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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Her Ignorance and Stupidity

“What’s wrong? Do you not want to see Josephine at all?” Seth asked.

Lewis turned to look at Seth, this time with a hint of curiosity.

After that, Lewis let out another chuckle. “I’ll have Conrad text you the address later. Don’t be late.”

“Got it.” Seth nodded in response.

Lewis got up and left his office. The moment he exited the office, the smile was wiped from his face and

replaced by a cold look.

He took the elevator to the lobby, where Josephine could be seen sitting on a couch. Her eyes were

locked on the ground, but she didn’t seem to be focusing on a spot. Instead, she looked like she was

spacing out.

Suddenly, a shadow was cast over her as a pair of shoes entered her view. When Josephine regained

her senses, she noticed Lewis standing in front of her.

He was already a tall man, to begin with. Since Josephine was seated, she had to tilt her head upward

in order to see his face properly. However, he happened to be standing in front of the light source, so

she couldn’t see his expression clearly.

With his hands in his pockets, Lewis looked down at Josephine haughtily. The coat that was draped

over his shoulders made him seem taller than ever.

Josephine froze for a moment before standing up hurriedly.

Just like that, she was able to see Lewis‘ features gradually becoming clear once again. He looked cold

as usual, but she thought he looked colder than before.

“Let’s go.”

After spitting out those words, he took the lead and walked in front. Josephine trailed behind him quietly

the whole time. They entered an elevator and descended all the way to the underground parking lot


Lewis had changed his car for the night. It was a black Mercedes–Benz that didn’t catch anyone’s

attention at first.

Josephine got into the car and had just finished buckling up her seatbelt when Lewis dropped her a

warning all of a sudden. “Don’t provoke Seth.”

She froze for a moment before turning around to stare at Lewis.

His features were shrouded in the shadows, so all she could see was the outline of his side profile.

Feeling Josephine’s gaze, Lewis turned to meet her eyes. He added, “Are you listening to me?”

A moment later, she replied with a series of gestures. “Who else should I not come into contact with?

Please list them out for me.”

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Josephine’s response was willful, and it was impossible for Lewis to not detect that emotion.

He stared at her for a while. “You really think you can fool everyone with that trick of yours?”

Laugh & Herignorance and Stupidity

That stunned Josephine.

Lewis continued. “You wish to get close to Seth so that you can drive a wedge between him and

Daphne Do you really think they truly have feelings for each other?”

Speechless, Josephine quickly looked down to avoid Lewis‘ gaze. His words were as sharp as his

gaze, they were able to carve out the most unpleasant secrets she harbored and leave them stewing

under the burning sun for all to see.

It was as though she had become an invisible woman–everyone could easily see through her


Lewis even continued adding salt to her injury. “Seth isn’t a fool. Do you really think he doesn’t know

what you’re planning? Not only did he find out your plan, but he also manipulated you by going along

with your wishes. You, on the other hand, still feel smug about your little secretive plan.”

Josephine gripped her seatbelt while chewing on her bottom lip forcefully. Every word Lewis spat out

struck her right in the soul.

Each word seemed to have come to life as they laughed at her ignorance and stupidity.

Josephine had no idea how much time had passed before she finally gained enough courage to raise

her head. Then, she started moving her hands numbly. “How did you find out?”

Lewis chuckled coldly in response before throwing his phone at Josephine.

The latter grabbed the phone, which showed a new WhatsApp message sent to Lewis by Daphne.

Lewis, can you keep an eye on your mute wife? Do you know what the housekeepers have been

talking about?”

Daphne phrased her text message in hopes of successfully starting a conflict between Lewis and

Josephine, but it was obvious that Lewis didn’t get tricked, much less misunderstand Josephine

It was not until Josephine followed Seth to the company that Lewis was able to piece together the

actual truth by investigating the shards of clues left everywhere.

Josephine did consider the possibility of Daphne complaining to Lewis. She thought that Lewis would

deal with Seth the same way he had dealt with Avery.

After all, she knew very well just how much Daphne liked Seth. If Lewis were to attack Seth, he would

definitely get on Daphne’s bad side.

Also, seeds of discord and suspicion would be sown between Daphne and Seth thanks to the former’s

jealousy and fury. From that perspective, Josephine was confident that nothing could go wrong with all

of her plans.

However, she underestimated the intelligence of both Lewis and Seth, who made her look like a fool.

