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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 1000
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"Fine! Since you're so set on helping him, don't blme for being ruthless to both of you," Hugo threatened, though deep down, disappointment gnawed at him.

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Pearl's actions felt like rubbing salt in his wounds. But before he could say more, he struggled to breathe as Richard tightened his grip around his neck.

The explosion outside was orchestrated by Richard's men, creating chaos.

Reinforcements arrived, breaking open the car door. They were relieved to see Hugo subdued. The leader grabbed the driver and threw him in front of Richard, "Here he is, Mister Richard." "Don't kill me! I swear I didn't do anything!" The driver pleaded for mercy, terrified for his life.

"Who said anything about killing you?" Richard, still holding the knife, glanced at the trembling man. "Your life isn't worth much anyway." "I know, I know. Please don't kill me," the driver begged.

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Hugo sneered at his man's pitiful state. looked at his man's pitiful state. "You're f*cking pathetic!" Both sides scorned the driver who could only kneel and tremble.

Richard pushed Hugo toward his men and turned his attention to Pearl's bleeding wound.

Seeing her lips pale and bleeding persisting, Richard decided to deal with Hugo quickly. "Strip this driver and toss him in the crowd. As for ñe Mister Hugo, he's the president of Sapphire Group, so let's maintain sdignity. Just strip him naked, maybe rough him up a bit, then leave him in the crowd." He added, "Make sure to throw them apart. We don't want anyone to recognize them." The leader grinned wickedly, ready to carry out the orders. "Don't worry, Mister Richard. I know just how to deal with him." "Good." Richard nodded, picked up Pearl, and headed to his car to take her to the hospital.

The leader glanced at Hugo, who was still defiant, and slapped him lightly. "What's the matter? You think you're skind of big shot, huh?" Not long ago, Richard had endured the streatment. Now, the tables had turned.

Hugo felt the hatred but knew hecouldn't retalate. Reacting aggressively would only lead to more trouble. So, he put on a sly smile, Hey, buddy. What are the benefits of working for Richard? You seem pretty talented. What about joining my side? I promise=" Before he could finish his sentence, the man punched him in the face. "What are you talking about? You think I care about your stupid money?" Hugo staggered back and wiped the blood from his mouth. "I'm considering your best interests. If you stick with Richard, you'll always be like this. But with me, I'll get you into the company and help you get rich and famous..." "Not bad, Hugo. You sure know how to talk. But like I said, I don't care about your money. First, I'm not a fand fortune chaser like you et Secondly, Mister Richard is much stronger than you, so following you might lead to being a sacrificial lamb. Alright, cut the crap now and stop wasting my time."