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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1077
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Saule knew all that. She had been recovering in the hospital, so she wasn't keeping up with things outside. But she was worried about one thing.

"Does this have something to do with Gigi?" "Yes. She purposely got close to you, then gave you something to make you pass out. She also had someone take those pictures of you. She ran into you on purpose so those people could confirm who their target was." Pearl made it sound really scary, and Saule suddenly understood what had happened.

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"That's why you didn't want her to cwith us." Pearl looked unsure for a moment. "I don't think Gigi is mean. I'm not avoiding her, but a lot has happened lately, so I had to keep her close to the Waldorfs." Saule's eyes lit up. "What happened?" Pearl took a deep breath and held the steering wheel tight. "I can't tell you now. I'll explain after everything is sorted out." Sault could tell Pearl had her reasons, so she didn't push her and just nodded.

* Three days passed quickly.

Hugo, with his assistant, visited Waldorf Residence to discuss their business.

As soon as he walked in, he noticed nothing had changed and felt a rush of emotion.

This place would soon be his.

Richard and Pearl weren't hyet; only Susan was there. When she saw him, she almost cried but held back.

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Hugo no longer saw her as his mother but still played the part of the good son.

"Hi, Mom." Susan was moved when he called her mom. She had taken care of him since he was little, and even though they weren't related by blood she still loved him. "Why are you here?" Susan didn't know Hugo was trying to take over Waldorf Enterprises. She thought he was just visiting because he missed them.

She even wanted to cook for him.

"No, Mom. I'm not here for food. I need to talk to Rick." Susan smiled, curious. "What is it about?" 1ว "You'll find out soon." Hugo shook his head. He didn't want to worry Susan with his plans, so he changed the subject and went to Hanzel's room. swn He didn't have any special ideas about Hanzel, but he noticed a cute pink Melody sticker on his door Swnov which was definitely not Hanzel's style. Thinking about it, Hugo walked up to the door.