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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 84
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Chapter 0084

“Shall I ask Ms. Agatha to cinside?”

George was ready to take a step forward when Lucius stopped him. “Let her be!”

Assuming she enjoyed the sunlight, he decided she should have more of it. He sped up, not looking in that

direction again.

To prevent Regina from discovering the woman, Lucius had brought her to the backyard.

The backyard, less frequented and less luxurious than the front, was where the beautiful woman now sat,

fanning herself in frustration.

“What kind of place is this? Why is it so hot?”

The woman's beauty remained striking, even in irritation.

Upon noticing Lucius, her attitude changed swiftly, and she approached him with a welcoming smile. “Master


Her fragrance wafted over, filling Lucius’s nostrils. Hearing her voice and smelling her scent, he felt irked and

pushed her away. “Sit properly.”

Taken aback by his stern demeanor, the woman obediently sat down, though her annoyance was evident.

A lounge chair was brought over as Lucius waved his hand. He slouched down on it..

The woman, seemingly brought for his entertainment, watched him, her thoughts in a whirl, trying to understand

the unfolding scenario.

Lucius looked at her coldly. He had seen through her scheming, and smiled faintly.

She uttered, “Master Lucius.”

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Attracted to his charisma and good looks, the woman felt herself becoming more and more aroused. She had

forgotten her displeasure and was concentrating on dominating him, boldly moving to sit on him, rocking her

waist back and forth.

Despite the outdoor setting and potential risk of being seen, she was daring, her actions unrestrained, and


Yet, this wasn’t what Lucius desired.

Lucius, visibly put off, abruptly told the woman. “You may go now.”


His words left the woman standing there perplexed.

George, witnessing this, was equally taken aback.

It was unusual for Lucius to send a woman away without having his way with her.


Despite being physically stimulated, Lucius opened a couple of shirt buttons but felt no urge to be intimate with

her. It was as if a certain routine had been ingrained in him, rendering other options redundant.

Ignoring the reactions of George and the woman, Lucius returned to the palace.

Passing by the lawn, he noticed Violet was still weeding.

Her clumsy movements and awkward squat somehow held an unexpected allure. He wondered if the previous

night’s herbal soup Still lingered in his system.

Violet had spent a long tweeding before returning to the house to clean up and heading downstairs.

“Ms. Agatha, there's a call for you,” George Informed her, his demeanor towards her slightly warmer due to

Madam Davis's fondness.

Confused about who might be calling. Violet answered the phone.

“Aggie,” a familiar, comforting voice, greeted her.

“M...Mom?” Violet hesitated before responding: the call was from Naomi.

“How are things over there? Can you handle it? Has Master Lucius made things difficult for you?”

Naomi barraged her with questions, many of which were loaded with concern.

ding the call, she

Violet relayed only the positives. Comforted by Naomi’s care, her mood brightened. After ending ascended the

stairs in high spirits, humming a tune.

To her surprise, Lucius was in her room.

Seeing him, she was startled. “Why are you here?”

Wasn't he supposed to be enjoying twith his new romantic interest? The intense flashbacks of his previous

passionate moments with other women filled her with discomfort and even made her nauseous.

Lucius stated flatly. “I'm here for business.”

He drew her in, turning her back to him.

“Remember, Grandma is expecting a child from us.”

So that was it. His words caused Violet's heart to sink deeper.

Turning away, she responded coldly, “Such attempts are only effective during ovulation. Any other tis


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Such cold comments, frequently used by Lucius, suddenly cfrom Violet. It made him uneasy.

How dare she call their ttogether futile? This woman had no idea of her place!

His expression hardened into a mix of ice and irritation, and he demanded, “When's your cycle?”

Understanding his implication, she replied with a shake of her head, “My cycle’s been disrupted by a recent

injection, I'm not sure.”


“In that case, we'll have to try consistently until you conceive. Starting today, we won't skip a day until the day

is right, and you are pregnant,” he declared.

“You... What do you mean?” Violet asked, her sweat running down her face.

“Starting today, we won't skip a day until the day is right, and you're pregnant,” he


“That's ridiculous!”

But Lucius didn’t allow her any space for argument, and forcefully pushed her onto the bed.

Though Violet tried to resist, her efforts were futile against his strength. He dominated her with ease, leaving her

with no option but to submit to his actions.

The irony of the situation made her remark bitterly, “To think, Master Lucius of the Imperial Palace has to resort

to coercion. How amusing!”

With no way to physically resist, she resorted to verbal defiance.

Lucius, with a satisfied smirk, countered, “Coercion? You're my wife, fulfilling your duty.”

“Your wife? There's nothing between us, I've never been...”

Her protest was cut short as Lucius silenced her with a kiss.