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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96

“What I do is none of your business, Mister Waldorf, You should worry about your own situation.” Pearl

retorted, not wanting to back down and resorting to hurtful words.

Richard wiped his lips with a napkin and said, “I’m only taking care of you because of my dad’s orders.

I have no interest in being a busybody.”

“If you’re not interested, then don’t do it,” Pearl shot back, her annoyance


Mobius walked out of his room, noticing the tense atmosphere between them. “Why are you both

frowning so early in the day? You’re not enemies.”

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Pearl dismissed it, saying, “Nothing is going on, Mobius. Time for breakfast. I’ll help you study in your

room later.” Mobius nodded, quickly finished his meal, and returned to his room. He clutched his pen

tightly, clearly anxious. “I don’t think I’ve learned much in the past six months, Pea. Do you think I can

finish this?”

“Of course not,” Pearl answered honestly.

Mobius sighed. “What’s going to happen? Am I going to fail?”

Pearl sighed in response. “You won’t fail because I’m here, but you’re probably not going to get a

perfect score.”

Perfect score? He would be happy just to pass. He smiled when he heard he wouldn’t flunk. “Let’s start

the revision now then.” Pearl opened the book and began highlighting the key points. She appeared to

have the entire book memorized and efficiently marked the critical areas. Her confidence made it seem

as if she was the one who wrote the exam questions.

“Pea, but…” Mobius started, surprised that when the teacher marked important sections, they were

lengthy paragraphs, but Pearl only highlighted a sentence every few pages and completed the entire

book within ten minutes.

“Trust me, these are the questions that always repeat. As long as you put in some effort and memorize

them, you’ll score eighty or above.”

Mobius nodded. “Thank you.”

“As for multiple–choice questions, just pick the wrong calculations. This is the finals so there wouldn’t

be any difficult questions.”

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Pearl provided these insights from her own experiences.

“Do you usually study at the last minute like this too?” Mobius asked out of curiosity.

Pearl rolled her eyes, rolled up the book, and knocked his head with it. “No way. If I studied this way,

not only wouldn’t I be the top scorer, I might not even be in the top twenty in class.”

“Alright, I’ll focus on my studies next semester and not neglect them again,” Mobius promised.

Pearl nodded in approval. “Good.”

The following day was Mobius’s exam day.

Pearl was in her room preparing medication for Simon. She mixed some pink powder with water and

crushed Cuza Root into a fine powder, then poured the mixture into a bottle and sealed it with a cork.

Knowing the old man’s poor memory, she stuck a label on the bottle.

Just as she was finishing up, she heard an exclamation from downstairs.

It was Hanzel, looking worried as he said to Pearl, “Mobius was caught cheating and is currently in the

principal’s office. The school is considering severe consequences, possibly even expulsion!”