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Thriller Night Talk

Ch196 - Extra
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Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Spring Flower

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan exchanged a glance.

Wei Fuyuan's dad's response was somewhat unexpected for them.

Wei Fuyuan felt that he still had sunderstanding of his second uncle.

His second uncle and his dad had a good relationship.

The two brothers had different aspirations. One dominated the business world while the other indulged in the arts of painting and calligraphy. One focused on making money, while the other appreciated elegance. Their interests didn't conflict much in terms of benefits.

If they considered whether the bottle of wine with unknown animal bones was something intentionally done by the second uncle, Wei Fuyuan thought it was unlikely.

Firstly, his second uncle didn't have the ability to do so, and secondly, he had no reason to do such a thing...

Wei Fuyuan pondered, and his brows unconsciously furrowed, his expression becoming serious. Father and mother Wei naturally noticed something was amiss.

"What's wrong?"

Wei Fuyuan's dad stroked his beard, cautiously asking, "Is there something wrong with this wine?"

Wei Fuyuan, upon hearing this, looked at his dad and replied seriously, "The reason you've beclike this is because you drank this medicinal wine."


Wei's dad and mom exclaimed in shock, simultaneously asking, "Are you serious!?"

Wei Fuyuan nodded firmly.

Now, even Wei Fuyuan's dad and mom were shocked and didn't know what to say for a moment. Their son wouldn't make up something like this, but how could Wei Fuyuan, who studied business management, be able to identify the cause of a strange illness that even the best hospital in Fengxing City couldn't diagnose?

After a moment of silence, Wei's mom finally thought of asking the most important question, "How did you know?"

Wei Fuyuan looked at Bei Quan and said, "Bei Quan told me."

Father and mother Wei's expressions beceven more interesting.

"Then... Mr. Bei Quan," Wei's mom turned to her "son's boyfriend" and asked the squestion again, but this twith a tone of suspicion, "How did you know there was a problem with this wine?"

Bei Quan smiled and said, "Of course, it's because I can 'see'."

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Wei's dad and mom: "!!"

They were initially stunned, but then their faces turned pale. "See, see?"

Although Wei's mom tried to conceal it, her words still carried a slight tremor, "See, see what?"

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet."

Bei Quan timely showed a gentle and friendly smile.

"I am a practitioner of the Dao and I run my own company. I often help 'clients' with troubles related to ghosts and evil spirits."

He said, looking at the bottle of medicinal wine held by Wei Fuyuan and then at Wei's dad with his yellow-haired face, "For example, the kind of situation you two are currently facing."

Father and mother Wei: "..."

They were already a bit shocked and didn't know how to react for a moment. Their expressions froze.

The room was silent for a good half minute. Finally, Wei's mom snapped out of her daze.

"So... you're a Taoist?"

Wei's mom trembled her lips. "Shouldn't monks be pure and free from desires? Why are you with my son?"

"Bei Quan is not a Taoist!"

Wei Fuyuan quickly answered before Bei Quan could speak.

"Besides, even if he were a Taoist, we can still get married and have children!"

Then he waved his hand. "Let's not talk about that. Mom, shouldn't you be more concerned about the issue with this medicinal wine?"

After being reminded by their son, Father and mother Wei realized that it truly wasn't the tto dwell on whether Bei Quan was a Taoist or not.

"Are you sure the problem lies with this wine?" Wei Fuyuan's dad couldn't help but touch the hair on his face. "Ah He wouldn't have a reason to harm me!"

Business people had a tendency of holding onto ssuperstitions. Wei Fuyuan's grandfather believed that water was the source of wealth, so when naming his two sons and daughter, he simply used words related to "water" in a slapdash way. The eldest son ended up being called Dajiang, the second son was called Dahe, and the youngest daughter was called Yuehu.

Wei Fuyuan's dad carefully recalled and confirmed that the medicinal wine was indeed given to him by his younger brother, Wei Dahe. He said it was a great product for nourishing the kidneys and replenishing energy, which was perfect for him.

Coincidentally, during that time, Wei Fuyuan's dad was busy planning a major new project and had daily social engagements. He was severely lacking in sleep and, at his age, started experiencing the typical frustrations that most middle-aged men face when they don't get enough rest and lack exercise. After having to go to the bathroom three times in one night, he decided to try the medicinal wine his brother had given him.

Wei Fuyuan's dad actually only drank it about three times, just a small cup each time.

But looking back now, he did notice that hair started growing on his face after drinking the medicinal wine.

"...Mr. Bei Quan."

Even though he was already 90% convinced, since it involved his own brother, Wei Fuyuan's dad still decided to be cautious.

"Since you said you could 'see'... is there something in this medicinal wine?"

Bei Quan smirked.

"I know you both must still have doubts."

As he spoke, he took out a small bottle with a nozzle from his pocket.

"Since that's the case, let's say, 'seeing is believing?"

Father and mother Wei were once again stunned.

