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Thriller Night Talk

Ch197 - Extra
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

After listening to Wei's dad's confession, Wei's mother's face turned slightly red. After all, elders tend to care about their reputation and it can be embarrassing to bring up such personal matters, especially in front of their children. "Enough with the nonsense!" Wei's mother slapped Wei's father's arm forcefully.

"Get to the point!"

Wei's father immediately complied.

"Well, it's like this..."

He coughed.

"After I mentioned my 'issues' to them, they started teasing me..."

According to Wei's father's recollection, everyone at the table that day was good friends, so they didn't hold back in their conversation. They cracked dirty jokes and even gave him squestionable advice.

"I do remember someone suggesting that I eat s'nourishing' foods like deer meat, walnuts, and lamb kidneys..."

Wei's father earnestly recalled the details of that day.

"There was even a suggestion to drink smedicinal wine!"

Bei Quan asked with a smile, "Do you remember who suggested the medicinal wine?" Wei's father pondered for a moment and shook his head.

"I really can't remember, it's been so long ago."

But then he said with certainty, "But not long after that meal, Dahe ctowith a bottle of medicinal wine, saying he heard about my back issues and wanted to helpout!"

Wei's father had been a dominant figure in the business world for many years, so he was not naive. On the contrary, he was very smart and good at piecing together the whole picture from just a few clues. "Yeah... that's right!" Wei's father slapped his thigh forcefully.

"I never mentioned my little 'issue' to Dahe, so how did he know to bringthe medicinal wine that was just right for it?"

There was a hint of anger in his eyes. "Someone must have told him!" As for why that 'someone' did it, it was obvious.

--It was just a trick to use someone else to do the dirty work.

Seeing that Wei's father had figured it out, Bei Quan smiled and pushed the pen and paper that he had prepared in front of him.

"Do you remember who else was there with you that day?"

Wei's dad picked up the pen and started recalling, writing down each non the paper. He knew that Bei Quan didn't know his friends, so he carefully noted each person's identity and their relationship to him.

A few minutes later, he handed the completed list to Bei Quan. Wei Fuyuan also leaned over to take a look.


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Young Master Wei almost immediately spotted a familiar nand couldn't help but exclaim, "It's him for sure!"

Bei Quan smiled and nodded.

He wasn't surprised by this result at all.

After understanding the layout of Wei's mansion, Bei Quan was already 90% certain of the cause and effect of this matter.

The list simply confirmed the remaining 10%.

"This person."

Bei Quan circled a nwith his pen and handed it back to Wei's dad.

"Could you please call your brother and confirm if this person indeed gave him the wine?"

When Wei's father saw the circled name, he looked surprised but didn't ask any questions. He immediately called his brother.

Upon receiving the call from his older brother, Wei Dahe sounded happy and enthusiastic.

["Hey, bro!"]

["Are you feeling better from your cold? Do you wantto cand visit you?"]

Wei's father didn't tell his brother about his strange illness. His brother just thought that he was avoiding him recently because of a common cold.

"Dahe, letask you something."

Wei's father exchanged a few casual greetings with his brother and then got straight to the point. "Where did you buy that medicinal wine you gavebefore?"

He asked, "I found it to be quite effective, and I want to buy smore."

["Oh, you're asking about that nourishing Bazhen wine, right?"]

Wei Dahe thought for a moment.

["That wine was also given toby someone else, so I don't know where to buy it."]

Wei's dad's remaining three percent of doubt about his brother instantly vanished. He continued to inquire, "Who gave it to you?"

["Hey, you asked the right question!"]

Wei Dahe on the other end of the phone laughed.

["That person is quite familiar, it's none other than..."]


Wei's father hung up the phone and slammed it hard on the bedside table. The force was so strong that it almost shattered the screen.

"That jerk!" Wei's dad gritted his teeth and cursed, "I've been good to him all this time, and yet, he..."

Wei's mother, who had been listening the whole time, was surprisingly calmer than Wei's father.

She reached out and patted her husband's arm, signaling for him to calm down. She gestured that anger wouldn't solve the problem, then turned to Bei Quan and asked softly, "Bei Quan, do you have a way to treat Old Wei's illness?"

Bei Quan smiled and nodded, "I have someone underwho is very knowledgeable about herbal medicine. He should know what to do."

Both of Wei's parents' eyes lit up, and they asked in unison, "Can we invite him over now?"

"Not in a hurry."

Bei Quan raised his hand in a calming gesture and said, "Treating your illness is not difficult, but I believe that curing the disease may not be the most important thing right now."

Bei Quan emphasized each word as he continued, "If you don't kill the snake, you'll suffer its bite. If you let the tiger return to the mountain, you'll face endless troubles."

