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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71

Darius turned to his grandfather with shock in his eyes.

His grandfather knew who the culprit was? "You know who the culprit is?" Darius asked.

"Yes." Darius grandfather replied.

"How bold." Darius grandfather sneered. "They dared to harm you; completely ignoring your identity as a member of the Reid family." "Are

they not afraid of the Reid family anymore?" Darius grandfather asked in a cold tone.

Darius looked at his grandfather and felt shivers run down his spine. The look his grandfather had on his face was the look of someone who

had been in charge of a company that was on top of the food chain for over 40 years. Darius was still a student and was yet to graduate from

his university, so it was completely normal that his aura paled to that of his grandfather who was a seasoned veteran.

However that didn't stop Darius from asking his grandfather who the culprit was. He was incredibly curious to know who sent an assassin

after him. He had not offended anyone recently and was always respectful to people. Why then would anyone send an assassin after him?

"Grandfather, could you tell me who the culprit is?" Darius asked.

"Yes. The triangular mark on the back of the palm of the assassin is a trademark tattoo of the bodyguards of the Erihal group. They perform

their dirty deeds and are considerably stronger than average humans. I just didn't expect them to lay their hands on a member of the Reid

family." James answered angrily.

He couldn't believe the audacity of the Erihal group. Even after conceding several business projects for

them, they ignored all his deeds and launched a deadly attack on his grandson. They must be seeking


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Darius eyes widened in surprise when he heard his grandfather's answer. He had not come in contact

with anyone from the Erihal group apart from Luke Erihal, which he beat to a pulp after his attempt to

rape Helen. Who would have thought he had such a vile character? Not only did he not feel any iota of

remorse, he even had the heart to send a professional and trained assassin to take his life. How evil!

Darius was a hundred percent sure that Luke was the person behind the attack on him, as he had even

threatened him when he rescued Helen. Darius felt extreme anger bubble up in his heart as he thought

about it.

In the end he only had himself to blame. If only he was as strong as the assassin, then he wouldn't

have been injured so badly. When he recalled his fight with the assassin, brief anger' welled up in his

heart. He had practiced several martial arts including Kick boxing and

Taekwondo, but even that was not enough to help him defeat the assassin.

He was still lost in his thoughts when his grandfather's words jolted him out of his reverie.

"I know what you are thinking." His grandfather started. "Don't worry too much about it for now."

He reached into the drawer in the mahogany desk and brought out the tattered book. He dusted it

carefully so as not to remove the other pages before handing the book over to Darius. "Take this book.

Follow the procedures in the book everyday for thirty minutes before you practice your martial arts. It

will help you improve your strength greatly." James said. Darius collected the tattered book from his

grandfather's hands and went through it. The book contained several strange breathing exercises with

different tiers. Darius looked at it skeptically before shrugging it off. It was a gift from his grandfather,

which meant that he had to cherish it with his heart; after all he knew that his grandfather had his best

interest at heart.

"You should go back to your room and rest now. Although it seems like you are completely healed, you

still need to be careful for the next three days." His grandfather suggested warmly.

Darius nodded his head lightly. He wholeheartedly agreed with his grandfather's suggestion. He was

still feeling a bit weak as a matter of fact. Perhaps after resting for three days he would be back to full


He thanked his grandfather sincerely for his help before exiting the study room. His grandfather

maintained a smile on his face as he spoke to his grandson, but the moment his grandson left the

room, a sinister gaze appeared on his face.

He picked up his phone and gave Bruce a phone call. The phone rang only once before Bruce picked

up the call.

"The Erihal Group was behind the attack on my grandson. You know what to do." James ordered

angrily before disconnecting the call without waiting for a response from Bruce.

Since the Erihal Group took his kindness and merciful act towards them for granted, he would remind

them just how powerful and unforgiving the Reid consortium is. He sat down on his seat and took a sip

from the glass of wine on the table.

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[HKN Diamond Hotel; VIP Section, Room 41)

Luke Erihal laid on a very luxurious king sized bed in a room in the VIP section of the HKN Diamond Hotel. Beside him on the bed lay a

naked lady. She was incredibly pretty with swelling twin peaks and a curvaceous behind.

Beads of sweats rolled down from Luke's well developed upper body. It didn't take a genius to know that the two people on the bed had been

involved in some intense sexual activities.

Luke glanced at the lady who was sleeping peacefully after several rounds of intimate sessions. His lips turned upwards and a triumphant

smirk crawled on to his face.

This was how it should be. He could get any lady to spend the night with him if he so wanted.

There shouldn't be anyone capable of stopping his actions! His eyes turned crazed as he thought about Darius. He had gotten a report from

the assassin he ordered that Darius had been severely injured by him.

He was very glad at the report. Although he would have preferred that Darius was killed, this also worked fine as well. The assassin informed

him that the injuries were too severe and he would probably die in a few days. Luke let out a sinister chuckle. He remembered how

humiliated he felt when Darius beat him

up and insulted his dignity as a man in front of Helen. He wanted to be the one who beat Darius up, but he knew that he couldn’t win Darius

in a fight. He could only settle for the aid of the assassin.

Now that Darius was out of the way, he could now renew his pursuit for Helen. This time around there would be no one to stop him.

He was still relishing in his joy when his phone rang. Excited, he picked the phone call without checking the caller ID. The excited expression

on his face instantly faded when he heard the voice from the other end of the phone. "What exactly have you done this time, Luke Erihal?!"