Lewis started his car and drove out of the underground parking lot.

Meanwhile, Josephine looked out the window, where an unnoticeable light drizzle floated through the

open window and landed tenderly on her cheeks.

Elysium’s temperature had dropped to 46.4°F that day. The air was humid and cold, which

Chapter 581fer lignorance and Stupidity

bestowed the wind with a bone–chilling element.

The duo soon returned to the mansion Mrs. Jinkins wasn’t asleep yet, but she was dozing off while

sitting on the couch.

Just as she heard footsteps coming from the outside, she quickly woke up and grabbed her cane

before approaching Lewis and Josephine.

When Josephine noticed how wary Mrs. Jinkins was behaving, she couldn’t help but feel a dull ache

spreading from her heart. At that moment, she was starting to wonder if she had made the

right decision by bringing Mrs. Jinkins back to this place.

However, it was too late to regret her decision. If Josephine hadn’t done that in the first place, Mrs.

Jinkins might still be able to survive the cold and hunger while living in that small hut of hers, but now,

she was already in the mansion with everyone else.

Josephine knew very well that it was exceptionally frightening to lose the only beacon of light when one

was trapped in the abyss of despair.

Mrs. Jenkins was just like her–both of them led their lives warily and carefully, hoping to grasp any

trace of hope and light that graced them with their presence.

“Master Lewis, you’re back. Have you eaten yet?”

When Mrs. Jinkins was about to take the coat from Lewis‘ hands, the latter quickly dodged her attempt

and threw the coat onto the coat rack immediately..

“Yes. You can just prepare dinner for her.” After Lewis was done talking, he went upstairs immediately

without the intention of lingering in the main hall.

Josephine started gesturing at Mrs. Jinkins. “I don’t want to trouble you, Mrs. Jinkins. I’m not hungry at


Mrs. Jinkins visibly relaxed when she was with Josephine. “You can’t say that. You haven’t recovered,

after all. I’ll go whip up something for you right now. You should eat no matter what.”

Josephine quickly responded with a flurry of motions. “I can do that myself. Please go get some


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Mrs. Jinkins quickly grabbed Josephine’s hands, a mixture of sincerity and embarrassment written all

over her wrinkled face. “Josie, please let me do something.”

Josephine was shocked by the request. She didn’t know how to respond to Mrs. Jinkins as she took in

the latter’s pleading look.

It wasn’t her intention at all to make Mrs. Jinkins feel that way. However, everything that she had done

so far ended up deviating from her original goals.

Everything was the same.

A moment later, Josephine nodded once.

Mrs. Jinkins looked visibly happy. “Wait here, alright? Dinner will be done soon.”

Josephine sank down on the couch and closed her eyes tiredly.

After waiting for about half an hour, Mrs. Jinkins returned with a tray balanced on her hands.

Chapter 58 Her Ignorance and Stupidity

“Josie, Master Lewis hasn’t eaten yet, right? You should bring this tray to him.”

Since Mrs. Jinkins noticed that Josephine and Lewis came home together, she assumed that the

master of the mansion didn’t have dinner as well.

However, Josephine hesitated after hearing Mrs. Jinkin’s request.

“Just go.” The elderly woman handed Josephine the tray of food before continuing, “I could see what

happened between you two when you came back. You must have gotten into an argument.”

Josephine didn’t reply, seeing as she didn’t know exactly what her relationship with Lewis was at the


The answer he had given her two nights ago possibly meant that he didn’t harbor any love for her.

There was nothing left between both of them but a marriage that was only in the name. It resembled a

seedling with an unsteady foundation that could easily get blown down by a strong gust of wind.

“Hurry up and go,” Mrs. Jinkins urged.

Josephine was silent for a moment before she accepted the tray from Mrs. Jinkins‘ hands. Then, she

turned on her heel and went up the stairs.

She knocked on the study’s door before opening the door and entering the room.

Lewis happened to be working at his desk. He knew Josephine was there, yet he never bothered to

raise his head.

Josephine brought the tray over and placed it in an empty spot next to him. Then she tugged on Lewis‘


The latter tilted his head sideways to glance at her. Josephine had finally started gesturing by then.

“Eat something.”

“Who’s that, Lewis?”

Sierra’s voice drifted from the other end of the desk. Josephine’s eyes followed the audio source before

finally realizing that Lewis happened to be on a video call with Sierra, whose face was blatantly shown

on Lewis‘ phone screen.