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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

Volume 7, Chapter 5: Crossing Thoughts Part 2
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Volume 7, Chapter 5: Crossing Thoughts Part 2

If all goes according to schedule, it should have been half an hour since Karuizawa went up to the rooftop.

Just when I thought Ishizaki had panickedly come running down, turns out it was so that he could fill up buckets with a large amount of water after which he went back up.

Judging from the droplets of water on the floor, he's already done it several times over.

The most probable scenario is that Ryuuen is forcing Karuizawa to relive the bullying of her past to extract a confession from her.

But then it'd mean Karuizawa didn't spit it out right away because neither the Class C folks or Karuizawa herself came back down from the rooftop.

There's the possibility that there's been a slight divergence from the scenario I envisioned.

But that's a positive divergence from my initial assumptions.

"What are you doing, Ayanokouji? How long are you going to wait here?".

After leaving the classroom with Chabashira-sensei, I observed the situation while keeping my distance from the stairs that Yamada Albert is keeping an eye on.

Just a little bit more.

Since I've come this far, there's no need for me to rush into action.

The more I delay, the more things will go the way I had planned. Of course being late comes with its own risks but it's a necessary risk I'm taking after considering the merits of doing so.

"Shall we have a chat?".

"Chat in a situation like this?".

I ignored Chabashira-sensei's doubts and started the conversation.

"It's something that happened not too long after enrollment but I remember Sudou wanting to purchase a point during the exam".

"...yeah I recall that. You and Horikita paid 100,000 points in total".

I think it's been half a year or more since then but time sure flies.

"There's nothing you can't buy with private points. That's what you said, no?".

"It's the truth. Didn't Sudou's expulsion get nullified?".

"Yes, if it's just the purchase of points then it's still grounded in logic but if that's always permitted then there would be no expulsions in the first place, would there? Whenever someone gets a failing grade, someone else just needs to cover up for them the same way. By doing so, they'd be able to avoid expulsion at least".

"But it's not easy getting your hands on private points. This Class D miraculously maintained an abundance of points but an average Class D would only have half that. Besides, it's not like your classmates would all be friendly towards you. It's not strange for a student to prioritize their private points even if it means losing class points".

"That is true. But the system itself is a defective one, is it not? As long as salvation via points is possible, the danger of expulsion in a test falls drastically".

"That might be the case".

She did not deny it but neither did Chabashira-sensei look me in the eye.

"The problem is when I asked you to sell me points, you added a price tag to it, Chabashira-sensei".

"Are you trying to say it's too expensive after all this time?".

"That's not it. What I'm trying to ask is whether or not 100,000 points for a mark is something you made up or whether there's a basis for it. It seemed like you were improvising on the spot but it's hard to imagine you'd be able to arbitrarily decide the price of a mark on your own".

"What are you trying to say, Ayanokouji?".

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"This school has already established the fine details regarding points thoroughly, has it not? There would naturally be a manual to consult when purchase of points is requested. If that's the case, then that's convincing".

"In other words, you're saying that the price I gave for a mark during Sudou's case was something prepared in advance by the school?".

"Exactly. If you could answer me please then".

There was a delay. Chabashira-sensei, who had been firing back answers straight away so far, choked on her words.

"It's not like I'll just answer anything you ask me".

"Shall I assume that means you are unable to answer?".

"Do what you will".

"Then I'll just draw up a hypothesis on my own. The school has a manual for any and all occasions and in the case of point purchase, 100,000 points for a mark is something they had already determined in advance. Assuming all of this to be true, it gives rise to another question. It's whether or not we can purchase a mark for 100,000 points every time there's a test".

"You're free to think whatever you want but what meaning is there behind this talk. Right now, Karuizawa's---".

I deflected those words and continued.

"Is it only 100,000 points per mark for a limited period of time after enrolling? Or perhaps it rises every time you make a purchase? Or maybe we can't even make that sort of purchase again? Question after question keeps popping up. Please tell me which one of them's the truth".

