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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 3
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There was doubt on Maxwell's face. He didn't think that Harper had lied. But was Jade really not

pregnant? Was it really just a

hoax? With all of that being said, did that mean he couldn't have children?

"General, I was born with nothing and I'll die with nothing. I know for a fact that you are a man of

indomitable spirit. I will not allow

anyone to deceive you like this. Even if I have to risk my life, I won't let you get played." Seeing how

Maxwell hesitated, Harper

vowed with the utmost certainty that even Matthew almost believed it.

"Maxwell, the only reason she's talked so much is because she fears for own life. How could she be so

cruel to my poor child

who died miserably? I don't want to live anymore. Please just sentence me to death so I can

accompany my poor child!" Jade

cried her heart out. Breaking free from Maxwell's hold, she pulled back her arm to hit the pillar.

However, with his quick reflexes,

he was able to stop her just in time.

Although Maxwell still had doubts, he felt embarrassed to see his beloved concubine this way.

"Lady Jade, are you afraid of being found out?" Matthew interjected.

"Your Highness, what have I ever done to deserve that accusation? How could you treat me like this?"

sobbed Jade.

"I'm just curious. As we all know, Harper is a well-known imperial physician. If you had a difficult labor,

I'm sure it would occur to

her to take the child out alive. Since General Maxwell attached great importance to the child, she

wouldn't have been so

careless," Matthew explained, his eyes squinting in skepticism. "I believe there's something wrong with

the whole thing. General,

since things have come to this, why not give Harper a chance to prove her innocence? She won't be

able to escape anyway."

"Wait!" Jade said anxiously. "We have to consider the general's well-being. What if she hurts him? She

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may get some dirty tricks

up her sleeve."

"General, I swear on my life that I'm telling the truth. In addition, you don't need to worry because all I

need to do is prick your

finger and take a drop of blood. It's entirely superficial," Harper said calmly. Then, she took a deep

breath and added, "But we

also need the baby's bone..."

"Go get the bone," Maxwell ordered a servant.

Jade's eyes widened in shock. "Maxwell, no...no..." she stammered.

"General, there's a big difference between a woman who has given birth to a child and one who hasn't.

If you don't trust me, you

can ask an imperial nanny who has conducted physical examinations for imperial concubines to check

Lady Jade," Harper said

with a hint of complacency. Jade's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her body trembling with anger.

"You bitch! You hurt me and my baby! I'm going to kill you!" Without warning, she pounced at Harper.

Harper was able to dodge her attack, making Jade fall embarrassingly on the floor. The way Jade

reacted made Maxwell more certain that something was indeed wrong. He immediately asked a

servant to invite an imperial nanny over. "Stay here for the physical examination," he said to Jade

sternly. "Maxwell, we've been in love for years! Why do you trust this outsider more?" Jade cried with

desperation. "Just shut up and stay put! If what you're saying is true, surely there must be no reason to

be afraid of taking the physical examination. Am I wrong?" "Maxwell...I..." Jade was dumbfounded. Of

course she was afraid. She didn't want Harper to uncover the truth! "General, the bone is here."

Standing up, Jade approached the bone and whimpered, "My poor baby..." "Shut up!" Maxwell scolded

Jade. "Show me the evidence," he then said to Harper, looking at her coldly. Harper stepped forward,

taking a look at the baby's bone. "Pardon me," she said softly, taking Maxwell's hand. She pricked his

finger with a needle that was so thin that he didn't even feel a thing. Carefully, she took Maxwell's hand

over the bone and lightly pressed his finger to draw a drop of blood onto the bone. Everyone held their

breaths, their eyes glued onto the tiny set of bone as if they were afraid to miss something important.

As soon as the blood made contact with the bone, the blood smoothly slid down the side. Everyone

saw exactly what had

happened. Harper sighed, and proceeded to explain, "General, you can see the blood can't—"

"General, the nanny is here," someone interrupted.

"Examine her!" Maxwell said, pointing a finger at Jade. Although his tone was loud and accusing, there

was some sadness and

gloom to it. He was a hero in the battlefield, and yet he was played by a concubine. At this point, he

was on the verge of losing

his temper.

Jade glanced at Maxwell with a defeated look on her face, and then followed the nanny into the room

for her physical

examination. There was no point in making a scene, she thought.

As Harper watched Jade go into the room, she couldn't help but think that that woman would not just sit

around and wait for her own death sentence. But, since Matthew and Maxwell had not spoken about it,

she decided to keep her thoughts to herself. After all, she was still guilty at this moment.

"So Harper, I heard that you have really good medical skills?" Maxwell started, breaking the momentary

silence. "Ah, you're giving me way more credit than I deserve. I would say my skills are mediocre. Even

so, I can assure you that I'm not talking nonsense about this whole affair. It's fine if you don't believe

me right now. But surely you would believe the nanny," Harper said calmly. Her manner was quite

different from that of her father, Charles Chu. "Charles Chu is lucky to have a clever daughter like you!"

Maxwell said. Harper didn't know whether he was praising or mocking her, but she didn't care. She

looked around the hall, feeling that something was off. Suddenly, she realized that her sister wasn't

there anymore.

"What's wrong? Are you looking for your sister?" Matthew asked, noticing Harper's actions.

"No, it's okay. She probably is somewhere else," replied Harper, unwilling to give out more information

than what was needed.

Whatever happened in Chu Clan was their business and their business alone. There was no need to let

others know their family


"Well, you're very understanding." Matthew sneered as he fiddled with his jade ring. He couldn't help

but think how Harper was

stubborn and proud, unlike her father, who was very cunning and duplicitous. This woman was too

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"What is taking so long?" Maxwell blurted out. Standing up, he paced up and down the hall. There were

a lot of things going

through his thoughts. He trusted Harper when she said that the baby wasn't his. Plus, Jade was getting

examined for good

measure. Maybe she did give birth to a child and she did all this because she didn't want him to be sad.

"Send someone to check on her. I'm getting worried," Matthew said. In an instant, Maxwell stood up

and walked towards the

room where Jade was having her physical examination. Harper, too, stood up and followed closely

behind. Matthew then walked

slowly behind.

Upon pushing the door open, Maxwell saw the nanny and two other servant girls on the floor. Jade was

nowhere in sight.

Hurriedly, he rushed towards the women to see what had happened to them. After a quick inspection, it

looked as if they had

been knocked out. Just moments ago, he thought Jade deserved another chance. But now that she

had escaped like this...

The nanny was starting to regain consciousness. Seeing the grave look on Maxwell's face, she knew

she could possibly be in

trouble. "Please, General Maxwell, forgive me. Lady Jade knocked me out and then fled," she


"Lock the doors and find her!" Maxwell boomed in a towering rage. Turning, he glared at Harper with

his sharp eyes. She met his

gaze, looking at him right in the eye. There was no fear on her face; she had seen a lot of other people

more intimidating than he

was. It was difficult for her to feel threatened by him.

"You can leave now. I will clear you name to His Majesty," Maxwell said flatly.

"Thank you, General." Harper bent slightly. Then she turned and bowed to Matthew, "Thank you for

sparing my life, Your

Highness. I'll return the favor someday in the future."

"Oh really? And how exactly do you plan to pay me back?" Matthew sneered and asked nonchalantly.