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Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 464
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Chapter 464

Song Jinglan was quite content with that. The most update n0vels are published on ɴoᴠel Fɪre.nᴇt

Ji Liang, who still hadnt digested the soft bean cakes in his stomach, !

What should I do? I ate the little girls bean cakes! She wont have anymore to eat! Why the heck did I eat all the damned bean cakes?!

For sreason,Lin Feilu felt that the cold sword intent next to her had becsomewhat more violent!

Ji Liang would cto the palace every other year to inspect Song Jinglans sword skills. When there was nothing left to do in the martial world, he would occasionally live in the palace for a while to discuss sword skills with his direct disciple and drink with his friend, Rong Heng.

He didnt have a permanent place to stay throughout his life and loved tranquility and quietness. The people on the Cangsong Mountain would always cto seek him out for sword competitions, which was why he didnt like to return there. However, this palace offered the peace and serenity he longed for. Song Jinglan allocated a quiet courtyard for him that didnt have guards or servants around, which he liked very much.

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As a result, just after dawn, he was still sitting in his room meditating when he noticed someone approaching.

Not long after, there was a knock on his courtyard door, and a girls sweet voice sounded, Uncle Ji, I brought you sbreakfast.

Ji Liang,

He walked out expressionlessly and opened the courtyard door.

Lin Feilu smiled like a flower and handed over a snack box, Good morning, Uncle Ji, I dont know what you like to eat, so I have made a little of everything. Do tellwhich dish you like the most later.

Ji Liang took it silently as the girl waved at him, Then I wont bother Uncle Ji any longer.

After she finished speaking, the girl bounced off and left.

Ji Liang watched her skipping her way back before closing the door. Back in the house, he waited until he finished meditating before opening the box. Sure enough, there were a lot of dishes in it, and even though they had gotten a bit cold, he still ate them all.

At noon, Lin Feilu knocked on the door again. This time, she carried another sumptuous food box and said with a smile, Uncle Ji, which dish did you like best in the morning?

Ji Liang, All of them were great. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

She nodded happily, Then try sof these for lunch!

She left after sending the food off without being too intrusive.

At night, Lin Feilu cover again.

Ji Liang took the heavy food basket and was going to say something, but she had already ran off whilst smiling and waving her hand goodbye.

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The door to his courtyard was knocked on early the next morning.

Ji Liangs ears twitched in response, but he still closed his eyes and pretended that she was not there.

After the knocks continued on for a while, it becsilent. Consequently, he heard the sounds of retreating footsteps. He waited until no movement was nearby before he walked out slowly. Upon opening the courtyard door, he saw the familiar food basket being left on the ground.

For a few days like this, no matter whether he was truly absent from hor faking it, he ate three meals a day consistently.

Whenever it was tto eat, he would unconsciously prick up his ears and pay attention to any sort of movements around him.

Later, Ji Liang felt that this habit was really inappropriate.

When Lin Feilu cto deliver his meal again, he opened the courtyard door and said coldly without waiting for her to speak, Dont deliver food toin the future.

The little girl outside the door was taken aback for a moment and her sweet smile suddenly froze.