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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Pearl Chamberlain was the number three beauty in the whole of Kingston University. Just like her title,

she was incredibly beautiful, and Darius had previously had several interactions with Pearl

The first time was when he was eating out in a restaurant. He had crashed into her accidentally and

spilled water on her clothes. In his bid to apologize, he wiped the water on her clothes with his hands, but

what he got were two painful slaps from Pearl. He was also labeled a perverted scum by her

He had definitely left a very bad first impression on her that day

The second time was during the charity gala. Both he and Pearl had their eyes on a 150 year old wine

which was auctioned at the charity gala. They both had a bidding war for it, and in the end Darius had

won the bidding war and the wine by placing a bid of four million dollars

This further served to worsen the relationship between him and the third ranked beauty of Kingston


If it were before he solved the problems in his company, he would not have bothered himself too much

about the news. After all, he and Pearl were not on good terms at all Besides, he still had pressing

matters to attend to then

That wasn’t the case now as he had resolved the matters concerning his company

Curious to see what kind of trouble the third ranked beauty landed herself in, he opened the class group

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chat and started reading through the messages

Stan: (Our goddess Pearl is in trouble!)

Clinton (What do you mean she’s in trouble Stan?]

Timmy Yeah, what do you mean?)

Stan (This is top secret information, but I heard that Pearl’s father, Mr. Chamberlain offended someone in

the business world, hence they’re targeting his company. I

Xander (Woah! Really?

Timmy (Do you know who they offended, Stan?]

Stan: (of course. He offended Mr. Wilson Gillette from the Gillette Group. As for what the offence is, I’m

not sure about that. However, the matter is truly a grave one.

Laura (This is incredibly shocking!

Stan (I’m telling you! If things remain the way they are, then Chamberlain Corporations will be annexed

by the Gillette Group)

By the time Darius was done reading the messages in the class group chat, he had a rough grasp on

what happened.

It turned out that Mr Chamberlain, the chairman of Chamberlain Corporations had offended Mr Wilson

Gillette, the chairman of Gillette Group As Stan didn’t know the specifics, there was naturally no way for

Darius to know what had actually happened

Pearl Chamberlain was the third ranked beauly in Kingsion University. However that wasn’t the only thing

about Pearl Everyone knew that she came from a wealthy background, which was evident by the fact

thol she was able to bid more than three million dollars for a bottle of wine at the charity galo Hence, it

was quile unbelievable to Darius that her father was now being suppressed by the Gillette Group

Darius didn’t know much about either the Gillette Group, or Pearl’s father company, Chamberlain

Corporations. Therefore, he decided to do some research on the companies

He spent more than two hours reading various articles about the two companies, and when he was


some aspects became clearer to him:

From his research, the Chamberlains Corporation was co-founded by Liam Chamberlain, Pearl’s father

and Trevor Kellick, Liam Chamberlain’s close friend.

Chamberlains Corporations was a Real Estate based company, and both Liam and Trevor had built it

into what it was now

Together, the two of them had elevated Chamberlain Corporations from a small company to a company

worth over $100 million

Meanwhile, unlike Chamberlains Corporations, Gillette Group’s information was a bit vague There was

no clear information about the business group background. All that was said was that it was a top

business group worth over $300 million.

Darius naturally had no idea of the two business companies prior to the Pearl incident, which was

completely normal, as companies like Nix Inc., were in a whole different league of their own

In the end, both Chamberlains Corporation and Gillette Group may be considered mediocre at best. After

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all, Nix, Inc. was a multibillion-dollar enterprise. It was impossible to compare it to corporations with net

worth in the millions, such as Chamberlains Corporations and Gillette Group

Even though he didn’t know much about the companies, it was obvious from what he researched that

Chamberlain Corporation could not afford to go against the Gillette Group. The latter was worth more

than three times the former after all

Darius wasn’t really interested in the conflict between the Chamberlains Corporation and the Gillette

Group: after all, he and Pearl didn’t get along. Furthermore, he reasoned that Pearl’s father would almost

certainly have strong connections or prominent people he could call on to back him up. There was no

need for him to get involved in something so trivial.

Despite that, Darius was interested in the Gillette Group. It was strange that majority of the information

on the business group was vague, so he decided to ask for Bruce’s help. Erin was busy in West Atlantics

Int’l. so he couldn’t call her to help him with this

Bruce answered the phone call almost immediately, promising to provide Darius with an in-depth review

of the Gillette Group the following day. Despite his curiosity as to why Darius was examining a minor

business group, he dared not ask questions

Darius thanked Bruce genuinely before disconnecting the phone call, pleased with his reaction. He then

placed hrs on the bedside stand before retiring for the night

Even though he wasn’t interested in the conflict between the two companies, he was curious to know

what secrets the Gillette Group had

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