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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 125
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Chapter 0125

Violet finally showed a reaction and frantically clung to the sheet. Her eyes were red and swollen, pleadingly

looking at him.

“Please don’t do this!”

His anger melted away with her soft plea. He relaxed his grip, even taking care to tuck her in more carefully.

“Forget about the ten billion from last night. Violet, just cwith me, be my woman.”

His demand rendered Violet speechless. He had initially sought only a chef, hadn't he?

“I enjoy your company. It feels right.”

He stopped short of confessing any deeper feelings. Violet's heart was heavy with this realization.

“I can promise that, as long as you stay by my side, | won't be with other women.”

This was the best commitment he was willing to offer.

Violet managed a strained smile, tinged with sadness. “So if you grow tired of me, you'll just let

Would he then seek a replacement?

His casual reply was, “That's a distant future. | haven't thought that far.”

Lucius lived by a simple philosophy: being with someone he liked was enough. Eternal vows were naive in his


“Even if | promised to love you forever, in this pragmatic world, who can guarantee the future? Violet, you're

smart. You must understand this.”

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She grasped the logic, yet yearned for a love that lasted forever. She said decisively. “I'm sorry.

but | can’t be part of this.”

Every word from Lucius left her speechless, yet each word pierced her heart. She felt reduced to merely an

object in his eyes-just another past conquest.

Perhaps he felt the sway about her previous relationships. How long did they last? A week or a month at

most. She recalled the longest-lasting one barely surviving a few months.

Once he grew tired of her, what would becof her feelings?



“Handmy clothes. | need to leave. Regarding the ten billion you spoke of, I'm uncertain of its

truth. I'll let you know once | verify it.”

Lucius sensed her genuine intent to depart, and was engulfed in fury. Accustomed to having his way, be it in

romance or business, he found her defiance unbellevable.

He challenged, “Take another step if you dare!”

Violet hesitated, locking eyes with him.

“Lucius, with your wealth, influence, and ability, your desires are easily met. But I'm not like that. All | have is my

heart, which | want to safeguard for someone who genuinely loves and cares for

Her words echoed with a tone of melancholy.

Lucius’s rage subsided yet again. He couldn’t understand how this unassuming woman could so effortlessly

arouse his emotions, leaving him unable to harden his heart against her.

“Forget it, just leave,” he gave in and waved his hand reluctantly, realizing that keeping her would

only heighten his irritation.

Violet stepped forward, and requested, “Could you findsclothes?”

Once dressed, she exited the room without looking back, leaving Lucius behind all by

Himself. Taking a deep breath, Violet moved towards the elevator.

A voice of skepticism called from behind, “Vivi?”

Instinctively, she turned to see Oliver.

He stood a short distance behind her, his gaze shifting between her and the door she had

emerged from.

“You just walked out of that room?” he asked gravely, and his expression changed tically.

Violet remained silent. Though she had resolved to let go of her feelings for Oliver, it was awkward

to meet him on such an occasion.

Oliver's eyes landed on the marks adorning her neck, which he found extremely jarring.

Those were hickeys, a clear sign of intimacy. It dawned on him that she had done something


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“What have you done? Why are you here in such a place? What do you lack that you would demean yourself



Oliver was seething with anger, his typically calm demeanor distorted by rage. His eyes were filled with

accusatory questions, convinced she had acted dishonorably.

Violet steadied herself before responding. She said calmly, “You seem familiar with this place.”

Oliver explained, “I received photos last night claiming you had put yourself up for auction. |

refused to believe it until now.”

Struggling to accept reality, Oliver grappled with how Violet, once kind and humble, had transformed so


“The auction is real, then.”

What Lucius had mentioned, which she had doubted, was now validated through Oliver.

Oliver didn’t hear her. He was consumed with disappointment and anger, viewing her with disdain.

“Violet, how can you stoop so low?”

He departed swiftly, as if prolonging his stay would tarnish him.

Violet recognized that in Oliver's eyes, she was now perceived as a fallen woman who had sold herself for

money. How could she, in her current state, be deserving of someone as pure as him?

Tears threatened to fall as Violet bit her lip. She fought the urge to show her turmoil.

At that moment, the door opened; Lucius appeared in a bathrobe, his demeanor icy. He demanded, “Do you

refuse to leave withbecause of him?”