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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 299
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Chapter 299

Sure enough, Jennifer sighed heavily. There was an additional hint of derision in her voice when she

next spoke. "Over the generations, the Scott-Tutton Family has had a long history where only one son

is produced in each generation. Forget having any children, Uncle George was not even married then.

Therefore, the incident was a huge shock to the entire family. Although Uncle George's drunk driving

caused the car accident, they simply refused to accept the truth. At the time, both the Grant Family and

the Olsen Family expressed sympathy for the situation and provided significant compensation to the

Scott-Tutton Family after the incident. However, the Scott-Tutton Family firmly believed that Khalid

Olsen and Connor Grant were the ones who caused Uncle George's death. That was the reason

behind their bitter falling out with the Grant Family and the Olsen Family."

Eddie's cloudy eyes shifted uncomfortably, but he did not make a sound.

He never imagined that such an incident caused the feud between the Scott-Tutton Family and the

Olsen Family.

"Uncle George was actually the only one at fault in this entire incident. If he had not been driving drunk,

then the car accident would never have occurred in the first place. Besides, Khalid and Connor also

suffered from varying degrees of injuries from the car accident, even though they were lucky enough to

survive. Be that as it may, the Scott-Tutton Family refused to accept the truth and stubbornly pushed

the blame for Uncle George's death on them. Tell me, Eddie… Was it right for the Scott-Tutton Family

to do that?"

He did not answer but naturally understood that the Scott-Tutton Family was at fault.

Jennifer did not seem to have expected an answer from him and only paused for a few seconds before

she continued with the story, "Although the Scott-Tutton Family and the Olsen Family were at odds with

each other, one's feelings are not something that one can control at will. Darren and I were in love, and

our relationship had nothing to do with the family's grievances. Unfortunately, the Scott-Tutton Family

used any means possible to prevent the marriage between Darren and me due to their hatred toward

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the Olsen Family. In the beginning, I heeded their wishes and even thought about breaking up with

Darren for some time. However, we were reluctant to part with each other after experiencing countless

ups and downs throughout our relationship. Ultimately, I had no other option but to leave the Scott-

Tutton Family temporarily. I originally thought they would relent and give us their blessings after some

time. Who could have imagined… When I decided to marry Darren and returned to inform them about

our engagement, they continued to disapprove vehemently of the marriage. In fact, they even…"

At this point, she fell silent and clenched her fingers tightly into a fist on her lap.

"Even what? What did they do?" Eddie probed anxiously. He instinctively felt that something was going

to change, but he was determined to learn the truth behind this matter.

After some time, Jennifer seemed to overcome some sort of mental obstacle and regained her


She snorted in disdain, but the look in her eyes was frigid.

"You were too young. It's only natural that there were many things you didn't understand at the time.

Besides, the Scott-Tutton Family would never tell you about such things. All you knew was that I

resolutely decided to leave the Scott-Tutton Family after this incident. But do you know why I had to

leave? You accused me of being improper and indecent, but did you know that the Scott-Tutton Family

are the actual vile and repulsive ones? They only have the family's interests in mind. To them, there are

no such things as warmth and affection! To force Darren and me to separate, they even used very

special means to force me to give up my intentions!"

At this point, she fell silent. It felt as though there was a ball of fire raging in her heart, silencing her

voice and causing her eyes to redden.

It was the first time Katherine had ever seen her grandmother in such a state, and she immediately felt

distressed on her grandmother's behalf. Just what did the Scott-Tutton Family do back then that

caused Grandma to hold such a deep grudge over that incident after so many years?

As she was brilliant, the possibility came to her almost instantaneously. Her eyes froze in horror at the

realization. "Grandma, they can't have…"

Jennifer closed her eyes, suppressing the hatred surging from the depths of her eyes. After a while,

she opened her eyes and continued telling them the story in a chilly voice.

"That's right, Kathy. I see that you've already figured it out. In order to force Darren and me to separate,

they did not hesitate to ruin my reputation! They drugged my food and locked me up inside a room.

