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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1027
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"He's just a jerk. You wouldn't expect to meet a decent person at a bar." Pearl chuckled. Why would Esther think otherwise? "Alright, so I met a jerk at the bar, but we ended up having a good conversation. Then I fell asleep, and I think he put his coat over me. When I woke up, James was there. He pulledoutside and demanded to know whose coat it was." "Seems pretty straightforward," Pearl remarked, her expression softening. "What happened next?" "I didn't tell him, and he got angry. Then he tried to cheerup, like how he used to do, but..." Esther's expression soured as she remembered Sabrina. "Then that woman showed up, and he turned cold again." Pearl touched her head with a smile. "You're good at summarizing, but can't you see?" Esther shook her head, feeling disheartened. "I know he likes her, so he ignoredwhen he saw her." Pearl was distraught. Had Esther never learned comprehension? "I'm saying he must have had other reasons for pushing you away," Pearl clarified.

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Esther looked up in disbelief. "If he had reasons, he would have told me. Why keep it a secret?" Pearl shook her head. "I don't know, but it's probably not as simple as you think, at least not like what you imagined." If James wanted to push her away, he would have done it a long tago. Why would he keep her hanging, letting her go to the firm but still giving her the cold shoulder? James didn't seem like that kind of person. That was something someone with issues would do.

"Okay, so what should I do? Keep going to see him?" Esther asked, feeling lost.

Pearl's expression turned serious.

"No. If he's giving you the cold shoulder, stop going to see him. If he's trying to push you away.go along with it. Leave." S "But..." "Have sself-respect. Why are you letting him order you around? Find something else to distract yourself. Act like you don't even know him for now." Pearl suggested this partly because it seemed like a sensible approach, but also because she had her own plans. James had been leading Esther in circles for too long She couldn't just let him continue. If her suspicions were correct, and James was only acting this way because of sundisclosed reason, leaving him would surely rattle him. It was payback for hurting her best friend. Esther, always trusting Pearl's judgment, nodded, tears still lingering on her cheeks. "Okay, I'll stop seeing him." She refused to be his doormat anymore! "Don't worry. You'll bounce back," Pearl reassured her with a smile. It was tfor her to pay James a visit.

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* Pearl arranged to meet James on the weekend.

When James heard it was Pearl, he attempted to decline, but Pearl mentioned Sabrina, forcing his hand.

Descending the stairs, James found Pearl lounging on the couch, sipping coffee. "What can I do for you, Missus Pearl?"