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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 52
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Chapter 052 Why Do You Want to Steal the Boyfriend of Your Younger Sister?
Molly wouldn’t mind anyone else who accused her or didn’t trust her, but it was her own father. She had been
trying so hard to study well and do a good job in all aspects since she was little. All that she wanted was to win
Tyler’s recognition and appreciation. However, no matter how hard she tried, Tyler had been indifferent to
her, not to mention praising her. She had never won any affection from him. Now she had got over it. She
neither wanted to please anyone nor expected any affection from anyone. “Dad, I didn’t hook up with Ivan! I don’t even know
they broke up.” Molly was also so mad at Ivan Ivan gave
her a hard time these days, and she even broke her arm due to him. How come no one accused him but her
alone? Lena screamed with a sneer, “Humph, didn’t you know you would be here? If you hadn’t hooked up with
President White, he wouldn’t have come to you at midnight. How could he have dumped Eileen if you hadn’t
hit on him? They were approaching their marriage before you came back to Oscos. It was you who hit on
President White, which caused the misunderstandings between him and Eileen.”

“How can you be that bitchy? Why do you want to steal the boyfriend of your younger sister?” Frowning at
Molly. Tyler said with a stern and harsh look, “Molly, this will be the last time I say it. Don’t do this kind of
shameful and immortal things again. You’ve got the family fortune and become the chairman, so you shouldn’t focus on the
boyfriend of your younger sister. I’ll disown you if you do something to hurt Eileen
again.” Boom! (A loud sound) Staggering a bit, Molly felt so heartbroken as if someone had shot her in the heart and
broken it to pieces.” She couldn’t help shedding tears. “Dad, I’ll say it one last time that I’ve never done what
you accused of. I’ve never...” “Stop arguing. You’re like a misfortune to our family. How could I have a daughter like you? I’ve
had my say.” “We shouldn’t talk to her anymore.” Lena pushed Molly aggressively without stopping scolding her, “Get out
of here right now. You made us sick.”

With a splint in her arm as well as some wounds and cuts, Molly was being so weak that she couldn’t stand still
and fell backwards due to the pushes of Lena. Right at this moment, Chris, who had just come back after
shopping, rushed directly to Molly and held her in his arms. Molly was so skinny that she was like a paper
leaning on his arms. Chris felt so sorry for her and he could totally understand what she had suffered in the Hills. “Molly, are you
okay?” “Hey, Mr. Davis. Please take good care of your own girlfriend. Don’t let her flirt with any other man. You will be
regretful when you find yourself being cheated on.” Being irritated, Chris retorted, “Watch your mouth. You’d

better ask what your own daughter has done when she wakes up.” “Humph, my daughter is pure and delicate. She’s totally
different from Molly, that cheap girl.” “I’m afraid you don’t know what your daughter has done. Riglit? Shall I show you?” Molly
tightened her grip on Chris’s hand immediately and begged Chris with a pale look on her face, “Chris,
please stop. Let’s go.” Eileen liad committed suicide. If her tryst with another man were to be exposed, it
would kill her directly. Molly was certainly not as merciful as Virgin Mary, but she didn’t want to see Eileen
+10 die Chris frowned with anger, “Molly, you shouldn’t be that nice to such an unreasonable person.” “Chris, let’s
just go back. Ahem.” Molly felt dizzy and even couldn’t stand on her feet as she was talking. Chris couldn’t say
anything else under the circumstances, “Molly, take it easy. We’re leaving, since we don’t need to waste our time on people like
them.” “Ivan, if you’re a man, just leave Molly alone. Due to you, Molly has been badly hurt. So, show your mercy and let her go.”
Holding Molly’s shoulder, Chris carefully helped her back to the ward after finishing his words. Ivan sat silently at the door of the
ward like a stone statue. He was too confused to master his thoughts “Squish!” (A sound of opening the door) The door of the
ward was opened, and the doctor came out. Lena and Tyler came to the doctor, “Sir, how is
Eileen?” Ivan stood up subconsciously. “The surgery is done, but the patient has yet to be out of danger. She
still needs to stay in the ICU for observation.” “Sir, please save Eileen. She’s my only daughter. I can’t see her die.” “Ms. Brown,
don’t worry. We’ll try our best.” “Can we go in and see our daughter?” “You can’t for the time being. If you want to know how she
is, you can see her through the computer screen.” “Okay. We got it.” Seen from the computer screen, Eileen was as pale as
paper with an oxygen mask. There were tubes on her
body and the infusion bottles were ticking..