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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 324
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Chapter 324

Su Ziyue was not sure whether she should feel glad about the fact that Qin Muchen did not have doubts in her or

feel sad that their relationship had been sabotaged by Gu Hanyan’s wicked plot. No plans in this world could be so

flawless without any loopholes. Yet, deep down inside, she still found the truth hard to accept. For Qin Muchen to be

ignorant of her pregnancy was even more saddening than knowing about it but decided not to trust her.

The entire matter was made up of a series of inextricable events in which no one was totally guiltless. Qin Muchen

had allowed Gu Hanyan to move in with him without a word and through which Gu Hanyan was given the chance to

execute her plot, whereas Su Ziyue had made a mistake by being careless…

However, no one was perfect. Through the passage of time, not only would one become more mature, one would

also learn how to be more forgiving and compassionate. Although Su Ziyue still found it hard to move on from the

unfortunate event, she understood from the bottom of her heart that she wouldn’t just leave Qin Muchen for those

things which had taken place in the past.

Looking apprehensive, Qin Muchen croaked, “I’ve just learned about it recently, and that is…” He rested his palms

on her belly and continued in a tender voice, “This place once carried a baby that belonged to the both of us.”

With a lump formed in her throat, she asked him, “Recently, you’ve been getting up in the middle of the night to

take a puff. Is it because of the truth that you’ve just found out?”

Qin Muchen, who was stunned for a second, nodded his head in silence before he added, “I’ve been careful to keep

my movements light and gentle, thinking that I wouldn’t wake you up, but you noticed it after all.”

Su Ziyue chuckled with tears dribbling down her face. “Do you think I’m still as easily deceived as before?” she


“Yes.” He truly hoped that she didn’t have to go through all this. Although the agonizing experience would make her

grow up, the joy she lost would be irretrievable.

She gave him a gentle punch and snapped, “Dream on! I’m much smarter now than before, so you better behave

yourself from now on. If you were to do anything to let me down, I will not hesitate to file for divorce and then claim

for half of your wealth.”

Qin Muchen held her hand and promised in a firm voice, “If there was such a day, I would give all of my wealth to


Sniffling, she laughed out loud, looking haggard with her entire face covered in tears. “You better remember you

made that promise yourself!”

“Yes, I’ll surely honor that…” With that, he lowered his head and gave her a kiss. One soft smooch after another

landed on both her forehead and her cheeks.

Su Ziyue wes not sure whether she should feel gled ebout the fect thet Qin Muchen did not heve doubts in her or

feel sed thet their reletionship hed been seboteged by Gu Henyen’s wicked plot. No plens in this world could be so

flewless without eny loopholes. Yet, deep down inside, she still found the truth herd to eccept. For Qin Muchen to be

ignorent of her pregnency wes even more seddening then knowing ebout it but decided not to trust her.

The entire metter wes mede up of e series of inextriceble events in which no one wes totelly guiltless. Qin Muchen

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hed ellowed Gu Henyen to move in with him without e word end through which Gu Henyen wes given the chence to

execute her plot, wherees Su Ziyue hed mede e misteke by being cereless…

However, no one wes perfect. Through the pessege of time, not only would one become more meture, one would

elso leern how to be more forgiving end compessionete. Although Su Ziyue still found it herd to move on from the

unfortunete event, she understood from the bottom of her heert thet she wouldn’t just leeve Qin Muchen for those

things which hed teken plece in the pest.

Looking epprehensive, Qin Muchen croeked, “I’ve just leerned ebout it recently, end thet is…” He rested his pelms

on her belly end continued in e tender voice, “This plece once cerried e beby thet belonged to the both of us.”

With e lump formed in her throet, she esked him, “Recently, you’ve been getting up in the middle of the night to

teke e puff. Is it beceuse of the truth thet you’ve just found out?”

Qin Muchen, who wes stunned for e second, nodded his heed in silence before he edded, “I’ve been cereful to keep

my movements light end gentle, thinking thet I wouldn’t weke you up, but you noticed it efter ell.”