Wei's father and mother, being intelligent individuals, naturally understood this principle.

"I don't understand either! Why would 'he' bother to mess withlike this?! It's so frustrating!"

Wei's dad scratched his face in annoyance, almost pulling out a handful of his yellow hair.

"What benefit does 'he' get from all of this?!"

What's even more frustrating is that these 'pranks' have caused Wei's dad a lot of trouble, but there's no evidence. The law can't do anything without proof, and public opinion and morality can't hold 'him' accountable. Even if it spreads, whether anyone believes it or not, it might just boost 'his' ego for no reason...

After thinking it over, Wei's father clenched his teeth and reluctantly admitted that he was powerless against 'that person'. The most he could do was find someone to teach 'him' a lesson, but then he would have to worry about potential retaliation in the future.... It was a bitter pill to swallow, but he might have to let it go.

Bei Quan smiled faintly and then explained his speculation in detail to the couple...

"So, let's not rush to cure your strange illness, Uncle."

Ten minutes later, Bei Quan smiled at Wei's stunned parents.

"Since the other party is so scheming, let's not be polite. Let's turn the tables and give them a taste of their own medicine."

October 4th, Monday, 10:25 AM.

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan were hiding in the nanny's room, staring at the small monitor.

Wei's parents had arranged for equipment to be installed overnight for today's 'plan'.

"It looks like things are going smoothly."

Wei Fuyuan pointed at the screen:

"But where does 'he' want to hide the thing?"

"Don't worry, we'll find out soon enough!" Bei Quan replied with a smile.

At that moment, the door to the nanny's room creaked open, and Wei's parents sneaked in like thieves.

"Dad, Mom!" Wei Fuyuan waved them over, signaling for them to cand watch together.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There was no need to wait for their son to call them out, Wei's parents had already impatiently approached the small screen.

The surveillance camera was cleverly hidden in a brass horse figurine on top of a cabinet, providing a perfect view of the master bedroom.

In the footage, a man wearing a dark brown Daoist robe was pulling something out of his backpack.

"Bei Quan, you guessed it right!"

Even with Wei's dad growing long yellow hair, it was evident that he had a gloomy expression and low spirits.

"Despicable person! He's the one who did everything, yet he shamelessly comes knocking on our door, pretending to be superior. Disgusting! It's a pity he's not acting, he deserves an Oscar!"

Yes, the person they were monitoring was none other than the feng shui master they once trusted, Master Wang.

Wei Fuyuan glanced at his father and thought, 'Dad's being too modest. He's impressive too! Even though the culprit is right in front of us, I wish I could tear him apart. Just now, when we welcomed him into the house, he could still put on a fake 'savior, you've finally arrived' act. His acting skills are amazing, he could be a professor at the Central Academy of Drama!"

At that moment, Master Wang in the surveillance footage crouched down and felt along the wall seam for a moment. Then, to the shocked gaze of Wei's parents, he lifted an inconspicuous tile in the corner of the wall cabinet.

"Oh my goodness!" Wei's father exclaimed, "We have a hidden mechanism in our room!?"

Wei's parents lived in this house for over seven years and never realized there was a tile in the corner of their bedroom wall that could be easily lifted.

Master Wang swiftly put something into the hollow space beneath the tile, quickly restored it, and pushed the cabto slightly cover the tile, hiding all traces.

Afterward, Master Wang stood up, straightened his slightly disheveled robe from kneeling, and took out an incense burner, placing it on the dressing table. He lit three incense sticks and inserted them into the burner, giving the appearance of just having performed a ritual.

Bei Quan reminded them, "Uncle and Aunt, he's finished."

Wei's parents immediately changed their expressions from anger to a look of sincere fear and went out to 'welcome' Master Wang, leaving the door to the housekeeper's room open behind them.

Wei Fuyuan turned to Bei Quan and asked, "What did that sorcerer just put there?"

The surveillance camera was positioned slightly higher to cover the entire master bedroom, and the screen resolution was slightly lower. Wei Fuyuan could only see that Master Wang was holding a yellowish object about half the size of a palm, but couldn't make out the


"I don't know."

Bei Quan smiled and replied, "That depends on what he wants to get rid of in the first place."

Hearing this, Wei Fuyuan furrowed his brow.

"If we don't know what it is, should we make our plan more secure?"

He paused and expressed his concern:

"I'm worried that my father might be in danger."

Bei Quan laughed.

He thought to himself, "Father and son truly share a bond."

Although Wei Fuyuan didn't say it out loud, he still cared deeply for his father.

"Don't worry."

Bei Quan reached out and pinched his boyfriend's cheek, saying, "Withhere, what do you have to be afraid of?"