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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65 Darius walked quickly to the spot he parked his car. As he walked the embers of rage still burned fiercely in his heart. He was

very dissatisfied with the beating he gave Luke. He felt that Luke deserved way more than the beating he received. However despite how

disgruntled he felt about it, he didn't act on his feelings. Taking Helen back to safety took precedence over anything now.

He unlocked his car and placed her gently in the passenger seat and got into the driver's seat before driving off at full speed.

As Darius drove, he couldn't help but throw occasional glances to where Helen lay curled up on the seat. Anger bubbled again in his heart

when he thought about what Luke and Kris wanted to do to her. If he hadn't managed to arrive in time the consequences would have been

very severe.

He turned his gaze away from her and focused his gaze on the road. Nevertheless there was a very cold glint in his eyes as he drove. Helen

wellbeing took precedence for now, but that wouldn't be the case forever. He promised to make them pay for their actions. By the time he

was done with them, the only feelings they would have left was that of regret.

After thirty minutes of driving, Darius arrived at Helen's dormitory. He had wanted to drive her to the hospital, but Helen had insisted severally

and firmly that she was completely alright. She convinced him that she was just shaken and that all she needed was a good night sleep.

Darius had no choice but to comply with her actions, and therefore brought her directly to her dorm.

Helen alighted from his vehicle without Darius'aid. During the course of the journey here, she was finally able to stop her trembling. She

didn't know why it suddenly stopped, but she guessed that Darius provided her a great sense of security, making her feel incredibly safe in

his presence.

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"Thank you for coming to my rescue and bringing me here safely." Helen said in a sincere tone; while gazing at the floor.

"It's nothing. Anytime you’re in danger just let me know. I'll be there as soon as possible." Darius reaffirmed.

"Also, about your roommate, I have arranged for her to be sent to the hospital. Rest assured, I have

made sure that she'll be treated by the best doctors present." Darius added. Helen smiled softly at his

words. Although the weather was cold, Helen felt herself melt at his words. Not only had he taken good

care of her by rescuing her, he also made sure that her friend was taken good care of. Such kindness

was incredibly hard to find in this period, and she was extremely glad that she was able to come in

contact with someone who was that kind at heart.

Darius turned and was about to enter his car when he felt someone pulling him back Before he could

make any sense of it, the next thing he felt was a pair of lips on his.

Darius' eyes widened in surprise; but Helen showed no sign of stopping. Instead, she pried his mouth

open with her lips and inserted her tongue in his. Darius was too shocked to resist, and ten seconds

after she initiated the kiss, Helen broke off the kiss.

She panted for breath as her heart beat rapidly, while her cheeks flushed red from the aftermath of the

kiss. Darius was about to say something to her but she shook her head. Flustered, she turned her back

to Darius and ran as fast as she could to her dormitory room.

Darius was still shocked by her actions; her kiss had come out of the blue after all. He however

managed to calm himself down. He had no idea that she thought about him romantically and was even

bold enough to kiss him deeply, so now that she had made it known, he was at a loss on what to do.

He sighed. There was nothing he could do about it now. He would think about it later. There were still

pregsing matters that he needed to attend to.

[Ivy Residence, Room 81]

Luke sat down on a chair beside the inbuilt mini bar in his apartment. Several empty bottles of alcohol

were scattered around the table, while another half bottle of alcohol lay in his hands. He downed the

contents of the bottle at once before flinging the bottle at the wall in anger.

He was indeed very angry as the day had been a very bad one for him. Not only was he not able to

have his way with Helen, he had also gotten beat up by a lotal stranger, and even had his best friend


He had never felt so humiliated and powerless in his life. It irked him so much. He grabbed another full

bottle of alcohol and downed half of the contents at a go. He then looked at the clock on the wall with

anticipation. He should be getting the phone call at any moment from


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Just as he had those thoughts, his phone rang. He picked it up immediately and without waiting for the

caller to speak he asked in a very impatient voice.

"Have you gotten the information I asked you to?"

"Yes. I have sent the files to you, but-''

"That’s good. Thank you for your work." Luke replied impatiently; and without waiting for the person to finish his sentence, he disconnected

the phone call.

He quickly opened his e-mail and saw the file the person sent to him. Delighted, he opened it and read it.

After ten minutes, he leaned back on his chair and took a drink from the bottle of alcohol on his table. There was a smile on his face.

He had ordered for the intruder to be investigated and have his information sent to him. He wanted to retaliate, but he needed to make sure

that the intruder was not someone on the same level as him. Therefore you could imagine his joy when he finished reading the report.

The intruder's name was Darius Reid, and was a 20 year old student in Kingston University. He was very poor and miserable before, but has

recently shed that status and title. He was the highest contributor at this year charity gala donating a sum of $4.1 million.

Luke smiled. Although the file mentioned that they weren't sure how he suddenly became wealthy overnight, he wasn’t bothered about that.

He didn't care about how much he had What he cared was about the background, and from what he could see, Darius had none. He only

had his wealth going for him. This meant that he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Luke tried to stand up, but hissed in pain at the wounds that his body was covered in. He had

no choice but to remain seated. Even at that, the pain wasn't enough to dampen his happiness His pride and dignity had been trampled on

by a nobody, which had

never happened to him before. He couldn't let this one go. “Just you wait, Darius Reid!" I’d have you begging at my feet sooner or íaterỉ"