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Monster Integration

Chapter 3834 Against Five
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The massive rusty saw blade cat me, with the powerful attack.

If it touched me; I think even my string armor will have a hard tdefending against it without causingany injury, which I am not wearing.

So, I couldn't let this attack toucheven more.

Burst 25%.

The power filled me. Since the advancement, I have not used such power fighting against any enemy. In the field, I had harnessed 5% power, but that is all.

This Lizardman is powerful enough, that I had to harness it quarter of my power. It may be a Mid Sky-Sovereign, but it has a bloodline that makes most dangerous among all the five.


My sword clashed against his, creating a deafening sound and a powerful shockwave, that caved the ground over which we were floating.

I turned to it and saw it looking atin surprise.

The attack had kepton my spot while it shook from head to toe; it had not expected that.

"What are you all doing? Helpfinish it off!" Lizardman snapped and four Grimms watching cat me.

Of the four, two were Crockmen with one having a bloodline, while the other two were Ratman and Pigeonman.


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Its aura blasted, and it attacked again. Once again, I defended. By that time, the four had appeared and attackedfrom all directions.

Immediately, four arms cout of my back. Two holding lances with an ax, while the fourth one along the sword.


They moved at the attack and defended against them, sending each of them back. Which is not a surprise; of all the Grimms, only the Lizardman is the challenge; the rest are easy.

"Don't hold back. Use your full power!" he said and attackedagain, with even more power.


I defended against its attack, while my arms dealt with the four. Countering each of their attacks, but more cand my arms moved to defend against them.

The four are attackingfrom all sides, using all types of moves, but despite that, I am only giving them a quarter of my focus. It is the Lizardman, I should be focusing on and that is what I am doing.

"Try harder, if kept going like this. You are only going to waste my time," I taunted, making the Lizardman angry before it controlled its emotions and smiled.

"Since you want to see my power, I will show it to you," it said, and a powerful bloodline aura cout of its body. Powerful enough, that two of four Grimms fighting againstshake.

"Now, die!" it screamed and attacked.

I poured my power into my sword and attacked, with a smile on my face. I want it to show its true power and it is doing that.

Though it is not the strongest; I don't mind. I will force it to bring it all out in a few seconds.


I defended against its powerful attack and grinned. All the calmness in its eyes vanished and its eyes seethed in rage as it attacked again.

I defended against it and one after that, without any problem.

It started to use the different moves, and I defended against it all, while my armor sucked away all the bloodline energy it threw atbefore sending them to my runes.

I might seem like I am wasting time, instead of focusing on killing it, but I am not.

I had just leveled up, and the advancement was huge. I need to learn to control this power as quickly as possible before I fight against the enemies who could truly killand these Grimms are best for that.

Every move is helpingconsolidate my control over this power. I could feel I was improving visibly.

However, I am still ready to go all out if I sense the threat, and currently; we are alone. There is no threat; a few Sky Sovereigns have turned toward the battles before moving away from their focus.

To them, it seemed like their kin was handlingjust fine, and they were fine. It is the reason why I am entertaining the four.

"To be honest, I thought you would be more powerful, but turned out to be just so-so," I teased again, making it even angrier.

"What you know, you bastard? You are only defending!" it cursed, but attacked again, with even more power.

"Yes, I am defending. Only because I want to see your strength and till now, all I got is a disappointment from you," I replied and saw its huge amethyst eyes begin to bright as a bulb in anger.

"I will kill you!" it shouted, and a massive aura burst out of it.

The aura immediately transformed into a massive phantom. It is clear, that I felt, it would feel solid if I were to touch it.

Burst 40%.

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It had revealed the power of the phantom. Seeing that, I activated more of my burst. I don't want to pay the price of underestimating it.

"Now, you will die, and it will be extremely painful," it said and amethyst energy covered its massive blade, turning it into the blade of amethyst from the iron, with extremely sharp teeth, that won't have any problem breaching through my teeth.

"Bring it on," I said and since the battle first began, I attacked first.

It faintly surprised it, but reacted immediately and moved its sword forward to defend against the attack.


The attacks clashed, and it shook before taking the steps back, shocking it, but I didn't give it a chance to process and attack again.

This time, making it move three steps back and attacking again, forcing it back even more. Its minions tried to follow me, but couldn't and began to employ the long-range attacks, but I defended while pressing against it.

"Try harder or I will kill you!" I said as I launched another attack.

"Bastard!" it cursed and moved its sword to defend again. I just smiled and attacked.

It wanted to attack, but it couldn't even stabilize itself properly after my attack. It needs to do that much, before attackingand I truly hope, it would; it is the reason why, I am pressing it hard. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Seconds passed, and I continued to press it harder and harder. It tried to defend better and tried to guess my moves, but nothing seemed to be working for it.

I could see the anger disappearing and a spark of fear replacing them. It is beginning to feel scared, and it should harness more power from that bloodline.

I sometimes really get jealous of these bastards. The bloodline; well of infinite power. It is solely on one, on how much power they could harness from it.

Sometimes, I wish I had eaten the bloodline fruits. It's not like I didn't want to, but after eating it, there is no going back.

Despite all its difficulties, I like the celestial inheritance. Like the control, it givesand the ease of the breakthrough. It is really amazing, even with the bloodline; I don't think I would have been able to progress as fast as I have been.

At least in my world. Here, it is a completely different equation.