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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74

Three beautiful Rolls Royce drove into the venue for the lecture Everyone present had a shocked expression on their face when they saw

the expensive line up of the white Rolls Royce cars.

The Rolls Royce came to a stop and three intimidating, bodyguards all dressed in black suits alig hted from the vehicles. The intimidating

aura of the three bodyguards gave the students a fright. They could tell that the three bodyguards all had top notch combat skills. Such

fanfare made th em wonder the identity of the figure in the second Rolls-Royce cor.

A bodyguard opened the door to the Rolls-

Royce and when the person in the car stepped out, the students all had bewildered expressions on their faces.

The person was none other than Darius Reid!

Everyone there knew who Darius Reid was. After he donated S4.1 million to charity and outbid p earl Chamberlain in the auction at the

charity gala, they knew that he

was no longer a poor person like before and his name had been widespread in the university, bu t they were incredibly shocked at this

display of wealth!

Sarah who was present at that moment was feeling very unpleasant when she saw Darius arrive i n three beautiful Rolls-

Royce cars. She couldn't help but wonder how their relationship would have turned out if she did n't leave Darius for David, but there was

nothing she could do now. Darius was now rich, and even more handsome than he was before. She believed that there was no way he

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would conside r getting back with her anymore.

This showed to show how pretentious of a person Sarah was. Now that Darius wasn't as miserabl e as

she thought he was, she was now having second doubts about her relationship with David. I f she knew

how rich Darius currently

was, she would definitely dump David without a second thought!

Darius walked towards the lecture hall with a stoic face, with the three bodyguards following him .

Bruce had wanted to follow him, but Darius had pleaded for him to

remain in the car. He didn't want to draw more attention than necessary to himself. As he walked , he

noticed that the stares of everyone were on him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

He had wanted to come alone, but his grandfather had personally instructed them to take him t o his

destination, therefore he had no choice than to comply with his grandfather's arrangement s. Now that

he had gotten to his destination, he could finally dismiss the bodyguards.

He quickly dismissed the bodyguards after thanking them politely. The bodyguards were relucta nt to

leave, but when they saw his intimidating gaze, they quickly backed down. Even though the y felt

obligated to obey Mr. Reid,

the person in question was the grandson of their master. They didn't want to get on his bad side.

Soon enough, they drove away in all three Rolls-Royce, leaving Darius behind. Darius breathed a sigh

of relief at their

departure. He then walked to his class room and took his seat.

Darius classmates all had shocked expressions on their faces at the turn of events before them.

Not only had he arrived in three expensive Rolls-

Royce, he had also arrived with bodyguards! Everyone knew that only high profile figures were e

scorted by bodyguards; and although it was not every high profile person who employed the se rvices

of bodyguards, it was still a

service exclusive to the wealthy people.

At this point they all started questioning Darius' identity among themselves. They knew that he was

rich, but this was way above their expectation. The ladies in his class in particular even stare d at

Darius like they wanted to eat him at that moment!

Darius was very uncomfortable at the stares he

received, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't just tell them to

stop staring at him, as that would put him in a very awkward situation. As such, he had no choice but to

endure the stares that were directed at him.

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Finally, the door to the lecture venue opened and the lecturer walked in, saving Darius from the uncomfortable situation he was in. As the

lecturer walked in, all the gossips and stares died dow n, returning the much needed peace to the lecture hall

The class went smoothly as expected. As it

was an important lecture, everybody was intently focused

on the lecture. Their exams were coming up soon and since the students knew how vital the lect ure was for them, they placed a hundred

percent focus on the lecture.


After an hour, the lecture came to a conclusion. Everyone started packing up to go home when a blue Lamborghini Gallardo drove hastily

into the clearing, stirring up dust as it did.

The students instantly paused what

they were doing and shifted their attention to the car that just arrived. They all had curious expre ssions on their faces. The car cost around

S150,000, so whoever was driving such a car would be no ordinary person.

Darius also looked at the car with mild curiosity. Though he wasn't moved by the cost of the car, he was interested in knowing who the car

belonged to. The car door abruptly

opened, and a person exited the vehicle. When the students present saw the entire figure, they a II had surprised expressions on their faces.

Their surprise was perfectly understandable, as the fig ure was none other than the person whose name was on everyone's

lips an hour ago, Luke Erihal!