"Cut it out already. Do you think I can really answer a question like that? Even if I were to answer, there's no way you can confirm the veracity of that answer".

"There is. I just have to ask you directly, sensei".

I forcibly made eye contact with her as she tried to avert her eyes.

"Right now, how much would one mark cost for the next midterm test?".


Chabashira-sensei stopped speaking entirely.

"As a teacher, you are obligated to answer, aren't you? If you won't answer then I'll go ask another teacher the same question. And if they answer then I can just report to the school that the homeroom teacher of Class D is discriminating against us. Please keep in mind I have that option available".

Of course it's plenty possible that the other teachers won't be able to answer either. In that case, several possibilities come to mind. It might be that only that one mark could be purchased or maybe they aren't allowed to answer unless someone's actually received a failing grade, etc.

But being unable to answer is yet another answer in itself. It would mean that there's a manual prepared in advance for when a student's grades are insufficient.

"Are you planning on delving into the rules?".

"At the very least, there are students doing just that. Ichinose, who's rumored to be saving up points and then there's Ryuuen who's sticking with private points. It's obvious when you consider them".

They're all trying to figure out a strategy that could benefit their class through trial-and-error they conduct repeatedly daily.

"Very well. I'll answer your question. It is true that the clue to beating the school system lies in figuring out the rules regarding private points. Naturally, students from past years have tried that approach from a variety of different angles much like you're doing now. Even the defective Class D isn't an exception to that. Some were quicker than others though. And the school too, has established the fine details of the rules in advance in order to answer the questions the students have. Purchase of points, erasing violence from your record and preventing expulsion. Points necessary for all that are fixed. But a teacher is limited in the amount of things they can say. As for why, it's because most of it is prohibited. No, not even that, there are probably many things even teachers aren't aware of".

"So I was right in assuming you 'cannot answer' my question?".

"That's right".

This solves one mystery. It's that there are many things they are unable to answer us on regarding the special usage of private points unless the conditions for said usage have been met.

The price for one mark at the next midterm test has already been decided and by telling us that, it would be possible to come up with a countermeasure. But if it remains unknown to us, we wouldn't be able to do anything reckless.

Because if they tell us one mark costs 100,000 points then that'd be the end of that.

"...does this have something to do with the matter at hand?".

"No. I was just having a chat. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course, it also has nothing to do with the matter at hand".

Chabashira-sensei is unable to grasp my true intentions.

"Now then...I suppose it's time. Hide-and-seek's over".

I confirmed that it's past 2:40 on my phone.

I mailed a certain person.

I instructed them to head over to this place right away.

"I don't know the details but Karuizawa's suffering at the hands of Class C. I know that much at least. If you have no intention of stepping up then you should call someone else for help".

"I'll head over to the rooftop".

Chabashira-sensei couldn't conceal her surprise at those words.

"...are you insane? If you do that, the whole school will know about it".

"Even if Ryuuen realizes I'm the one behind all the strategies up until now, it still won't benefit him in any way. On the contrary, he might read too much into it the next time around and self-destruct, all the while thinking I'm involved".

"If you do that, you'll be famous overnight. You'll lose your quiet life at school".

There should be a certain thought smoldering within Chabashira-sensei now. That as long as my identity is kept hidden, she still has a way to make me cooperate with Class D.

But if I make contact with Class C in any way, Ryuuen will know with certainty that I'm X.

No, even if he cannot ascertain it, it's still over the moment I become his number one suspect.

Even though I've kept a low profile so far, my existence will end up becoming common knowledge.

Chabashira-sensei averted her eyes wordlessly.

"This may just be my misunderstanding".


"Chairman Sakayanagi told me about you just before enrollment commenced. That you're an extremely special student. And that you're talented. And that you're a student we must protect. And also that you were raised in a loveless environment. Taking everything into account, a conclusion was reached over the course of my discussion with the Chairman. To make you attached to this school and to make you wish to remain here. And then I told you about your father and how he wishes for your expulsion. Of course, that was a lie but it looks like it's become reality at long last".

