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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 15
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Chapter Fifteen


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“Would you like something to drink?” Richard asked, waiting for Amber's response as he watched her settle on

the sofa in the living room.

He could tell that she was restless, but he didn’t know if it was because she was at his place for the first tor

if there was sother reason why she seemed so uncomfortable.

“Would you givealcohol if | asked you to?” Amber replied, suddenly feeling like she needed alcohol to get

herself together.

When she first entered Richard's living room, the first thing she felt was the feeling of being dirt poor. Just

entering the place alone made her realize that she was about to marry someone whose wealth she might never

be able to comprehend.

She had wanted to ask him questions on how rich he was and how he was so far above Kayden despite the fact

that their companies were neck and neck, according to her research. But when she thought about it for a second

time, she realized how stupid her question would sound.

“What makes you think that | wouldn't?” Richard asked, his voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

“I don’t know. You might not want to give alcohol to someone who you witnessed break down, just in case | end

up getting drunk and start to misbehave,” she replied, wanting to hear how he’d respond to

the possibility of her being drunk.

“Now that you mentioned you, | believe drinking habits should also be a part of the rules because if

there is one thing | can’t stand, it's a bad drunk,” he responded.

| scoffed, not exactly impressed with his response. “Oh, please, Richard, are you trying to tell me

that you've never experienced being so drunk, to the point where you act completely out of character and

misbehave in a way you later regret?” she asked, not wanting to believe that he was that

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He already seemed almost perfect to her, but it would definitely make her feel at ease if he admitted

that he had been dead drunk before, so she wouldn't be the only one with multiple flaws.

“I never knew it was mandatory to experience being drunk enough to misbehave, Miss Grey. But if you

feel it's normal, then I'm guessing you're quite experienced with getting drunk and misbehaving.

Unfortunately, or should | say, fortunately, | can’t relate to such a terrible experience because, first, I'm very

aware of my limits, and | don’t tend to drink to get drunk,” he answered, earning an


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Chapter Fifteen

eye roll from Amber.

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“Oh, what a model citizen!” she retorted, making it obvious that she was being sarcastic. “Well, for someone who

was born with everything, I'm guessing you've never had any reason to want to drink to stupor. Try living my life

for one day, and | promise you, dear, you'll becan alcoholic in the blink of an eye.”

On hearing her mention that he seemed to be born with everything. Richard would simply chuckle to himself. He

wasn't surprised to hear her say that, because most people around him usually say the sthing, and he was

already so accustomed to people associating his wealthy background with having a perfect life.

“So, now that we've established that you're an alcoholic, is there anything else you'd like to tell me? | mean, do

you perhaps have any habits that | would need to look out for?” he asked, suddenly curious to know everything

that there was to know about her.

Amber would squint her eyes in his direction, staring at him with an amused look on her face. When Richard

noticed how she was staring at him, he would becslightly nervous, wondering if she was having any weird

thoughts in her head.

He had already started to wrap his head around the fact that Amber wasn’t exactly a normal person, so he made

a mental note to himself to watch out for anything unusual, just so she wouldn't catch him off guard.

“Richard, you've never been married before, right?” Amber questioned.

She couldn't exactly pinpoint why her thoughts suddenly redirected to this question, but her

instincts were telling her that Richard had most likely never lived with a woman before.

“Of course not! Why would | willingly set myself up for failure? I'm a businessman, and | strongly believe that

marriage is a waste of one’s precious life and energy. Of course, with exceptions like our business arrangement,”

he replied, and Amber shook her head in disbelief.

“I mean, | partly agree with the fact that marriage can be a life-sucker, but for someone like you

who hasn't even experienced what it is like to get married, you sure sound a little too hateful.”

Richard rolled his eyes. “And your point is?”

“My point is, you sound like a virgin,” she responded, and Richard's face immediately contorted into

a frown.


Chapter Fifteen

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“W...what? Excuse me? H...how did you cto such a ridiculous conclusion, Amber?” he asked, unab hide his


In his thirty-three years on earth, he had never heard anyone refer to him as a virgin, simply because he thought

of marriage as a draining activity.

Amber let out a soft chuckle, amused by how triggered Richard looked simply because she had referred to him

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as a virgin. She couldn't deny the fact that she had found his reaction quite adorable, and it made her feel the

urge to keep teasing him.

“Have you ever lived with a woman before? | mean, a girlfriend since you've never been married?”

“And why would | live with a girlfriend? That's crossing the line,” Richard responded, much to Amber's surprise.

“Do you mean what you just said, or are you just trying to joke around?” she inquired.

She started to wonder if Richard perhaps had a few loose screws and wasn't as flawless as she thought, because

why else would he think living with his girlfriend would be crossing the line?

Richard sighed, realizing that their unnecessary conversation had dragged on for too long. “It may seem as

though you and | have very different viewpoints, and as much as it should matter, we're going

to have to make this our first rule,” he stated.

“And what would that be?” Amber asked.

“It's simple. Rule number one: neither party A, which is me, nor party B, which represents you, is

allowed to impose their opinions on the other person. Even though we're legally going to be married,

you have no right to try to change my opinions on things, should our opinions differ, and | have no right to do the

same,” he explained clearly.

She shrugged. “I highly doubt that | would waste my ttrying to force an old man like you to

understand my opinion. Clearly, you're a lost cause, and I'm not interested in helping you,” she responded

nonchalantly, and two things stuck in Richard's mind as he stared back at her in


The first thing was that she had referred to him as an old man, and the second was that she just

called him a lost cause.

‘Who does she think she is?”
