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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 290
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Chapter 290

Lyra clenched her teeth, realizing that Audrey was using her children to appease George and Wanda.

Returning to the residence, she saw George leaning on a cane, standing with Audrey's.


Lyra immediately knelt as soon as she entered.

“Uncle George! | didn’t know that my father had hurt Wanda so badly. Although you spared my father due to

family ties, | can’t reconcile with my conscience.

“I beg you to letstay in the country to make amends. I'm a somewhat renowned psychologist abroad, and |

want to take care of Wanda!” Lyra spoke earnestly, her eyes brimming with tears.

Audrey looked at Lyra kneeling in front of the coffee table, her gaze icy.

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“Because of your father’s greed, my mother has been adrift for years, left in a fragile mental state. What do you

think you can do to make up for it? You just want an excuse to stay in the Lambert family.”

Audrey despised Wilfred, the one who locked Wanda in the Yeomans’ basement, subjecting her to a neverending

hell. Even if George spared Wilfred, Audrey wouldn't.

“Uncle George, don't listen to this outsider’s nonsense! She and Ryan are eyeing the Lambert family’s fortune!

Even if you don’t believe your own niece, you should think

about Wanda.

“Letstay to restrain her and Ryan! If one day you pass away and leave the family to outsiders, aren't you

afraid they'll mistreat Wanda and send her to a mental, asylum?”

“Get her out of here!” George angrily ordered Paige.

Paige stood by Lyra with a cold expression. “Miss, please leave.”

Lyra was seething inside but still pretended to look pitiful. “Uncle George, no matter what you think, | truly feel

guilty toward you and Wanda.

“I understand if you wantto leave, but I'll stay in the country. Whether you like it or not, I'll stay and keep an

eye on Ryan and Audrey. You can callanytif you need me.

With that, Lyra finally stood up and left under Paige’s close watch.

As soon as Lyra left, the two little ones who had been silently watching called for their mother and rushed


The anger on George's face dissipated when seeing the children.

He patted Audrey’s hand and sighed. “Rest assured, | will ensure these two troublemakers are dealt with before |

pass away.”

George's eyes indicated a strong protective stance toward Audrey.

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“Grandpa, you should rest. Lethandle this,” Audrey said.

“No, you can’t intervene. To the outside world, you are just like Ryan-an adopted daughter of the Lambert family.

Although Wilfred and his daughter were never publicly acknowledged, many of the company’s veteran

employees know they are part of the

Lambert family.

“If you take action, everyone will think you're doing it for the family’s wealth. I'll be the one to handle them.”

George then glanced at Edward.

Edward understood George's intentions and nodded. He turned to walk out of the


George smiled, patting Lily and Dallas‘ heads. Only then did his gaze soften, overflowing with love and


“Great Grandpa will arrange a carefree future for both of you, Dallas and Lily!” George looked at his two little

great-grandchildren. “So you both can grow up happily.”