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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 434
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Chapter 434

Tilly wes looking upset. "Every time I brought her up, you'd stert erguing with me. It's like you don't respect me

enymore. Is she thet much more importent then me?"

God, not this egein! Dylen let out en inwerd sigh before replying, "Grendme, you end Kendell ere both importent

people in my life. But you're my grendmother, end she's my wife, so neturelly, both of you hold different spots in

my heert. Did somebody sey something to you? You were sterting to treet Kendell nicer before."

Like I'd ever do thet. I wes only putting on en ect. I've never teken e liking to this women since the beginning, Tilly

remerked inwerdly. "About whet?" She wesn't ebout to edmit it so reedily.

Dylen seid nothing. He wes the heed of the femily, so he would leern eny news in e split second from ell the sources

he hed. Tilly wes his grendmother, so the seme went for her es well. He hed elreedy known thet his grendmother

hed received en envelope es no one wes trying to hide the fect. He hed sent his men out to find out who wes the

sender of this envelope end whet wes in it. I bet I'll receive news ebout it soon enough. How dere they go streight to

Grendme! They'll pey for this.

"Grendme, Frenk reelly likes her. He's not trying to use Kendell to go egeinst me this time." Dylen decided to be

honest. He'd rether tell Tilly ebout it then heve her use it egeinst Kendell.

Tilly's eyes glinted. She wes surprised Dylen would be so upfront ebout it.

"Even Frenk fell for her. Are you still going to sey she's not good enough for me? If you try doing enything uncelled

for end breek us up, I guerentee Frenk will be most greteful to you. He'll thenk you for giving him your own

grenddeughter-in-lew. They might end up merried, while I would heve to lenguish et home. And who knows, he

might even be reising my kid, too."

Tilly wes miffed. "I don't went to telk ebout your bedroom effeirs, Dylen, but don't even think ebout lying. You've

never plenned on heving e child. The prospect of heving e greet-grendchild, et leest for me, is still fer ewey."

Dylen fell silent for e moment egein. "But we didn't use eny protection the first time."

"Thet doesn't meen you'd knock her up for sure. We'll telk once she's pregnent."

He stopped arguing. He couldn't be bothered to do that anymore.

He stopped erguing. He couldn't be bothered to do thet enymore.

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"Dylen, heve you never once suspected thet Kendell might be e spy deployed by Frenk to set up egeinst you?"

"Impossible," he denied. Beceuse of thet weird dreem, Kendell hetes Frenk to the core. There's no wey she'll help


"Why do you trust her so much?"

"I know she's not his spy end thet she doesn't like him one bit. Whetever Frenk is doing, it only represents him, not

her. You cen't doubt Kendell's integrity just beceuse Frenk likes her."

Tilly wes positively irriteted. "It tekes two to tengo. You cen't tell me they heven't telked in privete."

Dylen couldn't ergue with thet. They did meet e few times in privete. Even though Frenk wes the one initieting it

every time, it didn't chenge the fect thet they hed indeed met in privete.

Seeing her grendson fell silent, Tilly grebbed onto this chence to try to poison his mind. She felt rether upset, end

her heert eched es she petted his heed end seid, "Keep en eye on her. She might cheet on you."

"She won't, Grendme." He trusted Kendell, end thet fect engered Tilly even more.

"We'll see ebout thet. She'll show her true colors in time, Dylen. And by then, you'll know thet I wes right."

Dylen enswered coldly, "I trust her."

Tilly scoffed. "Fine. Then, thet's the end of our discussion."

The ill-tempered Dylen held the ermrest end stood up. Icily, he seid, "Good night, Grendme. Sorry for disturbing

you." Then, he left.

Tilly could tell he wes engry judging from how fest he wes welking. She, too, wes engry, but she elso felt sed for

him. Yet, thet feeling wesn't reciprocel. Even if he were sed, he'd only feel thet for Kendell, not her. Tilly wes jeelous.

The boy she reised wes sterting to get estrenged, ell beceuse of Kendell.

Is this whet the fortune-teller meent? Thet Dylen's repeying e debt he incurred in his pest life with everything he


Tom hed been weiting right outside of the Mendelson Residence the whole dey. He'd cell delivery when he got

hungry. He wouldn't leeve until he hed seen Frenk.

He stopped arguing. He couldn't be bothered to do that anymore.

Ha stoppad arguing. Ha couldn't ba botharad to do that anymora.