Moreover, they found a man from somewhere and locked him inside the room with me so that he would

defile my virtue!"

Her voice trembled. No matter how she tried to suppress her emotions, she could not hide the rage

burning in her.

"Fortunately, my medical skills had improved considerably by then. I barely managed to suppress the

effects of the drugs in my body, but that man refused to leave me alone. I… I fought back desperately

and smashed his head with a vase. He bled profusely from the wound and eventually fell unconscious.

When the Scott-Tutton Family heard the commotion from outside the room, they finally unlocked the

door out of fear that something had happened. It was not until they saw the man lying unconscious on

the floor that they temporarily gave up on their attempt to ruin me, lest he died as a result. In any case,

that incident left me completely disillusioned with them. I took the opportunity to escape and never went

back there again, resolutely cutting off all ties with the Scott-Tutton Family since that incident…"

Katherine felt a burst of anger erupting in her heart as she listened to her grandmother's story, and the

corners of her eyes reddened in response. "Grandma, they were your family. How could they…"

Jennifer sneered, but tears gleamed at the corners of her eyes. "That's right… They were my

immediate family. But they did not hold the slightest sense of affection or love for me whatsoever! In

fact, they did not hesitate to ruin me for the sake of their selfish desires! I would rather not have such a

despicable family!"

Katherine could sympathize with the pain and hatred that engulfed Jennifer's heart. She gritted her

teeth, suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and tried her best to recover her composure.

Then, she probed further. "What happened afterward?"

Jennifer inhaled deeply before letting out a massive breath. A short while passed before she quietly

continued her tale, "My escape from the Scott-Tutton Family was not very successful. They tried every

means possible to destroy and humiliate me, but I always managed to overcome their attempts at the

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last minute. Eventually, they tried to punish me according to family law and locked me in the basement.

They initially started by torturing and berating me. However, they eventually realized their methods

were not working and decided to starve me instead. They only allowed me to drink some water, hoping

to destroy my will in the process.

"As a result, I was constantly covered in wounds. At the time, the butler was the only one who couldn't

bear to see me in such a miserable state. He would often bring me some medicine whenever he

brought water for me. I begged him to help me for a long time. In the end, he couldn't watch me suffer

any longer and helped me escape. When I finally managed to flee, the Scott-Tutton Family immediately

sent people after me as soon as they discovered my absence. I was forced to flee to Uncle Hyman's

house. I was fortunate that Uncle Hyman willingly took me in. Afterward, I took on the surname 'Moran'

and married Darren under the identity of Uncle Hyman's daughter."

With that, the truth of the past was wholly revealed.

Katherine's expression was cold and sullen, but her eyes were scarlet.

She never imagined that her grandmother suffered so many grievances in the past, not to mention that

the Scott-Tutton Family could be so vile and repulsive.

They were not worthy of being called humans!

She turned to look at Eddie and discovered that he had a look of disbelief on his face. Moreover, he

gaped at her incredulously.

Likewise, Jennifer turned to look at Eddie. Her voice had returned to normal. "And now you know why I

went estranged from the Scott-Tutton Family, Eddie. How could I possibly live with that kind of family?"

Eddie did not respond immediately. After a while, he finally shook his head and muttered under his

breath, "No. That's impossible…"

"Impossible?" Katherine laughed coldly. She calmly raised the needle and questioned in a chilly tone,

"How is it impossible? I can't believe you still refuse to face the truth after everything you've heard. Has

the Scott-Tutton Family brainwashed you?"

"Shut up!" Eddie shouted in a highly irritable voice and turned to look at Jennifer. "I don't believe a

single word you said! You're trying to deceive me! How could the Scott-Tutton Family be so vile? I don't

believe it!"

Jennifer abruptly jerked to her feet in response and glared at Eddie furiously. The look in her eyes was

indescribably sharp and piercing in the face of his accusations.