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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 51
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Chapter 051 Give Us a Reason
“What the hell is going on? Did you break up with Eileen?” Lena asked. Ivan let out a sigh without answering At that inoment,
Lena knew she had guessed right. So she immediately cried out loudly like a shrew, “Why are
you bad to Eileen? If something terrible happens to my Eileen, I will hang myself in front of your White family
group! You are too unconscionable! Go dating with Eileen for six years, and end up with dumping her? You
have been wasting her six-year life! How heartless you are! I don’t wanna live any more!”
Seeing how Lena behaved, Tyler let out a deep sigh before he persuaded with frowned eyebrows, “Well, we are in the hospital.
Please don’t make a big fuss first! We can talk about it later when Eileen is rescued!”
“I don’t care. If something terrible happens to my Eileen, I will hang myself in front of your White family
group! I want to let everyone see that the president of the White group is a weak and unsympathetic betrayer! My Eileen! Wish
you well! If you have any trouble this time, it is hard for our family to live!” Lena cried by thumping her chest and stamping her
feet, which attracted everyone’s attention! In those years, she forced Molly’s mother to leave just because she dared to do
everything without worrying
about losing face. Just like today, she cried and threatened to hang hersell in public. In the end, everyone knew
what happened, which forced Tyler to have no other choices but to marry her! Therefore, she wanted to play it again! She
planned to make a big fuss by using the ammunition! What she only
aimed to help her daughter become the daughter-in-law in the White lamily! She knew her daughter was too
thin-skinned to be willing to make it public. But she was different as she was much more experienced in the
aspect. She knew that it was impossible for the White family not to care about their lace since she had made
such a big fuss! Seeing something noisy happening, other people in the hospital ran over to ask, “What’s coinc on? “It seerns
that President White’s fiancee comunitted suicidel Someone said.

“What? What big news! Hurry to shoot it and post it on the Internet!” Others were gloating Seeing that it was too noisy, a doctor
hurried over to persuade, Please be quiet. Don’t make noise in the.

hospital! Please calm down!” Not paying the slightest attention to the doctor, Lena said, “My daughter is going to die, and you still
ask me to calm down? How can I do that? Alas, my daughter is so pitiful as she was betrayed by her boyfriend! Thank pod! You
are all here! Don’t you think President White is so heartless? My Eileen has spent six years being
together with him. And now he wants to dump her in such an easy way? How you these high-profile families
bully our common people like this? You must give us an reason today! You should tell me why you wanted to
durnp Eileen since she is so perfect!” Upon hearing what Lena sald, Tyler felt he even lada hicadache, “Oli, what are you talking
about? Stop
arguing!” “President White, give us an reason! Don’t be silent!” Leni didn’t give up forcing Ivan, knowing that those
families like Ivan’s cared their laces most! Under normal circumstances, he would choose to pacify it to save
his face since he was micetin such a bir trouble in public! And then she could ask him to do whatever she
Even Old Mrs. White was also affected by the noise, so she hurried to where Lena was, “Ms. Brown, please calm
down! You can tell me what happened!”
Seeing Old Mrs. White, Lena continued crying in a pretended pitiful way, “Mrs. White, I’m so glad you come!
You know what? Eileen committed suicide as she met something too terrible! As you know, Eileen is simple
temperament, and it’s hard for her to move on! You can’t bully us like this! It’s all the fault of President White!
You must give us a reason about why you dumped Eileen! Otherwise, I won’t let it go!” Old Mrs. White tried to comfort her,
“Okay! Don’t be so angry first! If Ivan really does something wrong to
Eileen, we will make it up...”
“Hminin, our Eileen brought up pampered and spoiled! Not the kind of woman who came out to fish, don’t
think you can get over it with your f**cking money.” “I know, I know, take it easy. Maybe we can sit down and talk about things.” “I
don’t care, President White, you’ve got to give Eileen an explanation today! Otherwise, I wouldn’t give up

easily! I will call the journalists to write about how bullying is the White family! Old Mrs. White frowned with disagreement when
she heard Lena. People of her age would value their face and
prestige the most! If Lena continues to fuss around, it will damage the reputation of the White Family! “The emergency crews are
racing to save Eileen, let’s wait for the result, and we can talk about other things
later. You have my words here, I will give you what you want and I won’t let Eileen be wronged!” Hearing old Mrs. White so
promised, Lena stopped her fussing action. Instead, she began to cry for Eileen,
“Eileen, you must wake up!” Ivan sat in frustration at the door of the ward, smoking one cigarette after another and not caring
that he was
inside a hospital! He and Eileen had been in love for six years, but now they broke up abruptly, it was understandable that Eileen
felt overwhelmed about it! At the end of the day, it’s all his fault! Can’t blame Eileen!
On the other side, Molly woke up too! And she was in a big shock when she heard that Eileen committed suicide
and is currently being rescued! After all, Eileen was her younger sister! So she insisted on getting out of her hospital bed and
coming over to Eileen to check on the situation. “What’s going on? What happened to Eileen?” Seeing Molly made Lena gloomy.
She angrily rushed forward into Molly and scolded, “Molly, you slut! It’s all because you were hooking up with Ivan! Now Eileen
chose to suicide, are you satisfied?” Molly listened with a look of shock on lier face, “Excuse me? What are you talking about?”
“Hmm,” Lena sneered, “I know everything! You were always flirting with president White, you shameless
thing! If it wasn’t you, Eileen wouldn’t have suicide! If anything happens to Eileen, I would never let you go!
You ret out here, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you!”
“Ivan, what the hell is going on?” Molly asked.
Seeing Molly was talking to Ivan, Lena’s anger grew, “You still dare to hook up with Ivan, you f*cking bitch!”
Then Lena turned and an erily yelled at “Tyler. “Look at your rood daughter, she broke Eileen’s marriage six
years ago and stole Eileen’s place, now what? Ruininx Eileen’s relationship with Ivan! She’s bad all through! Il

it wasn’t for her, how could President White have broken up with Eileen?” Tyler was also angry, plus he didn’t like Molly in the
first place! What happened here, made him more dissatisfied with this daughter! “Molly, I’m saying it, could you keep some
distance from Ivan? You made us all unsettled six years ago, can you
stop making troubles again? Jesus Christ! Why do you always stare at your sister’s boyfriend? There are so
many guys in Oscos, why Ivan?” Molly’s pale face turned paler as she heard Tyler’s blame and criticisms, all her blood stream
was rushing to the brain!