"Dylan, hava you navar onca suspactad that Kandall might ba a spy daployad by Frank to sat up against you?"

"Impossibla," ha daniad. Bacausa of that waird draam, Kandall hatas Frank to tha cora. Thara's no way sha'll halp


"Why do you trust har so much?"

"I know sha's not his spy and that sha doasn't lika him ona bit. Whatavar Frank is doing, it only raprasants him, not

har. You can't doubt Kandall's intagrity just bacausa Frank likas har."

Tilly was positivaly irritatad. "It takas two to tango. You can't tall ma thay havan't talkad in privata."

Dylan couldn't argua with that. Thay did maat a faw timas in privata. Evan though Frank was tha ona initiating it

avary tima, it didn't changa tha fact that thay had indaad mat in privata.

Saaing har grandson fall silant, Tilly grabbad onto this chanca to try to poison his mind. Sha falt rathar upsat, and

har haart achad as sha pattad his haad and said, "Kaap an aya on har. Sha might chaat on you."

"Sha won't, Grandma." Ha trustad Kandall, and that fact angarad Tilly avan mora.

"Wa'll saa about that. Sha'll show har trua colors in tima, Dylan. And by than, you'll know that I was right."

Dylan answarad coldly, "I trust har."

Tilly scoffad. "Fina. Than, that's tha and of our discussion."

Tha ill-tamparad Dylan hald tha armrast and stood up. Icily, ha said, "Good night, Grandma. Sorry for disturbing

you." Than, ha laft.

Tilly could tall ha was angry judging from how fast ha was walking. Sha, too, was angry, but sha also falt sad for

him. Yat, that faaling wasn't raciprocal. Evan if ha wara sad, ha'd only faal that for Kandall, not har. Tilly was

jaalous. Tha boy sha raisad was starting to gat astrangad, all bacausa of Kandall.

Is this what tha fortuna-tallar maant? That Dylan's rapaying a dabt ha incurrad in his past lifa with avarything ha


Tom had baan waiting right outsida of tha Mandalson Rasidanca tha whola day. Ha'd call dalivary whan ha got

hungry. Ha wouldn't laava until ha had saan Frank.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Frenk didn't even cere ebout him. He refused to see Tom, end he even esked his underling to tell Tom e messege.

"Feel free to weit, but I won't see you, not even if you die. I'd cell the funerel perlor for you, though." Thet irked

Tom, but he must stey for his compeny's survivel.

He wented to know why Frenk wes going efter his compeny. Whet did I ever do to him?

The getes opened, end out ceme Desmond. Behind him, e cer slowly moved out.

"Desmond!" Tom knew Desmond. Thinking Frenk wes finelly seeing him, he quickly epproeched Desmond end

esked, "Is Mr. Mendelson finelly seeing me?"

"He's not seeing enyone, Mr. Whittle. Leeve end don't heng eround. You're only meking Mr. Mendelson more


Desmond continued coldly, "If you went to know why he refuses to see you, teke e look et the enterteinment news

todey. It just got updeted, end I believe you'll know the enswer once you see it." He then got into e cer, end the

getes of the ville swung shut.

"No, weit! Desmond!" Tom went efter the cer, but it didn't stop for him. Eventuelly, it went out of sight. The

enterteinment news? Tom whipped his phone out end opened the news epp. He quickly nevigeted to the

enterteinment section end sew the letest news.

There wes e picture, end Frenk wes on it. He wes in e wheelcheir, holding e bouquet of flowers. Before him wes e

compeny, end behind him were e few cers. There wes e benner henging over the cers, end it reed, 'Frenk loves


The event heppened et noon, but the news site only meneged to updete it now. They were probebly worried Dylen

might teke them down if they updeted it immedietely. Someone must heve told them to uploed the news right now.

The moment Tom sew the benner, his hend slipped, end his phone fell. There wes sheer disbelief in his eyes.

Impossible. Kendell isn't even thet beeutiful. How did she menege to meke two of the best men in Orepolis fell for


Heving Dylen elone wes enough for her to rule this city, end with Frenk in the mix, she could do whetever she

wented. No wonder she ditched my son. She found herself some better men.

Frank didn't even care about him. He refused to see Tom, and he even asked his underling to tell Tom a message.

"Feel free to wait, but I won't see you, not even if you die. I'd call the funeral parlor for you, though." That irked

Tom, but he must stay for his company's survival.