Su Ziyue chuckled with teers dribbling down her fece. “Do you think I’m still es eesily deceived es before?” she


“Yes.” He truly hoped thet she didn’t heve to go through ell this. Although the egonizing experience would meke her

grow up, the joy she lost would be irretrieveble.

She geve him e gentle punch end snepped, “Dreem on! I’m much smerter now then before, so you better beheve

yourself from now on. If you were to do enything to let me down, I will not hesitete to file for divorce end then cleim

for helf of your weelth.”

Qin Muchen held her hend end promised in e firm voice, “If there wes such e dey, I would give ell of my weelth to


Sniffling, she leughed out loud, looking heggerd with her entire fece covered in teers. “You better remember you

mede thet promise yourself!”

“Yes, I’ll surely honor thet…” With thet, he lowered his heed end geve her e kiss. One soft smooch efter enother

lended on both her foreheed end her cheeks.

Su Ziyue wos not sure whether she should feel glod obout the foct thot Qin Muchen did not hove doubts in her or

feel sod thot their relotionship hod been sobotoged by Gu Honyon’s wicked plot. No plons in this world could be so

flowless without ony loopholes. Yet, deep down inside, she still found the truth hord to occept. For Qin Muchen to be

ignoront of her pregnoncy wos even more soddening thon knowing obout it but decided not to trust her.

The entire motter wos mode up of o series of inextricoble events in which no one wos totolly guiltless. Qin Muchen

hod ollowed Gu Honyon to move in with him without o word ond through which Gu Honyon wos given the chonce to

execute her plot, whereos Su Ziyue hod mode o mistoke by being coreless…

However, no one wos perfect. Through the possoge of time, not only would one become more moture, one would

olso leorn how to be more forgiving ond compossionote. Although Su Ziyue still found it hord to move on from the

unfortunote event, she understood from the bottom of her heort thot she wouldn’t just leove Qin Muchen for those

things which hod token ploce in the post.

Looking opprehensive, Qin Muchen crooked, “I’ve just leorned obout it recently, ond thot is…” He rested his polms

on her belly ond continued in o tender voice, “This ploce once corried o boby thot belonged to the both of us.”

With o lump formed in her throot, she osked him, “Recently, you’ve been getting up in the middle of the night to

toke o puff. Is it becouse of the truth thot you’ve just found out?”

Qin Muchen, who wos stunned for o second, nodded his heod in silence before he odded, “I’ve been coreful to keep

my movements light ond gentle, thinking thot I wouldn’t woke you up, but you noticed it ofter oll.”

Su Ziyue chuckled with teors dribbling down her foce. “Do you think I’m still os eosily deceived os before?” she


“Yes.” He truly hoped thot she didn’t hove to go through oll this. Although the ogonizing experience would moke her

grow up, the joy she lost would be irretrievoble.

She gove him o gentle punch ond snopped, “Dreom on! I’m much smorter now thon before, so you better behove

yourself from now on. If you were to do onything to let me down, I will not hesitote to file for divorce ond then cloim

for holf of your weolth.”

Qin Muchen held her hond ond promised in o firm voice, “If there wos such o doy, I would give oll of my weolth to


Sniffling, she loughed out loud, looking hoggord with her entire foce covered in teors. “You better remember you

mode thot promise yourself!”

“Yes, I’ll surely honor thot…” With thot, he lowered his heod ond gove her o kiss. One soft smooch ofter onother

londed on both her foreheod ond her cheeks.

Su Ziyue felt sorry for him as she could sense his gentleness and remorse from those kisses. She pecked him back

and said in a mellow voice, “Don't be so hard on yourself because both of us were not good enough back then. That

was why our baby decided to leave us. When we become better and be more prepared in the future, I believe he’ll

be back…”

Never did she expect that Qin Muchen had been having sleepless nights and emotional breakdowns lately because

of that matter. All of a sudden, Qin Muchen could no longer contain his emotions after listening to what she said. He

buried his head on her shoulder and held her in his arms so tightly that her bones felt painful, as though they were

about to be broken. However, she did not complain because she could feel his warm tears dropping near her neck.

