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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1007
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"I don't believe it." Sean's expression gradually eased. He threw the document on the table and said coldly, "Maybe you and Richard are trying to trick me. I won't be easily fooled." "Why would we play such a trick?" Pearl asked.

Sean closed his eyes. "I don't know. Only you guys know." "What do we know? Sean, sometimes you sound like you've read too many and lost touch with reality," Pearl said, amused. "Do you really think Richard would kill his brother just to get the family property?" Sean looked uncomfortable, realizing Pearl had hit the mark.

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"No, Sean. You're an adult too. Do you really believe such a far-fetched idea? Are you out of your mind?" Pearl continued. Coldness gleamed in Sean's eyes. He harbored suspicions because of Richard's odd behavior. If Richard had been consistent in claiming foul play in the accident, Sean might not have doubted.

But Richard initially called it an accident before changing his story. That inconsistency raised red flags for Sean.

"I still can't fully trust you guys," Sean said after a moment of thought. "I think I need to investigate to find the truth." Pearl couldn't argue further with his stubbornness. "Fine. I won't bother you if you're set on seeing your brother that way." The negotiation failed, and Pearl sighed inwardly. If this continued, it could be manipulated by wicked people, with an uncertain outcome.

"Stop mentioning brotherhood. I don't see him as family. He's always been selfish and has no affection for us," Sean said firmly, stopping Pearl in her tracks.

"What?" "You should stop Richard's hypocrisy." Sean seemed to have bottled up his resentment for a long time. He sounded hateful.

"I didn't expect you to dwell on it so much," Pearl remarked, crossing her arms.

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s. Looks like I won't be leaving anytsoon. I need to help you deal with your bitterness." Sean twisted the bottle and smashed it on the floor. "No, I don't need your help. Just leave." "Do you hate me?" Pearl asked, getting closer and sounding lighthearted.

Sean was rendered speechless, clearly not wanting to answer.

"Fine, let's say you've misjudged Richard." Pearl sat back down and crossed her legs, waiting for his response.

"I haven't misjudged him. That's what he did. There's nothing more to discuss. If he's got a problem with me, he should ctalk to me," Sean said, ending the conversation abruptly. He opened the bedroom door and walked in, closing it firmly behind him. Despite Sean's refusal to talk, Pearl remained undeterred. She knocked on the door, unwilling to give up until she got answers. "Cout, Sean. Let's talk it out." "I've told you, there's nothing to discuss between us. If you keep insisting, I'll have to use force," Sean warned, his voice strained with anger.

"Do you still hold a grudge against me?" Pearl asked, throwing him off guard.

Sean fell silent, his expression conflicted. Eventually, he opened the door again, looking perplexed. "What exactly do you want?" mmMwWLlilOfiflo&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflo&1 mmMwWLliI0fifl0&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1