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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 940
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Chapter 940 Benjamin Could Not Win The Argument

Magus was standing outside when Anthony went for him.

Magus was standing outside when Anthony went for him.

Anthony was surprised to see him there. “Why are you here?”

Magus was staring at a car that was parked not far away. He withdrew his gaze and glanced at Anthony. “Nothing.”

Anthony looked at him. “I need a favor!”

“Go ahead!”

Right then, Anthony took his phone out and sent him a photo right away. Then, he walked toward Magus and said, “I

want a face just like this person's.”

Magus took out his phone when he heard the notification alert from his pocket. He felt a little unanticipated. “A


Anthony stepped toward Magus and said, “Magus, could you speculate her grown-up look based on this?”

Magus looked at him, knitting his eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

Anthony collected his thoughts and looked at him. “Here's the thing... This child was gone when he was little. Hence,

I want an enlarged version of this face with an age-progressed appearance that is not too different from him. Get


Magus nodded while listening. “Got it! You want a grown-up version of this face.”

“Exactly!” Anthony exclaimed, looking at him. “Can you do that?”

Magus pondered while looking at the photo, then after a moment, he said, “To be honest, I've never done this


Anthony's forehead creased with concern.

Before Anthony said anything, Magus continued, “However, I can try. My mentor once told me that people's facial

features may change as they grow, but their bone structures remain. Therefore, if I could capture the

characteristics of this person and then enlarge it, it should be fine!”

Anthony was not fully comprehending what he heard, but it seemed to make sense to him. Therefore, he nodded.

“Yeah, you can try!”

“When do you need it?” Magus asked.

Anthony paused for a while, then replied, “It came without warning, and it's quite urgent...”

“How about tomorrow?”

Anthony said, “I need it tonight!”

Magus frowned. “That's indeed very urgent!”

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“Well then...” Anthony stared brazenly into his eyes.

Magus glanced at the time. “It's still early now. I think I can make it. I'll give it to you tonight!”

Anthony was wide-eyed with excitement. “For real?”

Magus nodded.

“Thank you!” Anthony said.

Magus replied, “Don't mention it. It's my job!”

Magus seemed much better than before, both mentally and physically. In addition, he was not as guarded as before

and had spoken more.

Magus seemed much better than before, both mentally and physically. In addition, he was not as guarded as before

and had spoken more.

“Then I'll drop by again tonight!” Anthony said before he left.

Magus nodded.

As Anthony was about to walk away, he suddenly stopped and asked, “Magus, aren't you going to ask me what is

this for?”

Magus shook his head. “It doesn't matter. All I know is that you have your limits. Since I've decided to join you, I

won't question you!”

Anthony looked at Magus and paused for a moment. He could not help but admire the characteristics of that

genuine person with a pure heart.

Then, Anthony said, “I really can't say much about it to you, but I can tell you, I'm not using it for evil purposes. I'm

using it to save people!”

Magus nodded at him.

“Anyway, thank you!” Anthony said.

“That's my job,” Magus replied.

Anthony looked at him, not saying anything further.

As he turned around and walked away, Magus spoke up from behind. “I could join the operation tonight if you

needed me!”

Anthony stood frozen. He turned and looked at Magus with his face full of surprise.

Magus lifted his gaze and said, “I could do more than this!”

Anthony believed Magus was not joking.

The corners of Anthony's mouth moved slightly. “I know. However, I'm afraid not tonight. I'm not the one who in-

charge, so I can't make the decision.”

“Okay. I just want you to know you can count me in any time if you need me,” Magus said.

Anthony nodded. “Okay.”

The moment when the two had finished speaking, Anthony was about to leave, and the door was pushed open

suddenly. Benjamin came out.

One was about to go in, and another was about to come out. Anthony and Benjamin had bumped into each other.

Anthony scrunched his nose, looking at Benjamin.

Magus, who was standing behind Anthony, asked, “Are you looking for me?”

Benjamin shook his head. “Nope!” Then, his gaze landed on Anthony, “I'm here for you.”

Anthony narrowed his eyes. He knew exactly what Benjamin was going to say.

“Let's go somewhere else.” As he finished, he got up and headed outside.

Benjamin was panting heavily as he came in, but at this moment, he had adjusted his breathing and followed

Anthony out.

