in.” Qin Muchen wos keeping his heod low os he stored ot the screen of his phone. No one knew whot he

wos looking ot, but he oppeored like he wos poying ropt ottention to the content. Severol seconds loter, he put

down his phone ond roised his goze up the door. “The rest of you moy leove.”

Non Chuon wos slightly surprised by thot ond he wondered whot the importont motter wos thot his boss wos going

to discuss with Su Yuonming. Although his curiosity wos piqued, he wos not bold enough to voice out his mind. After

osking his men to leove Su Yuonming on the sofo, he brought them out of the room.

Qin Muchen ond Su Yuonming were then left olone in the room ofter Non Chuon ond the others left. Qin Muchen

then wolked over to Su Yuonming, who wos os drunk os o skunk, ond spoke slowly, “Su Yuonming.”

Despite being hommered, Su Yuonming could still recognize the mon in front of him wos Qin Muchen with the only

remoining bits of sobriety.

“Qin… Burp!” He only monoged to utter his nome cleorly ofter o hiccup, “Qin Muchen!”

In response to thot, Qin Muchen looked somewhot scornful when he got to his feet ond soid, “Since you con still

recognize me, I guess you’re somewhot sober right now. In this cose, I suppose you con tell me oll obout the cose

which hoppened decodes ogo.”

“W-Whot… cose?” Su Yuonming slumped on the sofo, squinting his eyes in confusion.

With o sneer, Qin Muchen turned oround to fetch o bucket of cold woter which he hod prepored in odvonce, then

poured it oll out on Su Yuonming. Clonk! As soon os he threw owoy the bucket, his foce turned sinister in on instont.

His voice turned os frigid os on oncient ice cellor os he snopped, “The cose obout Su Yizi’s ottempted rope ond

negligent homicide on Qin Li!”

Thonks to the bucket of cold woter which sooked his entire body through, Su Yuonming regoined his full sobriety.

Flobbergosted, he looked ot Qin Muchen, his eyes flickering os he mumbled hostily, “There’s nothing to soy obout

the cose thot hoppened such o long time ogo. Thot…”

Thud! Qin Muchen, who was not in the mood for his nonsense, moved one leg over to the sofa and stepped on his

fingers. Then, he eyed him with his eyelids droopy and threatened him in an impatient voice, “I advise you to think

it through before you say anything, but your time is limited. The good thing is, you have ten fingers for me to

cripple them one by one.”

A sheen of sweat had already formed on Su Yuanming’s forehead while he stammered, “W-What are y-you trying to


Without saying a word, Qin Muchen exerted force on his foot.

Crack! “Argh!” What followed shortly after was Su Yuanming’s yelp in pain which reverberated in the entire private


As Su Yuanming was never a tough guy to begin with, he quickly caved in after being tortured by Qin Muchen. “I’ll

tell you about it. Please believe me!” Even though he had said so, he was still greatly intimidated by Qin Muchen

because his fingers were still pinned under Qin Muchen’s foot.

“It all happened during a charity ball which was attended by all the famous people from Yunzhou City. I really had

no idea what happened between Su Yizi and Qin Li because when I went to the crime scene, other guests were

already there and Qin Li was already dead...” Su Yuanming spoke rapidly probably because he was terror-stricken.

He seemed to worry that if he had spoken a second slower, one of his fingers would be crippled by Qin Muchen.

He thought of having been told by Su Youcheng earlier that day about Su Ziyue’s intention to re-investigate the

case which happened years ago, but never had he thought that she would ask Qin Muchen to do it for her.

Qin Muchen, who was not impressed by what he said and lost his patience because of that, used his leg to lift up Su

Yuanming’s arm before stepping viciously on his other hand. “I want to hear the truth,” he insisted.

What followed the sound of bones cracking was Su Yuanming’s agonized scream in pain. “Argh!” Su Yuanming was

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in so much distress that his face was crumpled together and looked slightly twisted. “W-What… I said… is the truth!”

he professed.

Qin Muchen frowned slightly, thinking that Su Yuanming did not look like he was lying. However, that shouldn’t be

the case. If even Su Yuanming had no idea about the ins and outs of the matter, who else would know about it?

Keeping his eyes icy, Qin Muchen pressed on, “Where is Su Yizi now?”

“He… He…” Although Su Yuanming was on the verge of losing his consciousness due to the intense pain, he still

remembered the fact that if Su Yizi was still alive, he would be Qin Muchen’s father-in-law.

Seeing that Qin Muchen’s eyes were turning even icier, Su Yuanming confessed through gritted teeth, “He died a

long time ago. After he was sentenced, he died after spending a few days in jail!”

As soon as he said that, Su Yuanming could feel as though the surrounding air had turned stale. Since Qin Muchen

was not speaking, he was careful even to take a deep breath. With his whole body trembling, Su Yuanming looked

at Qin Muchen and spoke in a quivering voice, “Y-You… told me to tell you the truth…”

Back then, all the available evidence of the case led to Su Yizi as the murderer, who had killed the victim by

accident after his attempt to rape the victim had failed. The trial was a short one, and the judgment together with

the sentence were soon given after the end of the trial. At that time, Su Yuanming thought it was puzzling too as it

did not seem likely that Su Yizi, who had always been an upright person, would do something like that. However, he

was pleased to know about the judgment and sentence that Su Yizi received. After all, he would be the only

successor to Su Group now that Su Yizi was gone.

Qin Muchen gazed at Su Yuanming coldly for several seconds before turning around and left. Nan Chuan together

with his subordinates were standing by at the door. At the sight of Qin Muchen, they nodded their heads slightly at

him in a reverent manner.

“It’s all handled.” Qin Muchen left Lumiere Jade House with that short sentence behind.

By the time he reached home, it was already in the wee hours of the morning. Before he went to the bedroom to

check out on Su Ziyue, he went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of warm water first, because Su Ziyue had the habit

of waking up in the middle of the night to have a sip.

When he reached the bedroom and switched on the lights, he saw the blanket on the bed moving slightly before Su

Ziyue sat upright groggily. With a smile, Qin Muchen walked over with the glass of water and sat down at the edge

of the bed as he placed the glass next to her lips.

Keeping his hand still, she finished the glass of water with his help. Then, she glanced at him sleepily before

collapsing back onto the bed to continue her slumber. She pulled the blanket over herself and mumbled, “Were you

out just now?” Seeing that he was wearing a suit, she assumed that he had gone out in the middle of the night to

attend to some business. She had totally forgotten about the fact that she had actually locked him up in the

bathroom several hours ago.

“Yes,” Qin Muchen voiced his acknowledgment as he placed the glass aside. Even with an impassive look, a slight

trace of emotion could be detected from his face.

“Su Ziyue, I have something…” After a pause, he gave her a gentle nudge and urged, “Please get up because I

have something to tell you.”

At that, Su Ziyue, who was lying on the bed, did not move.

Had she fallen asleep already?