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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

Erin looked at Darius with confusion displayed on her face.

‘Work for him?’

She didn’t even know who he was! As a matter of fact, she didn’t know how she got here. While she was

still trying to figure out where the heck she was, someone appeared and without even offering an

explanation, he candidly asked her to work for him. Erin wanted fo curse at him, but considering the fact

that she didn’t know him, and neither did she know this place, she withheld her curses. The man could

be very dangerous and lash out at her if she misbehaved. .

The only reason she was a bit calm was because she was sure that the man bore no resemblance to the

duo who wanted to rape her. Although it was a bit dark at the time of the assault, she still remembered

the faces of the two men clearly.

“Excuse me sir, but I don’t even know you, neither do I know what you do for a living. I don’t even know

how I got here. How on earth am I supposed to answer your question?” Erin replied in an exasperated


Darius coughed lightly when he heard her response. His question was indeed out of the blue, and Erin

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truly didn’t know how she got here. He should first explain to her how she got here and calm her down

before proceeding to the next step. “You’re right. I was indeed in too much of a haste.” Darius started.

“Allow me to introduce myself.” “My name is Darius Reid. I am a third year student of Business

Management at Kingston University.” Darius said.

Erin eyes widened when she heard Darius’ introduction. Kingston University? That was a top university

in the country! The young man must be very brilliant to actually get into the university.

Not only was he extremely handsome and rich, he was also very intelligent!

She was certainly impressed at that, and her outlook on Darius improved drastically.

Darius had no idea that his introduction had improved Erin’s impression of him. He went ahead to explain

the events that had transpired at the bar after she fainted. As Erin listened to Darius explanation, her

heart melted. The young man had put himself in danger and fought two strangers he was meeting for the

first time just to protect her and make sure that they didn’t have their way. It was a very brave gesture,

something that she least expected from Darius.

When Darius was finally done with narrating the events, Erin was very touched by his kindness. She also

felt very at ease even though she was in an unknown place. This was the first time she met someone

who was willing to go the extra mile for a complete stranger.

“I heard what happened to your former company.” Darius said. Now that Erin had calmed down after

knowing how she came here, it was time for him to present his offer once more.

Erin looked at the ground when Darius spoke. The mention of her former company always brought tears

to her eyes. She deemed herself as a lady with a very strong mindset, however when the company she

puked blood and sweat for crashed, she could not handle the backlash. Otherwise why would she resort

to drinking at Eve bar every day? Darius noticed her become dejected when he mentioned her company

and felt sympathy for her. It was not easy for someone to overcome such a disaster.

“I really admire your talent. Even with many sponsors and investors pulling out you managed to make the

company last an extra three months before its crash. That is something very noteworthy.” Darius praised.

His praises weren’t just empty words. Not just anyone could make a company that didn’t receive funding

from any of its investors or sponsors keep on functioning for an extra three months. It was a feat that

required enough experience, grit and hard work to achieve.

This particular achievement impressed Darius greatly. It was why he was so invested in making her his

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personal assistant otherwise he wouldn’t have done so much to hire her.

“It would be a waste of godly talent to let you spend the whole night drinking at a bar.” Darius said. He

crossed his legs and poured himself a glass of wine before taking a sip. Erin found it very hard to focus

on his words when she saw his gesture. He was just that attractive!

“What do you mean by that?” Erin asked, finally tearing her gaze from Darius’ handsome face and

focusing on his words. “I’m here to offer you a chance at redemption by working for me.” Darius replied

calmly. Erin frowned slightly at his words. Although she was eternally grateful and felt very indebted to

Darius for his benevolent acts, she didn’t bear any thoughts of working for him. Even though Numbers

Int’l was no longer existent now, it was still a formidable company in its prime. She had watched the

company grow from scratch and was very attached to it therefore she didn’t feel inclined to work for

another company so soon. She was about to reject Darius, but Darius abruptly stood up, causing her to

swallow her words. Darius left the room and after two minutes he came back with several documents.

“These are the documents and contract regarding the work I want you to do for me. I want you to go

through the documents before making a decision.” Darius said as he handed the documents to her.

Erin collected the documents reluctantly. She already made up her mind not to be moved by the contents

of the documents, but that resolve was instantly broken after reading the documents for two minutes.

By the time she was done reading the contents of the documents, her eyes were as wide as saucers.