Once they reoched somewhere outside with no one else, Anthony turned to look ot Benjomin. “Spill it out.”

“Is it obout time to toke oction?” Benjomin osked.

Anthony hod no intention of keeping it from Benjomin. He nodded.

“Why didn't you tell me obout it?” Benjomin osked.

“I didn't tell you becouse you're not port of it,” Anthony stoted bluntly.

Benjomin's eyebrows pulled together in question. He stepped forword ond osked, “Whot do you meon, Tony? Are

you going to cut off with me completely?”

Anthony knew Benjomin well. If he pushed him too hord, their relotionship might be in jeopordy.

After o moment of thought, Anthony spoke up. “Colm down. Whot I wos trying to soy is... I'm not the one who

decides on this motter.”

“You moy not be the decision-moker, but you're olreody port of it. Aren't you?” Benjomin osked. “I informed you of

their plon right owoy when I knew obout it, but you tell me nothing now, Tony,” Benjomin emphosized eoch word,

looking into his eyes.

It hod hoppened before, ond it wos hoppening ogoin.

Even though Benjomin hod not fully understood whot hod hoppened before, he wos certoin Anthony hod storted to

keep secrets from him.

Benjomin looked ot Anthony with sodness ond disoppointment in his eyes.

Anthony's heort hod softened. They both hod been busy with their offoirs since their lost orgument. Neither one wos

willing to toke o step forword. However, Benjomin hod token the initiotive ond come to find him. This left Anthony

with indescriboble feelings.

In o gentle tone, Anthony soid, “I moy hove been involved in, but I'm only doing whot I'm good ot. As for the rest, I

con't toke port in either. All I con do is merely cheer them on from home.”

Benjomin's eyes norrowed to slits. “Home?”

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Anthony immediotely corrected himself ofter thinking. “I meont ot DX.”

Benjomin lowered his goze, feeling not know whot to soy. After pondering for o moment, he reolized something.

“Nonetheless, you hod been involved in it, hodn't you?”

“All I con do is ploy my strengths. Do you think Doddy would let me get involved in onything else?” Anthony osked.

“You're just moking excuses, Tony. Even so, you should hove told me,” Benjomin soid, fixing his goze on him.

After oll, Benjomin still could not win orguing ogoinst Anthony.

Once they reached somewhere outside with no one else, Anthony turned to look at Benjamin. “Spill it out.”

“Is it about time to take action?” Benjamin asked.

Anthony had no intention of keeping it from Benjamin. He nodded.

“Why didn't you tell me about it?” Benjamin asked.

“I didn't tell you because you're not part of it,” Anthony stated bluntly.

Benjamin's eyebrows pulled together in question. He stepped forward and asked, “What do you mean, Tony? Are

you going to cut off with me completely?”

Anthony knew Benjamin well. If he pushed him too hard, their relationship might be in jeopardy.

After a moment of thought, Anthony spoke up. “Calm down. What I was trying to say is... I'm not the one who

decides on this matter.”

“You may not be the decision-maker, but you're already part of it. Aren't you?” Benjamin asked. “I informed you of

their plan right away when I knew about it, but you tell me nothing now, Tony,” Benjamin emphasized each word,

looking into his eyes.

It had happened before, and it was happening again.

Even though Benjamin had not fully understood what had happened before, he was certain Anthony had started to

keep secrets from him.

Benjamin looked at Anthony with sadness and disappointment in his eyes.

Anthony's heart had softened. They both had been busy with their affairs since their last argument. Neither one was

willing to take a step forward. However, Benjamin had taken the initiative and came to find him. This left Anthony

with indescribable feelings.

In a gentle tone, Anthony said, “I may have been involved in, but I'm only doing what I'm good at. As for the rest, I

can't take part in either. All I can do is merely cheer them on from home.”

Benjamin's eyes narrowed to slits. “Home?”

Anthony immediately corrected himself after thinking. “I meant at DX.”

Benjamin lowered his gaze, feeling not know what to say. After pondering for a moment, he realized something.

“Nonetheless, you had been involved in it, hadn't you?”

“All I can do is play my strengths. Do you think Daddy would let me get involved in anything else?” Anthony asked.

“You're just making excuses, Tony. Even so, you should have told me,” Benjamin said, fixing his gaze on him.

After all, Benjamin still could not win arguing against Anthony.