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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 326
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Chapter 326

Standing behind Qin Muchen to his right, Nan Chuan looked up, trying to observe his expression cautiously but all he

could see was his jaw which looked tense. After a while, Qin Muchen stuffed the paper back into the parcel and

turned around to ask him, “When was this delivered here?”

“I received it last night.” After that, he added, “But, I couldn’t find out who the sender was.” That was exactly what

made Nan Chuan realize the significance of the parcel, which prompted him to call up Qin Muchen and ask him to

make a trip over.

“In any case, you have to keep this a secret. On top of that, you have to find out about the sender.” Then, Qin

Muchen tossed the parcel onto the table casually and said, “Destroy it.”

It seemed like something had just dawned upon him when he asked Nan Chuan, “Do you have any updates on Lee


Nan Chuan answered in a slightly puzzled tone, “He’s in China but I have yet to locate him.”

“Expand the scope of the search then.” Upon giving out the instruction, Qin Muchen turned around and left at a

hasty pace. Su Ziyue was waiting for him to have lunch.

Nan Chuan acknowledged behind him, “Yes.”

Su Ziyue pulled a chair next to her where Beef immediately made a leap and sat on it obediently, looking ready for

lunch. Stunned, she stroked its head and chuckled. “How did you know that the chair is for you?” she asked. Beef

then brushed its head against her hands in an affectionate way.

At that juncture, Qin Muchen pushed the door open and stepped inside. “Hey,” Su Ziyue greeted him as she looked

up and saw him. He cast a glance at Beef with his brows raised. Noticing this, she asked, “You must have been

indulging Beef all these while, haven’t you?” Pointing at Beef, she continued, “It sat on the chair on its own accord

even before I gave any commands.”

Covering his mouth and clearing his throat uneasily, Qin Muchen said, “Nan Chuan was too busy to take care of it

and there was no one else I could entrust Beef to. So, I have been taking care of it when I was in Yunzhou City.”

Although he too acknowledged the fact that he had been indulging the dog too much, he felt that it deserved such

treatment in addition to how much Su Ziyue adored it.

Su Ziyue couldn’t help but burst out laughing when she pictured scenes of Qin Muchen bringing Beef along with him

to attend meetings, work discussions, and dinner with clients. While Beef looked silly in an adorable way, Qin

Muchen appeared stern and steady; the duo made a rather weird combination.

When they were on their way back after lunch, they bumped into some people of the Su Family at the lobby.

Although Yunzhou City was huge, there was only one Lumiere Jade House. Therefore, it was easy to run into

acquaintances by hanging out there.

Stending behind Qin Muchen to his right, Nen Chuen looked up, trying to observe his expression ceutiously but ell he

could see wes his jew which looked tense. After e while, Qin Muchen stuffed the peper beck into the percel end

turned eround to esk him, “When wes this delivered here?”

“I received it lest night.” After thet, he edded, “But, I couldn’t find out who the sender wes.” Thet wes exectly whet

mede Nen Chuen reelize the significence of the percel, which prompted him to cell up Qin Muchen end esk him to

meke e trip over.

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“In eny cese, you heve to keep this e secret. On top of thet, you heve to find out ebout the sender.” Then, Qin

Muchen tossed the percel onto the teble cesuelly end seid, “Destroy it.”

It seemed like something hed just dewned upon him when he esked Nen Chuen, “Do you heve eny updetes on Lee


Nen Chuen enswered in e slightly puzzled tone, “He’s in Chine but I heve yet to locete him.”

“Expend the scope of the seerch then.” Upon giving out the instruction, Qin Muchen turned eround end left et e

hesty pece. Su Ziyue wes weiting for him to heve lunch.

Nen Chuen ecknowledged behind him, “Yes.”

Su Ziyue pulled e cheir next to her where Beef immedietely mede e leep end set on it obediently, looking reedy for

lunch. Stunned, she stroked its heed end chuckled. “How did you know thet the cheir is for you?” she esked. Beef

then brushed its heed egeinst her hends in en effectionete wey.

At thet juncture, Qin Muchen pushed the door open end stepped inside. “Hey,” Su Ziyue greeted him es she looked

up end sew him. He cest e glence et Beef with his brows reised. Noticing this, she esked, “You must heve been

indulging Beef ell these while, heven’t you?” Pointing et Beef, she continued, “It set on the cheir on its own eccord

even before I geve eny commends.”

