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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 333 - Invitation
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A loud sound of crashing loudly hear, the servants cower in the corner they did not dare to raise they're head. ​​

"How could this happened" Yang Qiong Yang threw the book report on the floor "This is only a small problem how could they breach the contract and run away like this! What can we do about this?" he hit the table angrily.

The manager who brings the report looks frightened "No…nothing young master, they all had paid the penalty….from ..from breaking the contract so we can sue them, at least legally" his voice gradually becomes shrunk when Yang Qiong Yan glared at him.

Yang Qiong Yan anger is not without reason, these past two weeks suddenly the price in the market suddenly fall, too many goods overwhelmed the market, the owner of the stores, wholesaler and farmer loose they're profit than suddenly a lot of rumor spread among the citizen and people begin to panic.

The governments try to manage the situation but it was no avail, what Yang Qiong Yan didn't know that's happened because Wu San Bo bribe the government to lay low for a few weeks and if someone can't be bribe he will use threat, its a simple thing because Hei Shen never lack money and strength.

In a short moment the business that Lao Min Na and Yang Qiong Yan build for a year crumbles. Hei Shen overtakes the half business in Ching Su city and they begin to pressed Lao Min Na power in the Liu Yan Kingdom. He doesn't want to disappointed Lao Min Na he knew she would very angry if she knew about this not to mention Yang Qiong Yan also failed to rope Yuan Shao to his side.

He plops on his chair, Yang Qiong yan clasped his hand together with a layer of sweat immerged on his face, only one person who able create chaos like this other then the Emperor, is Long ming! This all Hei Shen doing, he is very sure about it. Long Ming begins to ruined everything that Lao Min Na build brick by brick, ruined the business might be only the beginning.

But he can't fight Hei Shen heads on, that would be suicide. He pressed his forehead on his clasping hand that rests on the table he racked his brain to find the solution "The second Princess" he suddenly lifts his head "Isn't she interested with Long Ming?" he asked the manager who also his confidant.

"Yes, we have rumor she had met Long Ming a few times but that man ignores her," said the manager.

Yang Qiong Yan eyes suddenly glint than he rest his back on his chair "I think we can use her to deal with Zhao Li Xin fiancée"

"Is that wise master, we all knew what happened to the people who try to lay they're hand on Long ming fiancee" the manager reminds Yang Qiong Yan with worry expression.

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"That's why we used the second princess, Long Ming only weakness is his woman if we can get her we could get him" he raises his arms wide open "If she got hurt how devastated Long Ming would be, we can divert his attention from us to the royal family instead" he smirked.

The manager understands his Master thought "Using other people knife to kill" he amazed by his Master plan.

"We can stir Zhao Li Xin mind at the same time get rid the royal family also we can get rid that Luo Ri Yi woman, I heard Miss Lao hated that woman very much" Yang Qiong Yan smiles become wider the more he said it the more he reassured with his plan.

"Than what is you're order young master" the manager straighten his back.

"Send notice to the second princess I will visit her today, and also send notice to Yuan Shan, the more the merrier isn't it" he wickedly smiles.

"Yes, young master" the manager cupped his fist than leave the room with other servants who still cower on the corner. When the manager leads them out everyone scurry outside as if they were given amnesty.

Yang Qiong Yan stays in his room around, he sees the discarded books on the floor and he snorts in disdained, one way or another he would make Zhao Li Xin and Hei when people pay for what they did, starting with that woman Luo Ri Yi.


"Aunty at least used the handkerchief to cover you're mouth" Ming Yue Yin wince than she gives Lory white handkerchief.

Lory snort than rubs her nose with the handkerchief "Thank you…."

"I thought you can't get sick" Ming Yue Yin pour warm tea for her.

"I can't but my power is still small so my body is like other people….more or less" she lifts the warm teacup and sips it slowly than she looks Ming Yue Yin again, "I think someone talks bad things about me" her nose suddenly itchy.

"Someone?" Ming Yue Yin raised her eyebrows "You mean everyone" she corrected her "You think how many women in the country envy and loathed you're position as Hei Shen sect mistress even the mighty Long Ming who should be cold and untouchable pampered you to the moon and back"

Lory than remember a few women who look at her as if she owed them a million gold taels, she twitches her nose slightly than sighs "At least I know is not because of allergy" she jokingly said.

"Yeay…." Ming Yue Yin makes a sarcastic cheers.

Suddenly the housekeeper approach her, he bows his head respectfully "They're's an invitation from the Empress for you young miss" than he handed the small scroll to the maid beside him and the maid deliver the scroll to Lory, Lory received the small scroll with a frown, she never been invited to anywhere since she came to this world, how rare. Ming Yue Yin leans his head to peek what's written inside the invitation.

The invitation said the Empress given a tribute from Sacred mountain peak, the tribute is a beautiful flying beast called the seven spring color pheasant, it was told one of the most beautiful bird in the world also a saint beast level, so the empress invites all the noble ladies to see her new bird.

"What do you think aunty?" Ming Yue Yin frown in worry, when it comes to royal family nothing is simple and this invitation given only to women it means uncle cannot accompany her, this is a direct invitation from the Empress if lory reject the invitation it would become a blatant mockery to the whole kingdom, Zhao Li Xin will face another war.

Lory click her tongue exasperatedly, she also know what it stakes. The last thing she wants is another enemy for Zhao Li Xin although he might not mind it but its not good infuriated too many people at the same time.

"Young miss, the eunuch who deliver this invitation also said the Empress heard about you're beautiful bird so she insists to bring you're bird with you, the Empress seems curious about you're bird," said the housekeeper.

Ming Yue Yin stifles "She doesn't give you a chance to refuse huh,"

"No she's not…." Lory crosse her arm on the table. She raised her hands to sign the housekeeper and the maid to leave. Than she close her eyes [Girsha]

A white bird with long golden tail suddenly appear from behind Lory, the birds land on the table smoothly [What….]

Lory open her eyes and smiles [We got an invitation, an empress wants to see you]

[So what! I'm not circus monkey, I'm not coming!] he turns his head away and busies himself pecking grapes on the plate.

"What he said?" Ming Yue Yin doesn't understand the language their used so she asked Lory.

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Lory pout "He said no…." she poked Girsha back [Come ooon…they're's a lot of food they're]

[More then here] Girsha sneered at her.

[They're's a lot of beautiful ladies….] she adds in.

[I don't like female human, they smelled weird] he snort in disgusted.

[Tck, come on birdie…..] Lory plead pitifully.

"Is he say no?" Ming Yue Yin saw lory dejected face while the birds peck the grapes ignoring Lory plead.

"He likes to play hard to get" Lory pressed her lips tightly.

Ming Yue Yin pursed her lips than she leans her head towards Girsha "Hey Lord Girsha, if you came to the banquet you will see the most beautiful bird in the world, they say that bird is one of the kind, that bird might even more beautiful then you"

Girsha suddenly Pause [Beautiful bird, is it female?] he shift his glance at Lory.

Lory than asked Ming Yue Yin "Is the bird female?"

"I think it is…" Ming Yue Yin said with a blank face, she also not sure, since when gender in beast is important? The only matter is they're level and sometimes they're appearance other then that, no one bothers.

[okay I'm coming!] Girsha nods his head firmly.

[Really, are you sure] Lory feel elated.

[But if its not female, I'm going home…] he reminds her again.
