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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 You’re Not My Grandpa! You’re a Bad Guy!

“Do you need me to provide you with any information? Like the kidnapper’s phone number

or something.” Amanda probed gingerly. After all, she needed him right now.

“Any surveillance footage or license plate number will work,” Elias answered


“We have footage! I don’t have it with me right now, though. I do remember the license

plate number in the footage. Will that do?” She stared at him.

The more prudent Amanda behaved, the more pissed off Elias was. Why are you so

concerned about someone else’s son?!

“Yes!” Elias snarled through gritted teeth. “Give me the number!”

At that, he chucked her a pen and paper, and she quickly wrote the license plate number

down. “I still remember the car model. Do you need a description of it?”

“No! I’ll find it out myself!” Elias took the paper away furiously and headed out of the


Amanda got out of bed at once, wanting to stay informed, but Elias’ scolding came the

next second. “You’d better stay in bed! Move, and I will walk away from this!”

The young woman already had a foot down on the carpet when she hurriedly jumped back

into the bed upon hearing Elias’ words. “Okay, I’ll stay. Please go quickly. Please!”

Elias turned beyond grim at this point. Winters, you useless son of a b*tch! To make this

woman stay away from Nicholson, you have to help that b*stard look for his son!Bam! The

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door closed, and Amanda coughed involuntarily before heaving a sigh of relief.

She didn’t have to worry too much anymore now that Elias was willing to help. Aiden will

be found soon. In fact, he might come back by sunrise.

As she had taken fever-reducing pills, Amanda felt groggy, and she gradually fell asleep

while waiting for updates from Elias.

At the same time, Dick had taken Aiden away from the city and into a nearby town, and he

decided to find a nearby hotel to crash for the night.

Right as he parked the car in the parking lot, Grace’s call came, and Dick answered it

while unbuckling the seatbelt. “Don’t worry. I’m already out of Imperia and in Calcheth. I

plan on crashing here for the night before heading back on the road the next morning.”

“Very good. There’s a slight change in our plan. Continue to head south with the kid. Drive

as far as you can. Remember, no planes or trains. Don’t leave any traces behind.”

“I got it.”

After hanging up. Dick opened the back door and carried the sleeping child out.

“Why does this kid look so familiar?” Dick couldn’t help mumbling as he looked at the boy

in his arms. “Where do I know him from…”

He knew he had seen the child from somewhere; he just couldn’t put a finger on it.

Suddenly, Aiden opened his eyes and bit Dick’s arm fiercely, making the elder scream in

pain. “Why, you little rascal! Let go!”

Dick whacked the child’s butt, and Aiden took the chance to jump away from Dick’s arms

to flee. Nonetheless, how could a three-year-old outrun a middle-aged man?

“Come back here, you little rascal!” He yanked the child back into his arms.

“Ah! Let go of me! Help! Police, help!” Aiden screamed and struggled in Dick’s arms,

drawing the attention of many onlookers.

“Don’t mind us. He’s my grandson. He just doesn’t want to go home,” Dick explained to

the crowd with an awkward smile..

Just then, it hit Dick where he had seen the child.

Isn’t this the boy Amanda was carrying the other day?! Dick was gob-smacked, unable to

speak for a long time. Could he really be Amanda’s boy?

“Help! Help! Police, save me!” Aiden continued to wriggle and screech.

Amanda had taught him to scream and shout in crowded places if he ever encountered

such a situation. It would be even better if he could attract the police’s attention.

However, there wasn’t even a police officer in sight after he looked around.

Just then, Dick covered his little mouth. “Who is Amanda to you, kid? Is she your mother?”

Aiden quieted down instantly and gazed at the bizarre elder. “How do you know my

mommy?” he asked.

“Mommy? Is Amanda your mother?! That makes you my grandson, and I’m really your

grandpa!” Dick was flabbergasted. Never would he have thought he would one day kidnap

his own grandson. What is this blasphemy?!

“What?” Aiden frowned in disgust. “Mommy said I don’t have a grandpa. He’s long dead!”

“What did she say?! She told you I’m dead?! That wretched wench, how dare she curses

her father?!” Dick hit the roof. He couldn’t believe Amanda claimed he was dead when he

was alive. and kicking.

At that, he said solemnly to the child in his arms, “Listen, I’m your grandfather, and I’m

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very much alive! I’m not dead!”

“You call yourself my grandpa, but what proof do you have? Why should I believe you?”

Aiden snorted and looked away with his chin held high contemptuously.

This rascal truly is the son of a lawyer, Dick mused while gazing at Aiden. He’s already

talking about evidence at such a young age.

“Proof is that your mother is my daughter, and I’m your grandfather!”

“Why would you kidnap me, then? You’re not my grandfather! You’re a bad guy!” Aiden

snorted again. He refused to believe the elder was his grandfather. You’re clearly a bad


Dick was rendered at a loss for words, for he had indeed kidnapped his own grandson.

Who in the world is that woman? Why would she want to abduct my grandson?

“No. I haven’t kidnapped you. I’m just bringing you out to play. Let’s have fun for a couple

of days. before I bring you back to your mommy, okay?” Dick decided at once that he

would bring Aident right back to Amanda once he got the money from Grace.

Either way, it was very wrong of him to kidnap his own grandson. Besides, the child looked


smart and cute.

“Really? You’re not lying to me, are you?” In actuality, Aiden didn’t trust the elder at all. He

just wanted to quickly return to his mother. Mommy must be worried sick about me.

“Of course. I’m your grandfather! Why would I ever lie to you?” Dick affirmed.

“In that case, do you know what my mommy likes to eat, what she hates the most, and

who she loves?” Aiden fired three questions at Dick.