"This... can we really see it with our own eyes?"

Wei Fuyuan's dad's eyes showed a mix of fear and uncontrollable curiosity as he looked at the bottle.

"What can we see?" he asked.

Bei Quan shook the small spray bottle in his hand and smiled mysteriously.

"Why don't we give it a try and find out?"

To be honest, Wei Fuyuan's dad and Wei Fuyuan's mom were both scared - after all, who knew what was inside that spray bottle and what they might see later. But as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Even though they were afraid, in the face of curiosity, people often choose to take the risk of the unknown in the end.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei Fuyuan's dad and Wei Fuyuan's mom couldn't resist their curiosity and reluctantly agreed to let Bei Quan spray sstrange unknown liquid into their eyes.

"Alright, now please take a look."

Bei Quan smiled and then stepped aside, allowing Father and mother Wei to see the medicine bottle that Wei Fuyuan was holding.


In the next second, both of them screamed in horror, jumped onto the bed, and huddled together at the foot of the bed, trembling uncontrollably.

Because they saw that the medicine bottle had a dark black thing inside, it looked like a big black spider had squeezed into the bottle, and it kept wriggling slowly, its twisted long legs tapping against the glass walls of the bottle.


Just the thought of drinking a potion with a "live spider" made Wei Fuyuan's dad feel his throat burn and stomach churn. Unable to hold it back, he leaned over at the foot of the bed and vomited the lunch he had just eaten.

Wei Fuyuan: "..."

He turned his head to look at Bei Quan, his gaze carrying a hint of reproach.

"Enough, don't scare my parents for real."

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Receiving Wei Fuyuan's gaze, Bei Quan smiled and motioned for him to set the bottle aside.

Actually, the original potion contained bones with a "curse." Even if you had the ability to see spirits or sprayed bull's tears into your eyes, you still wouldn't be able to see this terrifying and disgusting "monster" with its maximum shock factor appearance.

So, this spider-like creature was added by Bei Quan later on. The purpose, of course, was to skip the lengthy explanations and gain the trust of Wei Fuyuan's parents with maximum efficiency.

The old couple would be scared half to death, but there was no other choice.

Wei Fuyuan left the house with the potion, but quickly returned empty-handed.

"Now you should believe me, right?," he said to his parents.

"Now, think carefully about what that bottle of wine was all about?"

At that moment, Wei Fuyuan's dad was using a handkerchief to wipe off the filth that had gotten on his chin, looking quite disheveled.

After being reminded by his son, he slightly regained his composure.


He said to himself,

"I need to think clearly about what exactly happened..."

Even though he saw the horrifying thing in the bottle with his own eyes, Wei Fuyuan's dad still didn't believe that his brother would harm him.

When it cto his younger brother, Wei Fuyuan's dad knew him very well. They had a four-year age difference, but grew up together, and had a deep bond. They had a close relationship due to their daily interactions, so there was no reason for his brother to harm him in such a malicious way.

Moreover, even if we set aside the family bond, Wei Fuyuan's dad didn't believe his brother was capable of doing such things.

He was the shrewd and dominant older brother who was skilled in business, and Wei Dahe was essentially a spoiled child who grew up in a wealthy family. He had a cheerful personality and decent character, but he didn't have many talents, much less any bad habits. Grandfather Wei didn't rely on Wei Dahe to carry on the family business, so he allowed him to grow freely according to his own interests. In his youth, Wei Dahe immersed himself in the world of painting and antique art. He opened an art gallery and started a business as an art agent, occasionally hosting art exhibitions and auctions. Whether he made a lot of money or not, no one really cared. Even if he faced losses, his older brother had his back. Wei Dahe lived a relaxed and carefree life, embodying the essence of "free-spirited" in every way.

"Dahe doesn't have much stake in the company, so even if I really died, he wouldn't benefit..."

After regaining his composure, Wei Fuyuan's dad started to think practically.

As the world revolves around profit, and everyone is driven by self-interest, if Dahe wouldn't gain any money or business from this, then the likelihood of him being involved was very low.

"Wait a minute!" Wei Fuyuan's dad suddenly had a guess.

Since there was no reason for his younger son to harm him, could it be that someone used him to deliver the bottle of poisoned wine to him?

"That's right, I remember now..." Wei's dad slapped his forehead and whispered, "During that time, I did mention to a friend about... uh..."

He glanced at his wife before lowering his voice and continued, "It's about my own kidney weakness..."

Wei Fuyuan's mom gave him a stern look, signaling him not to beat around the bush and to quickly explain the whole story.

Before receiving the poisoned wine, he had confessed symptoms of kidney weakness due to excessive fatigue and overexertion. One day, after a social gathering, fueled by the effects of a few extra drinks, he mentioned this to his table mate, complaining that as he got older, he couldn't perform as well. He mentioned how he had to go to the bathroom multiple times every night, and even had trouble with his duties. He had let out that he wondered how he could regain his vitality and prowess.