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Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 370.1: Long Time No See Imperial Capital
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For sreason, I miss the sight of the Clan Master’s Office. I sit down in my custom-made chair and sigh deeply at the feel of it.

Sunlight pours in through the large windows. Yggdra isn’t bad, but Zebrudia is more relaxing after all. The Clan Master’s Office which has been arranged by Eva, has a different feeling of 『Order』 than Yggdra, which is filled with natural objects.

The smell of the air is also slightly different between Yggdra and Zebrudia. The air in Yggdra is supposed to be cleaner, but the fact that I feel more at ease with the air in Zebrudia is probably because I have gotten used to this big city without even realizing it.

I immediately throw both my arms on the desk and collapse. It must have been more than a month since it was empty, but there is not a speck of dust on the desk. I guess Eva cleans it regularly. I will have to thank her when I see her.

But right now――I am tired. I have been traveling to Yggdra for over a month, so no one would complain if I just laze around for another month.

However, this tmy body feels heavier than usual………… I guess the Perfect Vacation is important after all. I realize that it will beca bad situation if someone else uses it, so next tI will use it myself instead of lending it out, yep――.

But then, as I think that far, I suddenly realize something terrible and frown.

Damn………… I am still lending my Perfect Vacation to Serene.

I remember it from tto time. There was a big fuss about a god and all that and once the commotion was over, everyone was busy working, so I completely forgot to get it back.

So I have to go to Yggdra again, huh…… I don’t need it right away, but this is a pickle. I couldn’t find my smartphone after all, so maybe my return may have been premature…… But even if I notice it now, it is too late.

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Well, we managed to achieve our goal, so let’s worry about the details later.

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In order to escape from reality I close my eyes. As I am dozing off, I suddenly hear the door open.

“!? Eh!??? Ah………… Eh? Eeeh!??? Cry-san!? Why!?” (Eva)

The voice sounds familiar. In the first place, very few people are allowed to enter the Clan Master’s Office. I open my eyes and laugh at Eva who is aghast for sreason while my cheek is lying *petari* flat on the desk.

“Yaaah, Eva. Long tno see.” (Cry)

Eva is perfect every tI meet her. Her shoes are polished and her clan uniform is unruffled. Her eyes are wide and distorted behind her slim, red-rimmed glasses, and her forehead is wrinkled.

“……………… Wh-When did you cback?” (Eva)

“Just now. Serene――The princess of Yggdra sentback. Liz and the others are going to explore the area around Yggdra a bit more before coming back.” (Cry)

There is quite a distance between Zebrudia and Yggdra. The trip to go there took several days by carriage and we had a terrible twhen we went into the forest and were attacked by Monsters, but the return was instantaneous. Serene used Teleportation Magic to takedirectly to the Clan Master’s Office. If it weren’t for that, I would have ended up accompanying Liz and the others on their never-ending exploration of the Great Sea of Trees.

Teleportation Magic. It is a legendary Magic that allows one to travel extremely long distances in an instant.

It is a Magic that is well known and the formula itself seems to already exist, but due to its complexity and the amount of energy it consumes, it is said that there are almost no humans able to use this Magic. It seems that there is a technology that allows teleportation between two specific points by setting up a complex Magic Circle in advance, but the fact that it requires multiple skilled Magi to even activate the Magic Circle shows how high the level of that magic is. Needless to say, even Lucia cannot use it yet.

The burden seems to be quite large, but to be able to use such Magic without any prior preparation and on top of that all by herself, you can say that she truly lived up to her title as the Spirit People’s Princess.

Eva looks atsuspiciously, but then she smiles, sighs softly, and says.

“There are a lot of things I am concerned about, but………… What about the entrance inspection? I have made arrangements for people to contactas soon as you return, Cry-san.” (Eva)

“Well, it was a lot of trouble. If I told you everything, it would be a very long story, so I won’t.” (Cry)

“………… I understand. I will handle the inspection somehow.” (Eva)

As expected of Eva, it is helpful that you are so quick to get it. The inspection…… I completely forgot about it. High-level Hunters are given preferential treatment during the inspection that occurred when entering and leaving the Imperial Capital, so I don’t recall ever being interrogated, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to follow the procedures.

“This time, “Branch Manager Gark (Gark-Shibucho)” also put someone at the gate to confirm your return, Cry-san. He said he wanted to talk to you as soon as you returned.” (Eva)

What do you mean by confirming my return? And what’s more, he wants to talk toas soon as I am back………… Does Gark-san have a grudge against me?

All this, right after I am back, Eva notices that my motivation is declining significantly and changes the subject.

“So………… Is Luke-san’s curse lifted?” (Eva)

“Yeah, somehow. Also, about the stuff Gark-san askedabout setting up a branch of the Explorer Association in Yggdra, they said that’s okay.” (Cry)

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“!? Huh? Haaah?” (Eva)

“The Princess of Yggdra will be coming to talk about the details, so could you please pass that on to Gark-san? Sorry, but I am busy right now.” (Cry)

“………… I am sorry, I don’t even know where to begin……” (Eva)

Well, that is true. But I have nothing more to say than what I just told you. And I don’t want to meet and talk with Gark-san face to face as much as possible. Hunters need their days off too.

Eva looks atas if she wants to say something, but then, maybe sensing that I am not going to say anything more, she sighs for the second ttoday and says.

“I understand, I will contact him. However, Yggdra is supposed to be an unexplored city, so for them to agree to establish a branch there…… Is rather surprising.” (Eva)

“Un, un, that’s right. Someone named Serene is the leader of Yggdra, and it seems she is a very curious and innovative person, you know. I gave it a try and she immediately gavethe OK, you see. Hahaha………… To be honest, I wasn’t expecting anything to happen, but it is quite surprising, isn’t it?” (Cry)

“……………… Cry-san, I am not sure, but about that………… Am I not missing something? That Serene-san is a Spirit People, right?” (Eva)

“You aren’t missing anything. Next tSerene comes, I will introduce her to you, Eva. We have becgood friends.” (Cry)

“!?” (Eva)

Indeed, Spirit People are famous for looking down on humans. It may be hard to believe at first glance, but………… Serene was really keen when I brought up the idea of setting up a branch there. Gark-san may look like that but he is also in charge of the Explorers’ Association in the Imperial Capital of Zebrudia and is doing a good job, so I think she can build a good relationship with him. Serene and Eva also seem like they will get along well. They are very similar, especially in their earnestness…… Maybe Eva will be like that too if she wears the 『Perfect Vacation』.

That is all I have to say. If possible, I would like you to make arrangements so I don’t get into any trouble for a while, but I won’t say anything unnecessary. If anyone says anything, I will just use the excuse that Liz and the others haven’t cback yet. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Thanks for reading! I am baaaaack! Alright, Arc 9, let’s go! Thᴇ link to the origɪn of this information rᴇsts ɪn ɴovel(ꜰ)ɪre.nᴇt