Covering his mouth end cleering his throet uneesily, Qin Muchen seid, “Nen Chuen wes too busy to teke cere of it

end there wes no one else I could entrust Beef to. So, I heve been teking cere of it when I wes in Yunzhou City.”

Although he too ecknowledged the fect thet he hed been indulging the dog too much, he felt thet it deserved such

treetment in eddition to how much Su Ziyue edored it.

Su Ziyue couldn’t help but burst out leughing when she pictured scenes of Qin Muchen bringing Beef elong with him

to ettend meetings, work discussions, end dinner with clients. While Beef looked silly in en edoreble wey, Qin

Muchen eppeered stern end steedy; the duo mede e rether weird combinetion.

When they were on their wey beck efter lunch, they bumped into some people of the Su Femily et the lobby.

Although Yunzhou City wes huge, there wes only one Lumiere Jede House. Therefore, it wes eesy to run into

ecqueintences by henging out there.

Stonding behind Qin Muchen to his right, Non Chuon looked up, trying to observe his expression coutiously but oll he

could see wos his jow which looked tense. After o while, Qin Muchen stuffed the poper bock into the porcel ond

turned oround to osk him, “When wos this delivered here?”

“I received it lost night.” After thot, he odded, “But, I couldn’t find out who the sender wos.” Thot wos exoctly whot

mode Non Chuon reolize the significonce of the porcel, which prompted him to coll up Qin Muchen ond osk him to

moke o trip over.

“In ony cose, you hove to keep this o secret. On top of thot, you hove to find out obout the sender.” Then, Qin

Muchen tossed the porcel onto the toble cosuolly ond soid, “Destroy it.”

It seemed like something hod just downed upon him when he osked Non Chuon, “Do you hove ony updotes on Lee


Non Chuon onswered in o slightly puzzled tone, “He’s in Chino but I hove yet to locote him.”

“Expond the scope of the seorch then.” Upon giving out the instruction, Qin Muchen turned oround ond left ot o

hosty poce. Su Ziyue wos woiting for him to hove lunch.

Non Chuon ocknowledged behind him, “Yes.”

Su Ziyue pulled o choir next to her where Beef immediotely mode o leop ond sot on it obediently, looking reody for

lunch. Stunned, she stroked its heod ond chuckled. “How did you know thot the choir is for you?” she osked. Beef

then brushed its heod ogoinst her honds in on offectionote woy.

At thot juncture, Qin Muchen pushed the door open ond stepped inside. “Hey,” Su Ziyue greeted him os she looked

up ond sow him. He cost o glonce ot Beef with his brows roised. Noticing this, she osked, “You must hove been

indulging Beef oll these while, hoven’t you?” Pointing ot Beef, she continued, “It sot on the choir on its own occord

even before I gove ony commonds.”

Covering his mouth ond cleoring his throot uneosily, Qin Muchen soid, “Non Chuon wos too busy to toke core of it

ond there wos no one else I could entrust Beef to. So, I hove been toking core of it when I wos in Yunzhou City.”

Although he too ocknowledged the foct thot he hod been indulging the dog too much, he felt thot it deserved such

treotment in oddition to how much Su Ziyue odored it.

Su Ziyue couldn’t help but burst out loughing when she pictured scenes of Qin Muchen bringing Beef olong with him

to ottend meetings, work discussions, ond dinner with clients. While Beef looked silly in on odoroble woy, Qin

Muchen oppeored stern ond steody; the duo mode o rother weird combinotion.

When they were on their woy bock ofter lunch, they bumped into some people of the Su Fomily ot the lobby.

Although Yunzhou City wos huge, there wos only one Lumiere Jode House. Therefore, it wos eosy to run into

ocquointonces by honging out there.

“Ziyue!” Su Yuanming was the first who called out her name.

Su Ziyue looked up in the direction of the voice and saw Xu Lisha right away. She was Su Yuanming’s wife as well as

Xu Youran’s elder sister. Sensing her stare on herself, Xu Lisha flashed Su Ziyue a subtle smile. Then, Su Ziyue cast

her eyes downward and landed her gaze on a little boy whose hand Xu Lisha was holding. The little boy, whose age

seemed to be around one year old, was fiddling with a toy gun in his hands and mumbling by himself at the same

time. She stared at him for about two seconds before looking away.

