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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 If You Don’t Agree, Then There’s No Point in Discussing

Amanda was in a great dilemma. Should I tell Elias the truth? He will save Aiden if I tell

him that’s his son, right? But…

Sometime later, Amanda looked up at the infuriated man and asked, “If… I mean, if that’s

your child, would you refuse to save him as well?”

Her words enraged Elias for good.

He shot up from bed, strode to her, and clamped her jaw as he snarled: “Don’t talk to me

about this! There is no “if”! My child died four years ago, and you know it! I won’t save

this child no matter what you say!”

At that, tears rolled down Amanda’s cheeks and onto Elias’ arm before falling onto the


Is she crying?! Elias’ eyes widened slightly with incredulity. She’s crying because I refuse

to save Nicholson’s son, and she’s crying so devastatingly at that!

His possessiveness and jealousy brewed at once, and he clamped Amanda’s jaw even

harder. “Did you cry when you gave up our child?! Were you this sad?!”

“You’ll regret this!” Amanda flung his arm away with unadulterated malice.

This b*stard is just as heartless as he was four years ago. Nothing can change his mind

once he’s decided on it.

“I won’t,” Elias enunciated.

“Very well. I shouldn’t have come in the first place!” Amanda’s tears were like beads of a

broken. string at this point, rolling one after another down her cheeks as she left his

bedroom without even looking back..

Meanwhile, Elias pressed his lips into a thin line as he looked at her obstinate back, and

the knuckles of his clenched fists popped by his sides.

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“Mr. Elias is hot-tempered like that, Miss Bailey. You just have to talk to him,” said the

butler as he followed the teary-eyed woman out of the estate.

“Say no more. He’s just a d*ckhead. I don’t want to see him ever again.”

“Let me arrange for a car to send you back, then. You won’t be able to hail a cab here,”

the butler advised.

The Winters Estate was located in the suburbs. It was impossible to hail a cab there, and

the butler noticed Amanda had come in one earlier.

“No, thanks! Don’t follow me anymore!” Amanda was feeling her worst, and she couldn’t

think about anything else other than Aiden right then.

Alas, she realized how wrong she was when she left the estate, for there wasn’t even a

bus stop in sight, let alone a ghost of a cab.

What else can I do? She wouldn’t accept any more help from the Winterses. She’d crawl

back to the city if she had to this night..

Must I wait three days for the kidnapper to contact me again, though? How would Aiden

survive the next three days?! We’ve never been away from each other as long as three


Devastation overwhelmed Amanda at this point, and she thought the world had fallen on


She hadn’t even felt this devastated when Elias divorced her so mercilessly four years


It was pitch-black all around, and only the streetlamps illuminated her path.

Because she injured her ankle while jumping out of the window and showered with cold

water to cut time, her head now felt woozy.

I must’ve caught a cold… Amanda sneezed as she hugged her arms, covered in


The next second, she blacked out and dropped to the ground, gradually losing


Sometime later, a car slowly approached her direction from afar while its headlights shone



The door opened, and Elias went up to her with heavy, urgent footsteps, attempting to

shake her awake, “Hey! Wake up!” However, no matter how he woke her up, she was a

lifeless lump.

At that, he picked her up and put her in the back seat. Her scorching temperature made

him. frown with displeasure as he cursed under his breath. “Idiot!”

At 3.00AM, Amanda woke up groggily with a dry throat. “Water… Thirsty..

With that, a glass of water was brought to her mouth. She was even propped up and fed,

but because she drank too quickly, she nearly choked. Cough, cough…

“Slow down. No one’s rushing you,” said a husky, alluring voice.

Huh? Doesn’t this voice belong to… Elias? Amanda widened her eyes and finally saw who

was supporting her.

“How did I get here…

After realizing it was Elias, she struggled out of bed. She didn’t have time to rest when she

still had a child to rescue!


“You’re not going anywhere! Where do you think you’re going with a fever?! You sure are

Cludan’s number-one stepmother! Just what spell has Nicholson put you under to make

you so devoted to him?! The man’s words were full of sarcasm, and his tone was sharp

and acerbic.

Amanda couldn’t help supporting her groggy head as she fell back against the bed while

gazing icily at the man before her. “It’s none of your business. Move!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

At that, she lifted the covers to get out of bed, but Elias pressed her back down and

pinned her under him, scolding. “Don’t be ungrateful! You’d have died of a high fever out

there if I hadn’t brought you back!”

“Did I ask you to bring me back? You could have just left me there!”

“Has a dog eaten your conscience away, you heartless wench?!” Elias wanted to strangle

her. She was so gentle and considerate to Simon but only ever sharp-tongued and

obstinate with him.

Seeing that Amanda continued to fight him like a ferocious wildcat, Elias finally gave in

and made her an offer, saying, “Fine, I’ll help you find the child, but on one condition.”

Sure enough, Amanda stopped struggling and lay quietly under Elias. Even her gaze

turned from malice to surprise. “Really? You’re not lying to me, are you? What condition?”

Seeing how quickly her expression changed, Elias snorted disdainfully and stood straight,

looking down at the young woman in bed. “Sever ties with Nicholson after the child has

been retrieved, and stop dreaming about ever becoming that child’s stepmother!”

Sever ties? How can I do that when Simon has helped me out so much in the last four

years?! Wouldn’t that make me the ungrateful b*stard, then?!

“There’s no point in discussing if you don’t agree to it.” Elias saw through her hesitation.

“Alright, deal!”

The most important thing now was to rescue Aiden. Everything else could be dealt with

after that.

“When will you start looking for the child, then?” Amanda gazed firmly at Elias. “He’s been

missing for a day. Any longer, and I worry he’ll have a meltdown.”

their “What’s the rush? Since it’s a kidnapping, they won’t do anything to the child before

they get ransom,” said Elias as he sat on the bed and handed her the remaining glass of

water. “Finish it.”