"I see. You aren't mistaken in that it's easier to make people attached to something by giving them a goal to strive for. But unfortunately, I'm not the type of person to worry. No matter what a third party desires, I will choose to continue on at this school. At the very least, I have no intention of going back under that man's thumb right now".

"So simply trying to make use of you was my mistake, huh? For Class D to aim for Class A. Chasing a pipe dream like that was a mistake, huh?".

Chabashira-sensei spat that out as though in resignation.

But isn't it just comedic how she's given up on it so quickly?

"It's not a pipe dream. As a matter of fact, Class D is about to rise to Class C right now. In the near future, Horikita will unite this class. She definitely will".

"Yeah, you're right. They'll achieve things that have never been achieved before. I suppose that alone counts as a victory. But are you serious? About Horikita uniting the class".

"That's a line I don't want to hear from my homeroom teacher. At the very least, I believe Horikita is more than capable of leading Class D".

Although as far as Chabashira-sensei is concerned, Horikita was only the means through which she could make use of me.

"Ultimately, Horikita is beginning to mature. The majority of my classmates are the same as well. All that's left is for you to guide them as a teacher and they'll secure their position as Class C...or maybe even draw closer to Class A".

Of course, a different sort of ability is required in order to actually get there though.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Are you really stepping down?".

"That's what I currently intend on doing".

Normally speaking, a teacher isn't allowed to twist a student's feelings by using their own. Chabashira-sensei is surely aware of that too.

It's not for mere insurance that I've brought Chabashira-sensei here.

It's so that I can definitively prove to her that I'm stepping down from the class conflict.

"Let's get back to the topic at hand. You're free to boldly make your entrance. But will the problem really be resolved with just that?".

"I can't guarantee that. I'm just going to deal with it based on Ryuuen's personality and behavioral patterns. Alright then, thank you very much for accompanying me".

As the person I'd been waiting for showed up, I thanked Chabashira-sensei.

Now there's no problem even if she decides to leave.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ayanokouji".

Chabashira-sensei expressed surprise at seeing Horikita Manabu, the former student council president who just spoke to me.

"What's the meaning of this.....?".

"He's to be a witness when I settle things with Ryuuen. After all, he's the type to use any means necessary. And I'd like to avoid push coming to shove".

I understand having a teacher play the role of witness is ideal but that option is off the table.

If so, the wise thing to do would be to go with the next best option.

"Are you planning to have Horikita resolve things by doing what I said earlier?".

"Does the former student council president look like the sort of person who'd do that?".

Chabashira-sensei looked over at the older Horikita once and immediately concluded that it's out of the question.

Just like her, the older Horikita won't get unnecessarily involved either.

"There will be witnesses to what happens on the rooftop. As long as that fact stands, all is well".

It's for that reason that I made a deal with the older Horikita. Well, I suppose that's currently irrelevant.

"A few minutes after I've gone up to the rooftop, I'd like you to stop halfway on the stairs to the rooftop. There's no need to talk to the students coming back down from the rooftop nor is it necessary to punish them. Just make sure the students coming back down are made aware of your presence".

The former student council president has witnessed the students leaving the rooftop. That alone would be extremely effective against Ryuuen and his group.

"Very well. But don't forget that promise, Ayanokouji".

"Of course not. Because if I renege on it, you may choose to forget about this incident entirely".

"As long as you understand. Make it quick".

The older Horikita sent me on my way and I headed over to the corridor that leads to the rooftop.

"Wait, Ayanokouji. What would you have done on the off chance that you failed to acquire Horikita's cooperation?".

"I wonder what I would've done then".

While saying that, I thought it over. I probably would've used the one who knew about me, Sakayanagi, instead.

And if that doesn't work then---no, there's no point in considering plans that are no longer necessary.

"Either 10 minutes or 20 minutes. I plan to be back by then".