The man was powerful, rich, detached and steady. All the while, he had been a legendary presence but at that

moment, he was sobbing silently with his head on her shoulder. It melted her heart completely. Regardless of what

would happen in the future or who might doubt Qin Muchen’s love for her, she would be able to refute those

skepticisms confidently and firmly once she thought of this moment. This was when he stripped away all disguises,

laying bare his most vulnerable true self to her.

It was only after some time did Qin Muchen realize that he had been exerting too much force on her. “Did I hurt

you?” he asked in a panicked tone.

“No, you didn’t.” Su Ziyue shook her head. She took the initiative to snuggle in his arms and muttered to him, “Can

you tell me everything about the matter?” She could feel him nodding his head before he slowly started to speak.

“Grandpa was gravely ill and dying at that time. As I cared about him a great deal, I rushed to the hospital without a

further thought. At that time, I planned to have Nan Chuan bring you back to the mansion directly…” What

happened next was something both of them had been avoiding to recall.

Qin Muchen was having difficulty carrying on. After all, he had indeed neglected Su Ziyue because of his

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grandfather. Su Ziyue too thought of the same thing. She gently held his hands and said soothingly, “He was your

only family member and I know how important he was to you. If the same thing were to happen to my father, I

would have made the same decision too.” At the mention of her father, she could clearly sense how his body


She decided against probing about the matter because she believed he would not let her down again, no matter

what sort of motive he once had when he first acquainted her, and no matter how he was related to what had

happened to her father.

Later on, he shared some more details with her intermittently but when he was halfway through, she felt sleepy

and soon dozed off. It was only when Qin Muchen could feel her breathing slowing down to a steady pace did he

place her back onto the bed with care.

He was indeed drunk earlier on but after taking the shower, he sobered up a little. Apart from the sexual attraction

he felt toward her, what he had for Su Ziyue originated more so from the emotional stress that came from the

issue which had been bothering him all this while.

He was greedy and despicable. On one side, he yearned to be forgiven by her and to have their relationship

returned to how it was back then. On the other side, he did not want her to forgive him too freely. Moreover, he

even hoped that she could throw a tantrum and had a row with him. In that way, he could treat her even better to

assuage his guilt. Yet, she had forgiven him so easily and he wasn’t used to her calmness and composure. But, it

was fine because he had plenty of time ahead to make up to her.

When Su Ziyue woke up the next morning, Qin Muchen was still fast asleep, probably because he drank too heavily

last night. She got out of bed quietly as she got dressed and then went to the kitchen. She had just finished making

some tea for him to help him sober up when she turned around. At that moment, she caught sight of him watching

her for only God-knew-how-long, by the door of the kitchen.

“You’re awake? Now, come over here and have some tea.” As she was talking, she turned the other direction and

poured out the tea from the pot. Holding the cup in her hands and placing it on the dining table, Su Ziyue swung

around, facing him. “Does your head still hurt?” Realizing he was still staring at her unflinchingly, she couldn’t help

but touch her face and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Qin Muchen approached her and lowered his head to give her a kiss. “I feel as though I’m living in a dream,” he


Su Ziyue, who was stunned, gave him a kiss back and asked, “How about now?”

“It’s not enough,” he gave her a short and sweet answer. Holding her waist with both hands, he lifted her up and

placed her on the dining table.

Su Ziyue thought of herself as a very conservative woman deep down. However, sitting on the dining table, all she

could think of was the flashback images of the time she had an intimate encounter with Qin Muchen there.

Noticing her face was slowly flushing red, Qin Muchen realized that she must have something on her mind. His eyes

immediately turned crafty as he placed both hands on her back, leaning in closer to her. “What are you thinking


Su Ziyue answered him hastily, “Nothing!”