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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1176
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Esther turned around, looking curious. "Why are you laughing, Pearl?" "Somebody's not telling the truth." Esther immediately knew who Pearl meant, even without much thought. She glanced at Finnegan. "You lied?" Finnegan blushed. "Yes." "So, why weren't you dating then?" "Because..." Finnegan started, but his words were cut off by someone arriving at the door.

Esther's focus shifted to the newcomer, leaving Finnegan mid-sentence. "You're here, James!" She rushed over and hugged him tightly.

James wrapped his arms around her, visibly relaxing. "Promiseyou won't go to risky places by yourself anymore, okay?" "Fine, fine. It's not like the bathroom is risky," Esther whispered under her breath, but James caught her words and lightly pinched her nose. "What did you say?" "I said I understand, I won't do it again," Esther responded, her voice soft and patient.

Pearl couldn't resist teasing them, "Do you mind? There are others here, you know." Realizing she might have been too affectionate, Esther sheepishly stepped back from James.

Finnegan smiled. "You two seem to have a great relationship." James, who had noticed Finnegan's interest in Esther from the moment he entered, decided to assert his presence, especially after seeing a hint of sorrow in Finnegan's gaze. He was both proud and a bit anxious to see another man attracted to Esther. "Absolutely," James responded, his chest puffed out in pride.

Noticing that James and Finnegan were strangers, Esther introduced them. James, this is Finnegan Fox, an old friend from middle school. I wouldn't be here without his help." James's attitude softened, knowing Finnegan had played a part in Esther's safety, though he remained wary of his intentions. "Thanks for saving my Esther. If there's anything I can do for you, just ask," James offered.

Finnegan didn't need anything, but he couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, if you're offering, I do fancy something." His gaze wandered the room beforehave your girlfriend? I find her Esther. "How about} è charming." Content bet englishSW to