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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 124
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Chapter 0124

*Be grateful for you?” Violet's response was laced with irony. “Why should | be grateful to you? You're

responsible for what you've done to me. I'm calling the cops!”

Lucius’s expression darkened and becmore menacing by the moment.

“Oh? Forgotten already? Who initiated things last night? Shall we get the copx here and show them how you

seduced me?”


Violet couldn't fathom it. She was well aware of her character. The idea of her willingly getting into his bed

seemed absurd.

Confusion plagued her about the previous night's events. Why had she no memory of them? How had she come

across Lucius, and how did they end up together? Nothing made sense.

“Is it really nonsense? Let's find out,” Lucius challenged, revealing his neck to her. “Shall we go for a medical

check? These marks; you bithere, and here.”

His body bore several bite marks, and his back showed fresh scratch marks.

She began to doubt herself. Could she have been responsible for these?

“What...what really happened?” she asked softly, no longer opposing him.

This question infuriated Lucius further. He retorted, “Violet, I've yet to question you. How did you

fall into Edur’s hands and end up being auctioned?”

“Edur? Auctioned?”

She had no memory of these events.

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“I went for a job interview in an industrial area. A HR manager wanted to discuss the job offer in

detail with me. Then, he offereda drink.”

Suddenly, realization dawned, her eyes widened and exclaimed, “That drink was tampered with!”

“Now you realize, but isn’t it too late?” Lucius responded with a sneer, suppressing his anger.

Violet clutched the blanket, and lowered her head. She argued, “If you knew | was drugged, why

didn’t you call the police or taketo the hospital?

Her words agitated Lucius. Her desire to dissociate from him was evident.

Lucius scowled, opting not to explain further.


“Listen well. Last night, | bought you for ten billion. From now on, you're mine. When | say left, you can’t go

right,” he declared, waving a document with numerous zeros.

He bought her for ten billion, wasn’t this whole explanation too tic?

“This is your scheme, isn’t it?” she accused, skeptical of the document's authenticity. She

couldn't believe anyone would spend such an amount on a woman.

Her attitude irritated Lucius, and he wanted to lash out. He responded bitterly. “A scheme? What's

in you that warrants such an effort?”

Violet didn’t have a single pleasant word to say to him, and Lucius felt compelled to strangle her.

In return, he chose the most harsh words to rebuke.

“You think you're beautiful? You're just average. Small face, pale skin, short legs. You don’t even meet the

standards of a model. Your measurements are even less worth mentioning!”

Due to her ongoing affection for him, Violet remained silent because of how hurt she harsh words. “If that’s how

it is, then why did you purchase me?”

“I needed a chef. What's wrong forto spend ten billion on a chef to cook for me?”

e felt by

by his

Violet touched her cheeks, caught between tears and laughter at his reasoning. It dawned on her that he had

spent an enormous sum just to fulfill his desire.

She got up from the bed.

“Where are you headed?”

“Back home.”

“Violet!” Lucius’s anger flared up again as he bellowed, “Are you blatantly disregarding what | just


With one hand pressing the bedsheet and the other dangling at her side, Violet's gaze was filled

with defiance.

This reaction of hers had Infuriated Lucius, and instilled in him a sense of frustration.

The idea of someone spending ten billion on a chef was absurd. He wouldn't spend so extravagantly if he didn’t

harbor feelings for her, would he? But she seemed oblivious to any of


“Are you a fool?” he exclaimed, his frustration evident.

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Tears began to silently stream down Violet's cheeks.

Her relationship with Luclus, though not Ideal, had previously given her a sense of

equilibrium. After he bought her, It had permanently changed into that of master and slave.

Lucius expected a sharp comeback, but instead, she cried. This unexpected reaction softened his tone. “Why are

you crying?”

His question only intensified her weeping.

She tried to wipe her tears away, not wanting to display her vulnerability in front of Lucius, but they kept flowing.

Violet felt completely defeated.

“Enough, stop crying.”

Lucius was always aloof, having never soothed a crying woman before. Unsure of how to proceed,

he said the only thing that cto mind.

Her tears touched a nerve in him. Each one seemed to pierce his heart. He detested this

sensation, and wished only for her tears to cease.

Yet Violet's sobs grew more heart-wrenching.

His anger reached its peak, and he growled, “Stop crying, or I'll claim you right here.”

Nevertheless, Violet kept crying.

Eventually, he pulled her back forcefully, pinning her down on the bed. His hand reached for her
