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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 83
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Chapter 0083

“Alright, you can go now,” Regina said, finally allowing the two to leave.

She lazily motioned for the nurse to cover her with a blanket, signaling her readiness to sleep.

Violet and Lucius left the room, one after the other.

“Why am | feeling so warm?”

Observing Lucius’ sweat-beaded forehead confirmed Violet's suspicion about the heat.

Lucius glanced at her emotionlessly, revealing, “Grandma has given us a special nourishing soup!”

“A special nourishing soup?*

Violet, though unfamiliar with it, was aware that certain families prepared herbal soups to boost fertility, which

also reputedly enhanced certain abilities.

“She’s doing this...”

Grasping what Regina intended, Violet's sweating worsened, prompting her to say, “I'm heading to my room!”

Then she felt a strong hand clasp her arm.

The man pressed against her, rationalizing. “Since Grandma wants you to bear my child, in our situation, this is

the quickest method for conception.”

“Excuse me...?"”

Before she could fully process his words, Lucius lifted her up.

Despite an innate urge to resist, Violet felt an inexplicable thrill with his embracement, a longing for the


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“Perhaps we shouldn't go through with this.”

He brought her to the bedroom, gently placing her on the bed.

She protested weakly, feeling it wasn’t right. Her head was foggy, and she was trying to think clearly.

Lucius undid her dress, coaxing, “You wish to leave, right? This is the swiftest exit.”

“The exit...”

Truly, Violet's desire was to escape this place. She might as well get through with the pregnancy, since she

was bound to do so regardless.

Why was the experience so pleasurable and so passionate that it didn’t feel like she was grudgingly going

through it?

Violet lay limp on the bed after the storm had passed. Her eyes closed, her body drenched in sweat, and her skin

turned reddish.


Lucius, however, seemed rejuvenated, a sense of unexplained contentment filling him as he held her in his


Content? He wasn’t the kind of person who would easily succumb to drug influence. He must have felt this

way since he hadn't been with a woman in a long time.

He appeared to forget that he had been addicted to Violet since their first encounter.

Lucius didn’t stay in the bedroom long before getting up, throwing on a shirt, and heading downstairs.

George was still present.

“Geta woman to cover tomorrow,” Lucius commanded.

George was visibly surprised. Lucius hadn't made such a request for quite stime. Could Regina’s nourishing

soup have made an impact?

Lost in thought, George took a moment before giving an affirmative reply.

Lucius gave him a disapproving glance.

“What would you like to drink, Master Lucius? I'll make it for you,” George offered hastily.

“No need.”

Lucius felt a total sense of ease and didn’t feel the need for a drink.

“Remember, keep my grandma in the dark about this.”

“Understood,” George replied duly.

Upon awakening, Violet realized she had spent her night in Lucius’s bedroom. Embarrassment washed over her,

turning her cheeks red. Memories of the previous night made her bury her face in the covers.

Was she under a spell? She had responded to him. Perhaps it was the soup’s effect.

Did it have the seffect on Lucius? Last night, he exhibited both extrpassion and tenderness. The

comfort and possessiveness of his embrace as they fell asleep lingered with her,

Deep down, she appreciated the way Lucius treated her.

Was she out of her mind for feeling this way? She must be insane to think so.

She hastily dressed, still flushed and her ears burning with embarrassment, as she exited the room.

Violet ran across a stunning woman on her way downstairs. The two almost collided.

George was ahead, politely guiding the woman, “This way.”

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The woman offered Violet a graceful smile, carrying her bag toward the backyard.

“Who's she?” Violet inquired of a nearby servant.

It had been a long tsince a woman had appeared in the Imperial Palace.


“Not sure,” replied the servant, his eyes reflecting pity for Violet.

She didn’t press further, her earlier embarrassment was replaced by an awkward feeling as if she'd been

metaphorically slapped.

Did she really need to ask who the beautiful woman was? Clearly, she was for Lucius.

He was indeed a womanizer, interested in her solely for progeny. He probably wouldn't even touch her if

Regina hadn’t demanded it.

Though Violet tried to console herself, a sense of sadness lingered. She silently stepped outside to weed in

the sunlight.

“Ms. Agatha?” George appeared perplexed. Master Lucius had previously told her not to weed any longer. What

are you doing?”

Violet turned and offered a guileless smile, saying, “I'm just weeding to pass stime.”

Feeling the need to keep busy, she believed it would help fend off the unexplained sense of shthat

threatened to overwhelm her.

George went without saying much.

The sun was scorching outside the Imperial Palace.

George accompanied Lucius as he made his way to the backyard. He noticed a figure amidst the grass, his brow

furrowed, “George?”

Understanding the situation, George responded with a bow. “Ms. Agatha chose to weed as a pastime.” Weeding

under the blazing sun to kill time? Lucius’s frown deepened.