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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1081
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"Do you get it now?" Hugo spun around, unsure who Richard was talking to. At the door stood two familiar faces: Sean and Hanzel.

Hanzel looked shocked, and Sean seemed icy.

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Sensing trouble, Hugo quickly sent a few discreet messages.

"I can't believe you'd do such a thing!" Sean, normally so polished and a bit sharp with his words, was furious, his eyes red and angry. "Hugo, he's your brother! Even if you're not related by blood, you shouldn't have done that!" Sean, who wasn't a Waldorf by blood either, understood Hugo but couldn't forgive him for what he did to Mobius.

"I thought Richard was trying to protect the Waldorfs by rooting out the bad, but it was you, you monster!" Sean punched Hugo, knocking his glasses off.

Without his glasses, Hugo looked disheveled and reached out to his assistant for support.

The assistant, scared yet determined to protect Hugo, stood firm, but Sean threatened him too.

"I don't hit women, but for you, I'll make an exception." The assistant quickly moved away.

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Sean, grabbing Hugo's collar, demanded, "Why did you do it, Hugo? Why Mobius?" Hugo laughed it off. "Why would I do anything to him? Unfortunately, our little brother was too impulsive because of that woman... Racing is always a risky affair, so accidents are expected..." Sean was livid but speechless.

Pearl, from a distance, broke the silence. "When you tampered with his car, you just wanted him to break sbones, right?" Hugo's smile froze. Pearl was right; that was his initial plan.

Mobius and Richard were close, and he knew that very well. He had vel.ne wanted to paralyze Mobius to reduce obstacles for taking over Waldorf Enterprises. S Watching the race, Hugo's heart sank as the car sped up. The manager called, panicked, warning him Mobius would be in trouble if this continued.

But by then, Hugo had made a deadly decision: if anything should happen to Mobius, his car was to be destroyed.

When he saw Mobius lying in a pool of blood, Hugo felt indifferent, his ambitions outweighing his conscience.

However, with the bloody truth now revealed, Hugo was in shock.

Pearl, disappointed, shook her head. "Hugo, you're the one who should really be reflecting. To be honest, Waldorf Enterprises is fine, but you're not." Hugo immediately cto a realization. This was a trap, and they were all waiting for him to fall into it.