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The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 41
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CRAPTER 41 A Warning bead be The wa CH 5] probank China Zadaucht Neu/athings to hit Chips Range Bos the Nether so the man Mark Breet was being on this shoes up him is to find tutussop on the parking lo pendent zobu besire Ul, kosher in wasking sasa, phting hi mo tim Taralis Ok Chiches rysed his eggs ped his has the maksa te ar ght we are serbuch des dviser end when the He asked.

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Chaser and excited attente steaptheposed the chose this we step on his foot really needed to get use half of Noah's team will the ag fired chid bordeling morning Sermons should coilight “Yep. Just sthings to make it look less...” Cristos paused to think of the right word.

“Dingy,” | said. We all laughed.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I have to agree the pub needs fixing. But you're keeping the hardwood floors, right?” Jack asked.

Cristos nodded. “I'll be having the wood refinished. You know...patch, repair and sand, then Noah's men will apply fresh stain and lacquer. When it’s done, my floor is going to shine like it's brand new. I'm also having the walls repainted and the front bar, under bar and back bar replaced. I'm guessing everything will be done in a month or so.” “The pub will be closed every weekend for a month?!” Jack didn’t sound too happy.

“Well, maybe longer when | have the floors done. | need everything to set and dry before any of us can step on the wood,” Cristos explained. “I'll probably need the samount of tfor the bar.” “I guess we just have to drink at hthen,” Jack said, smiling. “So, I'll see you tonight, Virtue?” How can | say no to the both of you,” | answered, smiling back. “I'll see you tonight, dersheriff. Right now, Chip and | have to head to town hall.” Jack’s brow furrowed. “What for?” “For our building permits, silly,” Cristos replied, flapping his hand in the air. “Virtue needs hers right away. She wants her boutique operational before prom. That's still a thing, right? | mean, prom?” Cristos looked meaningfully at Jack, hoping to get a reaction.

“Yeah, it’s still a thing,” Jack murmured, his eyes glazing over. “You're right... The spring formal is coming up.” He blinked his eyes rapidly and shook his head as if he was shaking. away a bad thought or a bad memory in his head.

My hands instantly balled into fists. Unlike this b astard standing in front of me, | could. never shake away the memory of that horrible night.

Cristos, who had noticed my cheeks had gone red, coughed and opened the door of the passenger side of his car. ” Virtue, get in. Jack, we'll just see you later tonight.” Cristos waved at Jack and sashayed his way to the driver's side.

I smiled at Jack before entering the car. When | was seated, Jack gavea small wave and closed the door for me.

“You okay, Virtue?” Cristos asked as he drove us out of the parking lot.

| gave him a bright smile. “No pain, no gain.” At town hall, Dan told us to head on up to see Abigail which meant | would have to face. Liam.

What a way to ruin my day...

Cristos knocked tentatively. After we heard a female voice say ‘cin’, he opened the door. Abigail was seated at her desk, wearing a salmon colored pant suit and a big smile.

“Good morning, Abigail! We just saw Dan downstairs and he told us we could pick up our building permits from you,” Cristos said in a hushed tone while practically tiptoeing across the room to Abigail's desk. He pointed at Liam's office. “Is Liam here?” “No, but he’ll be here later in the day,” Abigail answered while shuffling through the documents on her desk. | entered the room, feeling lucky | was able to dodge seeing Liam, and closed the door behind me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Here are your building permits as promised. It would've been done when Lisa was here arlier, but | had to wait for the floor plans and costs. Pete just sent them awhile ago.” She ded us our documents. “Well, you guys are all set. If you need anything else, don’t sitate to ask me.” “Thank you so much, Abigail,” | said while placing my permit inside my tote bag. “I hope when construction is finished, you can drop by.

“Of course | will, Virtue,” she replied, grinning at me. “So where are the both of you off to?” “Maybe go and have brunch,” Cristos answered. I'm hungry. Since Liam isn’t here, why don’t you join us?” “I'd love to, but | have to finish all of this before the day ends,” she refused politely while placing a hand over a pile of papers on her desk. “Tomorrow is a Saturday and | was planning to drive to Bismarck for santiques.

New stuff will be coming in today, so I'm excited | might find a new tea cup to add to my collection.” “We should do that, Chip,” | suggested. “Noah toldBismarck has great vintage finds.” CHAPTER 41 A Warning “Alright. We can do that after brunch, Cristos agreed. “Since you have so much work to do, we won't take anymore of your time, Abigail. Thanks again.” Unexpectedly, Abigail stood up from my desk and grabbed my arm. “Wait, Virtue,” she said, her voice faint and subdued. “I know this will sound crazy, but | overheard Liam tell Noah to put up CCTV cameras in your store.” | stared into her eyes, my brow furrowing while my eyes slightly narrowed, trying to figure out why her voice sounded so familiar.

It's like I've been hearing it over and over in my head. | needed a second to think. If only | could remember...

She suddenly let go of her arm and laughed nervously. “I-I’'m terribly sorry. You know what? Just forget | ever said anything.” “It does sound... weird, but thanks for the warning,” | murmured. | took her hands in mine.

“Thank you, Abigail.” | squeezed her hands before letting go.

After blowing Abigail a kiss, Cristos rushed forward to open the door so we could leave.

When the door swung open, | gasped. Standing in the doorway, leaning forward with his right ear towards us, was Liam. He was obviously eavesdropping, the pr ick! h, why are you standing in the doorway of your own office, Liam?” Chapter Comments Vickie Johnson Good so far. Just hate waiting on updates.

Luna-Mom POST COMMENT this is really fun reading how the are all enthralled by Virtue. Joy and the guys are really enjoying watching the townsfolk.