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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 334 - Invitation II
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"I object!" Zhao Li Xin hit the table.

Lory didn't surprise because she already expected this reaction nor that she is afraid with his outburst anger, she props her chin on the table then she pursed her lips "Whyyyy….." she whines. ​​

"The empress invited you with the noble ladies is not for pure reason, she deliberately lure you to be alone without me because she schemed something sinister for you" Zhao Li Xin filled with menace, the anger surged from within, the idea of Royal family dare to lay their hand on his Princess infuriated him, he wonder if he's not made enough example of what he could do to anyone who dares to scheme against his woman, is he become too soft lately so no one heeds his warning?

"I know…" she sighs "But we can't reject the empress 'kind invitation' it can be considered as the Empress benevolence to a low born woman like me"

"Why not, Who dares to argue with me? id they want to fight against me I will not cower for the challenged" he said arrogantly without hesitation.

"I know you don't but we already have too much enemy, the feud between you and the Emperor was personal and is not entirely your fault, sending women to grieving man who just lost his fiancée is a rude and demeaning your feeling, so if the Emperor suggests to fight you heads on some official might disagree and people might not support him completely but if we disregard the Empress 'kind invitation' everyone would think we underestimated the Kingdom and the whole country at that time the Emperor has a good reason to makes war with us, he might even incited other peoples to join his 'righteous' fight" Lory explain the situation carefully, she raised her finger to stop him when Zhao Li Xin wants to interrupt her.

Lory sit closer to him she circled her hand around his arms then lean her head on his shoulder "I know you don't care if we have to fight the entire world but that is unwise decision and you are a very smart man, you never reckless before and I don't want you to be reckless because of me, I know you become like this because of me and I appreciated it very much but I love you too, I don't want anyone hurt you too, so please listen to me, I know what I'm doing"

Zhao Li Xin let out a long heaved, is not like he doesn't estimate his enemy moves, the tribute for the empress from The sacred Mountain Peak shows that they support the empire, they want to show they're power against Hei Shen, meanwhile, their's Lao Min Na and misty lake waiting for an opportunity to harm him, the situation is not very good for Hei Shen Sect.

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He kissed the top of her head, thankfully his Princess is wise, sometimes he can be muddlehead from anger especially when it comes to Lory safety. Zhao Li Xin sigh then he rests his chin on the top of her head while wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"You must assure me that you will not get hurt so tell me your plan" It is no surprise he finally gives in to her.

Lory Grin widely, She pushes him slightly "Okay" Lory rose from her seat "First the empress can't attack me directly, I will show off my Xin Xen token, I want you to spread the words about Xin Xen token to show my position in Hei Shen, then I will bring that 'brat' Yue Yin as my personal maid, her idea not mine"

Zhao Li Xin feel better when Ming Yue Yin tag along with Lory "That's good but you must warry with the women scheme"

"I know they like to use poison like an aphrodisiac or sleeping pill to intoxicating other people but I have your necklace so I'm going to be fine but I will carefully with my drink and food and afterall Girsha will come with me he will know if someone tampers with my food" Lory rest both her hand on her waist she looks confidant and calm.

With Ming Yue Yin and the mysterious beast, Girsha Lory safety won't be a problem. Zhao Li Xin heart gradually calmed down, Lory is right she can take care herself when they get separated inside the ancient tomb isn't she came out fine other than scratches and bruised everywhere she managed to survive, she is witty and smart she will not lose against the empress and other royalty so why not trust her and if he feel something is wrong is not too late for him to destroy the Empress palace and save his Princess.

"Fine, you can come but be careful other than the empress, the second Princess, the Yuan woman and maybe that holly lady also present in the gathering" he got the news from Bei Li Yan Sacred mountain Peak people has arrived two days ago.

"Nan Yu Wei would be there too?" Lory surprised.

"Yes, be careful with her someone like her is more likely holding grudge, never alone with her a matter of fact never alone with anyone bring Ming Yue Yin with you all the time" Lory mouth twitch slightly is Zhao Li Xin forgot that 'brat' is an empress why he sounds like ordering ordinary bodyguard.

"Don't worry about that, I'll be fine" she's to tired to remind Zhao Li Xin so she takes a seat next to him again then she sips her tea, she smacked her lips then asked Zhao Li Xin "How about you, the emperor invited you must be for a reason right?"

"Just the usual, showing his power to me, showing other people he could invite me, show off his relationship with Sacred Mountain Peak and more…." He said lazily, feeling bored and tired just think about it.

"So they want to show off…" she giggles softly.

"That's the point having a Banquet isn't it" Zhao Li Xin closed his eyes then rest his head on the couch.

"You right" Lory can agree more.

Zhao Li Xin clapped his hand with Lory while his eye remains closed "Don't get yourself hurt, I'm worried someone will take advantages my anger if something happened to you"

"I will not let anything happened to you beside….I'm not easy to killed" she held his hand tighter.


"Yu Wei, how is your condition?" Xie Xiu Wei enters the room when she just finished the meditation.

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"I'm good, I only need a few more days to increased my cultivation" Nan Yu Wei smiles bitterly. After she lost his divined weapon somehow her cultivation become stagnant, she bestows the providence swords when she become Xie Xiu Wei, fiancée, after that her cultivation increased tremendously, she thought it because she's talented but after she lost the weapon her cultivation progress becomes slow she even depend with pill and elixir to raised her cultivation but still is not fast enough.

Nan Yu Wei worries she will lose her position she even more afraid Xie Xiu Wei abandoned her so she hid this situation, no one knows except her Father and mother because they also don't want to lose the position as the Holy Lady Parents.

She still pretends to be sick to hides the fact her cultivation can rise faster, but how long she can hide her situation, every day she was engulfed with fear that someone finally realizes what really happened to her.

That's why her hatred to Lory is deeper than everyone would know, every time she failed to have breakthrough her anger to Lory raised to another level, right now if she met Lory she might pounce towards her and rip her heart with her own bare hand.

"You must rest Yu Wei, we will get the providence swords again, you don't have to worry" he comforted her with gentle smiles.

"I know…" she smiles innocently.

"You will meet that vixen again tomorrow but do not be reckless if something happened Long Ming will come for us, remember what the leader said, we can fight Long Ming with blunt force" he reminds Nan Yu Wei again, he worries Nan Yu Wei will ruin their plan.

Nan Yu Wei nods her head obediently "I understand Brother Xie, you don't have to remain me"

Xie Xiu Wei sigh in relief, they need to take back the providence swords, people already mocked them because they can protect their own weapon from Hei Shen, they have ridiculed and humiliated by Hei Shen Sect how could they raised they're head again that's why they have to find the providence swords and punish the women who stole the weapon from them.

"Good, you always sensible and soft-hearted, don't worry we will make that lowlife vixen pay for what she did" he patted Nan Yu Wei's shoulder gently. Nan Yu Wei looks down and nods her head again she seems dejected and hurt how can Xie Xiu Wei didn't feel sorry for her.

But what he missed is the vicious glint in Nan Yu Wei eyes, that woman not only steal her weapon she also steal the man she had admired for so long, she knew she could never be with Zhao Li Xin but she has comfort because he never with any women and remain clean for all his life but now a strange woman suddenly appears, a woman that make Zhao Li Xin smiles, anxious and angry, suddenly she filled with envy with jealousy, is unbearable for her that the woman she secretly admired choose other women other than her.

She smiles wickedly knowing that a woman's reputation would be ruined at the royal gathering, she will enjoy watching her desperate face when Zhao Li Xin abandoned her, the corner of her lips slightly curved upwards.