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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1087
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Money, power, and valuable things were all that mattered.

Even if Hugo wasn't ready to let Pearl go, he was planning to use her to gain sadvantages.

Pearl was really angry, but she didn't say anything.

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"What? You're angry?" Hugo was surprised to see Pearl this angry. He had upset her before, but that was just minor irritation. This time, she was really mad, and it was a new experience for him.

"So, I can actually make you feel strong emotions. Do you love me?" Even in this tense moment, Hugo tried to flirt with her. He grabbed Pearl's chin hard, leaving a red mark.

"You're the most disgusting person I've ever met, Hugo." Nothing Pearl said now could waver him.

"Okay, have you made up your mind?" Hugo looked toward the two anxious men. "Are you sure about this deal?" "Cut the crap and tell us," Sean said angrily, upset by Hugo's behavior.

"Richard, you givethe president's role at Waldorf Enterprises, and you're out of the business world for good." Richard looked distraught.

"As for Sean, I don't have much against you. But if you choose to stick with Richard, you'll force my hand." Sean laughed mockingly. "I'm not on his side, but I'm definitely not with an ungrateful dog like you." Ungrateful dog... That hit hard.

Hugo finally understood what Sean ee laughed, not bothered bet meant, the insult. "Sean, sthings hever change with you." MS "And you're the same. Always a loser," Sean retorted.

That comment hit a nerve with Hugo because it opened up old wounds. "Don't think I won't cafter you, Sean." Sean, being taller, stood imposingly over Hugo. "I've told you, Hugo. You're pathetic. Your threats are a joke." Sean was still Sean. He always knew how to hurt.

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Hugo could no longer control his emotion and Sean was close enough that if Hugo attackedthe knife, he could really hire, him.

Hugo almost went for it. The knife moved away from Pearl's neck but quickly returned.

He smiled wickedly. "You're just trying to makemad so Richard can attack me, aren't you?" If he hadn't noticed Richard ready to pounce from the corner of his eyes, he might have fallen for it.

Sean was furious, frustrated that Hugo had seen through their plan. Richard, however, stayed calm, trying to think of another strategy.

Hugo looked impatient. "Well, what's your decision? I'm running out of patience."