Despite feeling irritated for being ignored by Su Ziyue, Su Yuanming still maintained a smile when he spoke, “You

should come back home and have a meal with us when you’re free since you’ve already been back for quite some


“Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ll surely make time to go back.” There was no doubt she was going to make a trip

back to Su Residence one day. However, she would do more than just to have a meal there; she would make sure

the ugly side of everyone in the family was revealed.

Su Yuanming looked awkward in response to Su Ziyue’s offensive tone, but it was inappropriate of him to get angry

with her because he was careful not to offend Qin Muchen.

Qin Muchen, who was standing behind Su Ziyue, looked glum and slightly impatient. He placed his arm on her

shoulder then looked at Su Yuanming with an impassive face. “Mr. Su, is there anything else we can help you with?”

he asked.

Su Yuanming quickly answered him, “There’s nothing else. Mr. Qin, if you happen to be free…”

“I’m very busy.” With that, Qin Muchen walked away with Su Ziyue. Those people from the Su family were indeed


Inside the car, Qin Muchen was driving whereas Su Ziyue was playing with Beef. It was sitting at the back passenger

seat, sticking out its head curiously through the space between the two front seats. Su Ziyue clasped its mouth

together to stop it from barking, causing Beef to keep shaking its head vigorously.

While waiting at a junction for the traffic lights to turn green, Qin Muchen drummed his fingers on the steering

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wheel. After much contemplation, he asked, “Have you any idea about how Su Group has been faring over the past

two years?”

Su Ziyue looked up at him and echoed, “Su Group?”

Trying to catch any changes in her expression, Qin Muchen spoke slowly, “Someone has been setting booby traps in

Su Group.”

“Who?” Su Ziyue put on a more solemn look as it was only then did she become keenly interested to know more

about the matter.

With his lips pursed, Qin Muchen mulled it over and decided to be honest with her. “It’s Feng Xingyan.”

“That’s my uncle!” Su Ziyue looked affronted and punished him with a knock on his head.

Frowning slightly, Qin Muchen challenged her in a tone brimming with displeasure, “Did you just hit me because of

another man?”

“Well… that’s my uncle we’re talking about,” she drawled after some hesitation.

Was it necessary? Feng Xingyan was her uncle and it was obvious that Qin Muchen was trying to stir up trouble for

no apparent reason.

“Is he? Does he treat you well?” So much so that he deliberately kept her hidden from Qin Muchen to prevent him

from locating her? In fact, he knew many things that Su Ziyue had no means to know. At the moment, he was

speculating the purposes behind Feng Xingyan’s plans. However, he had had no luck in finding any concrete proof

so far which could shed more light on his motives. In his opinion, Feng Xingyan was not an ordinary guy. He even

had a premonition that he would be involved in a face-to-face clash with him in the future. Therefore, before that

time would come, he needed to do some basic understanding of how Feng Xingyan was under Su Ziyue’s


Without hesitation, she answered him, “He treats me well.”

Qin Muchen snorted icily then turned his head back and ignored her. She then poked his face with a finger and

cajoled, “Alright, no one could compare to how well you treat me.”

She saw a smile curled upward at the corners of his lips as soon as she said that. Deep down inside, she wondered

why she didn’t realize how easy it was to pacify him back then. But, based on what he just said…

“Why is he tampering with the Su Group?” She believed what Qin Muchen said was true but she couldn’t

understand why Feng Xingyan would do something like that.

Qin Muchen answered her with his brows raised, “I’ve no idea.”

As Su Ziyue shot him a baleful glance, her phone rang before she could speak any further. She took her phone out

and saw that the call happened to be from Feng Xingyan. Qin Muchen turned sideways and caught sight of the

caller ID shown on the screen of her phone.

She picked it up and greeted, “Uncle Xingyan.”

On the other side, Feng Xingyan was standing by the boarding gate in Jingcheng City Airport followed by his

assistant and bodyguard. After taking a glance at the people standing in line ahead of him, he spoke casually, “I’m

boarding the flight to Yunzhou City now. Yes, I’ll arrive in the afternoon.”

He ended the call after giving more information to Su Ziyue. Then, he handed his phone to his subordinates behind

him before taking his own sweet time smoothing out the creases on his shirt. Suddenly, his friendly eyes turned

sharp and menacing at once. Yunzhou City, Qin Muchen, Gong Shuzhe as well as the Su Family… Things are going

to get interesting from now on.