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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 289
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Chapter 289

To everyone's surprise, Julian brought in a few other people besides the aged killer..

There was also a store manager who used to serve VIP clients at the mall, the driver who used to chauffeur

Wanda, and a young man whom Wilfred had never seen before.

Wilfred felt like he was about to collapse. He gaped at Ryan, shocked to see that even the former store manager

had been brought in.

Wilfred indeed paid both the driver and the manager. The only person he didn’t recognize was the young man.

The young man glimpsed at Ryan before looking nervously at George.

He approached hesitantly and placed an old diary on the coffee table.

“My mother was a maid who served Ms. Wanda back then. This is her diary. At the time, | was diagnosed with

leukemia and urgently needed money. So my mother, ignoring her conscience, accepted the bribe and allowed

someone to take Ms. Wanda away.”

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The young man pressed his lips into a thin line.

“My mother has lived with guilt all her life. Before she passed away, she askedto find a way to give her diary

to Mr. Lambert Senior. However, I'm a nobody-just a screw in the lower echelons of society. | never had the

chance to meet Mr. Lambert Senior, but I've kept the diary all this time.”

Edward picked the notebook up and handed it to George.

George was visibly trembling; he opened the diary and flipped to the day when Wanda went missing. He learned

how the store manager who served Wanda had interacted with


“It's fake! It must be fake!” Wilfred shouted.

“The household staff Wilfred bribed to poison you back then has also been brought here. If you want to see her,

we can arrange it for tomorrow morning,” Edward added.

George closed the diary and handed it back to Edward.

“There's no need to bring the household staff here. Take her and the diary to the police. Contact the district

attorney's office. | want to get to the bottom of this!”

Before Lyra could say anything, Wilfred knelt down, overwhelmed with fear.


“Georgel Please sparethis tfor the sake of our family! I'll leave the country Immediately and never come


“Get out!” George suddenly lost control of his emotions. “Keep all the evidence and witness testimonies. If you

dare cback to this country, I'll make sure you rot in prison! Get out!”

Wilfred quickly helped himself up, grabbed his daughter, and hurried out.

Lyra took a few steps outside and saw two children squatting by the railing upstairs, peering down.

She frowned, then followed Wilfred to the door. “Dad! You go ahead, | have to stay. | can’t let Ryan and Audrey

take over what rightfully belongs to us!”

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“What can you do by staying alone?” Wilfred tightly gripped his daughter's hand, refusing to let go.



uncle remembers what happened when Wanda was abducted? What if he does something to you? Forget it. Let's

go! We'll cback after your uncle dies!”

“What's the use of coming back then? By that time, Ryan will still have the diary and those witnesses in his

hands!” Lyra looked at Wilfred with disdain. “We can’t let. outsiders take our assets. Just because you can’t do it

doesn’t mean | can't!”

With that, Lyra pushed her father into the car and slammed the door shut. Having gotten rid of him, she then

looked at the household staff beside her.

She took out her wallet, withdrew all the cash, and handed them over. “Who are those two children inside?”

The household staff quickly pocketed the money and replied, “They are Ms. Audrey's two children. Mr. Lambert

Senior and Ms. Audrey are very fond of them. They spend all day playing with them.”