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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 354: The Prison Shrine Sings the “Sun Public Case
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The next morning, Sun Shaozong got up from the bed in his study and felt his shoulders ache.

Pulling open the collar to look, he saw that the neat row of teeth marks had already becred and swollen. He couldn't help but secretly scold this fake nun. He kindly saved her life, but in the end, she bit him back.

Speaking of it, this fake nun's strength was not strong, but her teeth were really sharp and her mouth was tight. Yesterday, his shoulder was bitten and bleeding, making it difficult for Sun Shaozong to find Ruan Rong or Jia Yingchun to linger on. He could only stay in the study alone to nourish himself.

He was used to the service of the maids and was not used to washing by himself. In addition, he has sdifficulties on his shoulders, which was even more frustrating.

Fortunately, it was agreed today that he would go to Zijin Street to congratulate Xue Pan on his birthday, so Sun Shaozong didn't have to rush to the government office for work.

So he dawdled around until around 8 a.m. when he finally finished packing up.

After leaving the study, he was about to return to the backyard to have breakfast with Ruan Rong and Xiangling when he saw Zhao Zhongji rushing over. From a distance, he greeted him, "Second Master, Mr. Liu and Mr. Jiang from Prince Zhongshun's Mansion are here. They are now having tea in the front hall.”

These two people were both acting enthusiasts, and although their sexual preferences were vastly different, their relationship was extremely close. Therefore, it was not uncommon for them to ctogether hand in hand. They had already arranged to meet at Xue Pan's place in the afternoon, but how could they have cto his mansion early in the morning?

Sun Shaozong instructed Zhao Zhongji to pass on the message to the backyard, and then hurriedly went to the front hall to attend to the guests.

“Brother Sun.”

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“Second Brother.”

“Brother Jiang, Xianglian.”

When he arrived at the front hall and greeted each other, Sun Shaozong saw that both of them had uncontrollable excitement on their faces. He wondered, "What kind of good thing did you meet that you couldn't hold back until noon and cover to tellin advance?”


Liu Xianglian chuckled and said, "Second brother is really accurate. We chere with great news to share with you.”

“That’s right.”

So it was for this matter.


Originally, Sun Shaozong thought that even if the play was arranged, it was just singing in the palace, so why did it still stir up outside?

"I also guest starred as a supporting role in it, playing myself!"

Liu Xianglian said proudly, "This may also be the first new thing in the theater. You must cover and praiseat that time, Second Brother.” Thɪs chapter is updated by ɴoᴠel Fɪre.nᴇt

“You must be comfortable playing by yourself.”

Sun Shaozong said helplessly, "But askingto watch you guys perform my things on the stage, I really don't know what to think, especially when setting up a platform and showing it to the people all over the Capital. Is this... Is it too ostentatious?”

“You think too much, Brother Sun.”


Liu Xianglian also chimed in, "If this play can becfamous, it's possible to be on par with Justice Bao. Do you know how many people are looking forward to it, but they haven't had this opportunity?”

After a few more words of discussion, Liu Xianglian couldn't sit still, saying that Jia Baoyu and Feng Ziying had already arrived, urging the two to quickly meet at Xue Pan's house.

Although Jiang Yuhan and Liu Xianglian both have shy and feminine faces and enjoyed singing, their daily temperaments were vastly different.

Liu Xianglian hated others talking about his female appearance, and his style of behavior was also straightforward and magnanimous. Taking Xue Pan as an example. After he teased Xue Pan twice in a row, he fell in love with this naive guy after going to Longyang. He becthe best footnote for meeting, laughing, and losing grudges.

The three of them rode horses and carriages all the way to Zijin Street.

As they got closer, Feng Ziying greeted them with a loud laugh and pointed to the firecrackers in the carriage, saying, "Big Head Xue has always been the most lively one. Today, I will give him the most lively and loud dry land thunder, which costthree hundred taels of silver.”

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Liu Xianglian was also a lively person. As soon as he heard this, he immediately got off his horse and pulled Feng Ziying, saying, "Letput the words here first. I must be the one to light up these firecrackers; no one is to compete with me.”

Feng Ziying chuckled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry. When we spread it out and light both ends at the stime, we'll have a lively celebration.”

As he spoke, he took a thread of incense with a thickness of four feet from his servant's hand and gestured to Liu Xianglian, "Use this for fun then, so as not to accidentally burn your clothes.”

Sun Shaozong looked at the firecracker in the carriage; his heart was speechless and tense. If a spark landed on it, it would instantly blow down the door of the Xue family!


But when he swept around, he suddenly becsurprised and said, "The guests have almost arrived; how cthe main character is nowhere to be seen?”

Feng Ziying quickly explained, "He was out earlier on. Isn't it just that he just led Brother Baoyu and his precious sister in to meet the Old Lady first? We don't need to be polite to him; just go to the living room and get seated.”

As he spoke, he arrived at the door and slammed it heavily.

The two vermilion-painted doors slowly parted to the left and right, revealing two sturdy figures with a splash of gray.

“Didn't you say you haven't been domesticated?”

Sun Shaozong becspeechless and said, "Why did you bring these two little elephants out again to show off?”

It turned out that the two little elephants that Xue Pan had bought from Sichuan had gained a lot of height over the past six months. Originally, they only reached Sun Shaozong's shoulders, but now they were about two meters tall.

Feng Ziying spread his hands and said, "If there's something good that doesn't show off, can he still be called Big Head Xue?“

Everyone burst into laughter and then gathered around the two little elephants to chat before finally arriving at the living room with a smile. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -