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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76 Benjamin’s Refusal

Ethen probed further after that and found out that Arissa had visited Yaleview.

Could it be that the hair samples Mr. Graham took were from Ms. York and Gavin?

Ethen’s heart skipped a beat. When he thought about the test result, he sighed.

I’m overthinking.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll look for Shaun. I’m sure he knows about it.”

Ethen shrugged his shoulders. “Mr. Bailey doesn’t know too!”

Why are they acting so mysterious?

Kingsley narrowed his eyes and flopped onto the office desk while looking at Benjamin nosily. “What’s

going on, Boss? Quick, out with it. Otherwise, I’m not leaving your office!”

Benjamin gave Ethen a look. The latter caught on and immediately yanked Kingsley off the table.

“Eh? Don’t tug at me. I haven’t gotten to the bottom of this yet.”

Nevertheless, Ethen dragged Kingsley out.

The office was peaceful once again. Benjamin pinched at the skin between his eyebrows. His good-

looking face was sunken and overcast.

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How do I tell Gavin about this?

Eyebrows furrowed, Benjamin dialed home from his mobile phone. Edwin picked up the call on the other

end and told Benjamin that Gavin had gone to school.

Upon hearing that, Benjamin was surprised.

“Mr. Graham, Gavin went to school after you left the house. I watched him from afar and saw that he has

many playmates in school. He looked very happy!”

“Good,” acknowledged Benjamin.

Gavin actually went to school without telling me?

Benjamin hung up, thinking of speaking to Gavin about this at night.

Back at school, the four little fellas gathered together to keep tabs on Danna. They created anonymous

accounts and supplied a steady stream of exposés of her evil deeds.

Jesse was taking her lessons seriously, having no knowledge of her older brothers’ antics.

Meanwhile, Arissa returned to her office and was greeted by concerned colleagues.

“Ms. York, how did the work report for Mr. Graham go?”

“It was fine!” Arissa smiled. Everyone then gave her a thumbs-up.

“You guys are free for lunch, right? It’ll be my treat. I have to be with my children at night, so I’m afraid I

won’t be available then.”

There were also married staff in the department who appreciated their evening hours being spared.

Thus, no one objected to the change.

“Anyone who knows of a good restaurant in the vicinity can help me book a reservation. It’ll just be our

department staff. We’ll head over immediately when lunch break starts!”

“I’ll do the booking!”

“Make haste with it. Any later and there won’t be any seats left!”

Everyone was in high spirits about it. Arissa smiled and headed into her office to continue her work.

It was a few minutes to lunch break. With the reservations in place, everyone was waiting to head out for

their meal.

Once it was time, everyone streamed down the stairs, bustling with anticipation.

Arissa was flanked by her staff as she walked out. When she saw Zayden at the reception, she was

briefly puzzled.

Zayden had just arrived and demanded to see Benjamin. The receptionist informed Ethen, who was on

the top floor.

Ethen asked Benjamin, “Mr. Graham, Zayden is downstairs. Do you wish to grant him an audience?”


Benjamin knew what Zayden was up to. A chill fell over his countenance.

Ethen relayed Benjamin’s decision to the receptionist, who then conveyed the same to Zayden.

“Our apologies, Mr. Adams. Mr. Graham does not have the time to see you today.”

Arissa happened to hear the exchange and looked over out of curiosity. Zayden seemed to be very

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anxious over something.

Arissa was confused.

Benjamin actually refused to see Danna’s father? Aren’t the two of them in a relationship?

“This way, Ms. York.”

“Okay! I’m coming!”

Arissa followed over swiftly.

Left with no choice, Zayden decided to wait for Benjamin in the lobby. He had to meet Benjamin.

Arissa boarded the car and asked for the address before giving Ethen a call.

“Mr. Frank, are you free? Our department is having a gathering. Do join us if you don’t have a prior


“Where is it at, Ms. York?”

Ethen was delighted at the prospect of a free meal.

Kingsley eyed him suspiciously and came close to eavesdrop on his conversation.

“It’s just one street away from the company. The place is Drawbridge Dining.”

“Great! I’ll go over now!” chimed Ethen.

Kingsley looked at him. “Is that Arissa?”

“Yes. It’s her first day at work today. Make yourself at ease, Mr. Watts. I’m going off for my meal!”

Ethen set his things in order and rushed out.